
The “Green Chair” strengthens the voice of young people and women in environmental protection

The Green Chair Network has received support from the ECO-SYSTEM program for 2024. This program aims to improve environmental protection in Serbia and helps with the implementation of the negotiating platform for Chapter 27. The Environmental Ambassadors of Sustainable Development is a member organization of the “Green Chair” coordination team and a partner in the project.

In 2024, it is planned to carry out activities to achieve…

  1. Strengthening the voice of young people: Through research and public debate, the “Green Chair” Network will advocate for greater participation of young people in decision-making on environmental protection. The research will focus on the opinions and needs of young people, and the results will be used to advocate for their interests.
  2. Improving gender equality: The network will focus on empowering women and their more active involvement in all aspects of environmental protection, as well as fertilizing the work of network members. We want women to be leaders in environmental initiatives and the fight against climate change so that their voices are equally important in decision-making processes.
  3. Sustainability of the Green Bulletin: By digitizing and expanding distribution, the Green Chair will ensure that the voice of the network reaches even more people. The goal is to make information accessible to everyone and to increase awareness and community engagement.

The ECO-SYSTEM Empowerment Programme is the main component of the project ECO-SYSTEM: Support to Environmental Reforms implemented by the Young Researchers of Serbia with the support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA). The project started in January 2020 and will run for four years.

ECO-SYSTEM 2024: The “Green Chair” strengthens the voice of young people and women in environmental protection

The Green Chair Network has once again received support from the ECO-SYSTEM program for 2024. This program aims to improve environmental protection in Serbia and helps with the implementation of the negotiating platform for Chapter 27. The Environmental Ambassadors of Sustainable Development is a member organization of the “Green Chair” coordination team and a partner in the project.

The “Green Chair” Network of Organizations brings together 68 civil society organizations dedicated to environmental protection. The network is a key actor in the actions for a sustainable future of Serbia.

In 2023, the members of the network achieved significant results through their work and engagement:

  1. Education: More than 300 activists have been educated about environmental protection through various workshops and programs.
  2. Action: Initiatives have been launched to mitigate the effects of climate change in 5 local communities, by raising awareness of the importance of solving this urgent problem.
  3. Information: The Green Bulletin, the network’s bi-weekly newsletter, has reached a large audience, spreading information on environmental protection throughout Serbia.

In 2024, it is planned to carry out activities to achieve…

  1. Strengthening the voice of young people: Through research and public debate, the “Green Chair” Network will advocate for greater participation of young people in decision-making on environmental protection. The research will focus on the opinions and needs of young people, and the results will be used to advocate for their interests.
  2. Improving gender equality: The network will focus on empowering women and their more active involvement in all aspects of environmental protection, as well as fertilizing the work of network members. We want women to be leaders in environmental initiatives and the fight against climate change so that their voices are equally important in decision-making processes.
  3. Sustainability of the Green Bulletin: By digitizing and expanding distribution, the Green Chair will ensure that the voice of the network reaches even more people. The goal is to make information accessible to everyone and to increase awareness and community engagement.

The ECO-SYSTEM Empowerment Programme is the main component of the project ECO-SYSTEM: Support to Environmental Reforms implemented by the Young Researchers of Serbia with the support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA). The project started in January 2020 and will run for four years.

Solar energy for citizens in Western Balkans

The project Solar energy for citizens in Western Balkans started in January 2023, supported by Western Balkan Fund and co-financed by EU, with the aim to promote the best practices regarding the possibility to use solar energy by citizens, informing, engaging and mobilizing citizens to be active participants in neutrality transition. During the project implementation, the WB-Solar Net web platform will be established in order to help CSOs in raising awareness on the great potential of solar energy for advancing the regional agenda for a green and sustainable economy, using innovative solutions on clean energy, and following EU Directives.

Nine partners from Albania, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia will work together to enhance the capacities of CSOs in WB in addressing the poverty energy of marginalized groups, and to advocate for improving the legislation, simplifying and shortening the administrative procedures for delivering permissions to the citizens of WB to install photovoltaic panels. It is also expected that the capacities of CSOs will be improved, in order to strengthen the cross-border dialogue for environmental protection. In addition, through the project, CSOs will gather knowledge and improve their skills in raising the awareness for quick actions for the alignment of WBC policies with the recent European directives and initiatives.

At the end of the project, a network of CSOs and other stakeholders named “Western Balkans Solar Net/Solar4WB” will be established and become functional, to serve as a hub for best practices of self-consumers of solar energy.  This will help citizens to be better informed about opportunities and possibilities, and to address the needs of marginalized groups of energy poverty. The network will provide initial recommendations on how to improve legislation, policies, and administrative procedures for potential solar energy users. The activities will be organized to update and consult the National Plans of Energy and Climate of Western Balkan countries.

The online website platform will be developed to become a future hub for CSOs, where will be presented different examples regarding the situation in the field of solar energy. Two webinars will be organized to present the situation of the solar sector, the opportunities, and the barriers. Advocacy efforts will be meetings with representatives of public institutions, TV discussions, articles in the newspapers, posts on social media, etc. The Western Balkans Solar Net, (Solar4WB) as a functional platform with data of members and stakeholders, legislation, procedures, and information on related subjects will be established and presented during the Final Conference at the end of the project.


Sustainable Development Goal 13 – Climate Action; Combating climate change and its impact in local communities

The project aims to involve representatives of the network of the international Eco-Schools program in Serbia to be more actively involved in strengthening the initiative in combating climate change, especially in local communities to which they belong, using previous experience and examples of good practice.

The project includes:

  • Analysis of the current situation related to Sustainable Development Goal 13 – Climate Action, in relation to targets, with reference to the situation in Serbia
  • Publications for extracurricular activities adapted to the age of primary school
  • Poster on climate change, age-appropriate for secondary schools .

The project is supported by the Serbian Ministry of Environment in 2020. project consists of 1/2 (2012-2016)  and 3 (2017-2020) projects. EC supported 1/2: – Development of in West Balkan and Turkey: giving citizens a voice to influence the environmental process reforms for closer EU integration, EuropeAid/132438/C/
ACT/Multi – 2012/306-642 and  2014/351-610; Partners for project implementation are: Puntosud , EASD , Co-PLAN , EEB – European Environmental Bureau, ATRC and TEMA . The project builds on the experience of an EU-funded project, namely the Environment Forum, implemented in the period 2009-2012, aiming at developing capacities of environmental NGOs to establish a constructive dialogue with national authorities. The present project strategy has been designed to achieve a greater commitment and capacity of a group of CSOs coming from Environment Forum experience and which have agreed on the creation of a new network, the, to support the civil activism, give citizens a voice and influence the public reform processes in the approximation to the environment acquis. With the view to further enhance their capacities to work with CSOs and to share experience with other European countries, EEB has accepted to participate and to share its experience. Project objective – Greater commitment and capacity of the to give citizens a voice and influence public sector reform processes in the environment sector through analysis, monitoring and advocacy. As one of the outcome National networks (to complement Regional network) were established; established Network in Serbia have 54 organizations (multistakeholders).

ENV.net3: “ENV-net factoring the environmental portfolio for Western Balkans and Turkey in the EU Policy Agenda”EuropeAid/154870/ACT/Multi ; EASD (Serbia) partners for project implementation are: 4X4X4 Balkan Bridges from North Macedonia, European Environmental Bureau from Belgium, Advocacy Training and Resource Center, from Kosovo*, Green Home, from Montenegro, Lir Evolution, from Bosnia and Herzegovina, TEMA – the Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion, for Reforestation and Protection of Natural Habitats, from Turkey and Foundation Punto,Sud, from Italy. The project contributes to the improvement of environmental policy-making and implementation in compliance with the EU standards. To this end, the network foresees to contribute to both improved and intensified inter-action among actors (including environmental CSOs, media and policy-makers) and an overall more enabling technical and financial environment where these actors operate. The action sets out to strengthen the profile of as the leading network and bridging actor in environmental policy-influencing in the WB and Turkey region (vis-à-vis EU). Further, it foresees introducing and initiating a discussion on the Circular Economy concept in the region, as well as intensifying climate change actions. The action also foresees a number of value-adding, cross-cutting elements such as inter-partner learning/exchange, networking, and thematic organisational support to third parties (i.e. local grass-root organisations, media).


Paper published: Andjelka Mihajlov, Aleksandra Mladenovic & Filip Jovanovic, Contribution to Environmental Communication: comparative analysis of two qualitative methods as the performance to European Union accession, in “Adapt to Survive. The role of social media, sharing and communication to ameliorate this world “, Conference Proceedings Book Edited by Margarita Kefalaki, Communication Institute of Greece (COMinG),Athens, p.57-66 , 2021 ( ISSN: ISBN: 978-618-85622-3-3 ), Available at

Selected activities:

March 2021:

Information paper on Climate Change and Energy

Information paper on Climate Change and Floods


August 2021:  Environmental Communication: Media Archive Reports as a Participant Science Tool

Promotion by media (Da li smo spremni za sve češće poplave?)

December 31, 2020: ENV.net3 project final steps – infographics with documents developed by EASD


Report on monitoring the progress of national environmental legislation (Chapter 27) in 2018, 2019, and half-year 2020, with projections through end-2020 / Izveštaj o monitoringu napredovanja nacionalnog zakonodavstva o životnoj sredini (Poglavlje 27) u 2018., 2019. i prvoj polovini 2020. godine, sa projekcijom do kraja 2020.godine (Extended abstract in English, Full text in Serbian)

Position Paper on COVID 19 and waste management

Circular Economy goes beyond Waste Management  presented at EurAsia Waste Management Symposium 2020

Information paper on meaning of Cluster “Green agenda and sustainable connectivity” for Serbia

Reflection paper on air quality data for Serbia

2020 Spotlight Report on Circular Economy in Serbia

EASD publication on circular economy acknowledged by European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform

Virtual tour on the experience from Italian practices in circular economy

November 2020: Joint civil society statement for Sofia Summit

EASD research presented at EurAsia Waste Management Symposium

October 2020, New Momentum for the Environmental Agenda in the Western Balkans and Turkey?

June 5,2020 – EnE20 Conference “Citizen science: Focus on Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals”

Establishment of the South East European Platform to Beat Pollution – SEEPP

Recap the moments from  EnE19/ Conference


March 2019: UN Environment : 4th Assembly (and pre- and side-events) , related event

February 2019: Advancing environmental sustainability action- Financial Support to Third Parties for Monitoring and Evidence-Based Advocacy under the ENV.Net Project –

November 2018:   To report: The first Regional Conference on Circular Economy was success   ; The first regional conference on circular economy, Belgrade, November 2018: Agenda

Call for sub-grants (6.novembar 2018:  Otvoren poziv za dodelu sub-grantova u okviru projekta)

YRE competition: apply before February 1, 2019.; Theme: Energy Efficiency Initiative: to update National Strategy on Sustainable Use of Natural Resources and Goods, by applying Circular Economy concept ; Initiative and Knowledge based advocacy: to update National Strategy of Sustainable Use of Natural Resources

Circular economy knowledge based advocacy in Eco-schools network in Serbia




May 2018. Guest lectures made at two Universities in Serbia:  “Circular economy is concept and process, and still not full circle”  ; Participation at the Green Parliamentary Group meeting

Newsletter Env NET 2018 March


Follow project at : and

February 2018 – 3 Kick-off Meeting in Tirana


In December 2017. we started with 3 :    ENV-net factoring the environmental portfolio for Western Balkans and Turkey in the EU Policy Agenda  (reference number 2017/394-372) 3 – Serbia team include: Aleksandra Mladenovic –National Coordinator and Manager. In addition, Thematic experts/consultants, on demand, are Prof dr Andjelka Mihajlov and Filip Jovanovic, and Media communication expert, on demend, is Milica Momcilovic.


Development of in West Balkan and Turkey: giving citizens a voice to influence the environmental process reforms for closer EU integration – EuropeAid/132438/C/ACT/Multi – 2012/306-642 and  2014/351-610 (2012-2016)

The project builds on the experience of an EU-funded project, namely the Environment Forum , implemented in the period 2009-2012, aiming at developing capacities of environmental NGOs to establish a constructive dialogue with national authorities. The present project strategy has been designed to achieve a greater commitment and capacity of a group of CSOs coming from Environment Forum experience and which have agreed on the creation of a new network, the, to support the civil activism, give citizens a voice and influence the public reform processes in the approximation to the environment acquis. With the view to further enhance their capacities to work with CSOs and to share experience with other European countries, EEB has accepted to participate and to share its experience.  Project objective – Greater commitment and capacity of the to give citizens a voice and influence public sector reform processes in the environment sector through analysis, monitoring and advocacy.

Partners for project implementation are:  Puntosud ,  EASD   Co-PLAN , EEB – European Environmental Bureau  , ATRC   and  TEMA . EASD Activity circles  represent the scope of our activities. 

Project launched site for presentation of activities in all participating countries, as well as facebook  page and Newsletters. 1/2– Serbia team include: Dr Nataša Žugić Drakulić –National Coordinator and   Filip Jovanović – project manager , chosen in transparent process by „ Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development“, partner organisation in this project. In addition, National consultant for European integration is Prof dr Andjelka Mihajlov , dr Hristina Stevanović Čarapina is leading expert .

__________________________________ Serbia network is functioning : Some of activities could be followed only in Serbian, like calls to participate, and other actions targeted to citizens in Serbia.


Highlights: publications

October 2016:Regional conference  “The environmental challenges, EU enlargement and public participation – the role of media on advocating environmental issues! 

June 2016: Agenda,  WED Messages from Serbia: 12th Regional Conference “Environment to Europe” , REPORT FROM, BELGRADE, SERBIA

April 2016 – Course: CSO Participation in Accession Process , Chapter 27: CSOs participation

March 2016 – New internet portal: Greenweb

January 2016 – Save the date for Conference ; We participate: Regional Conference: „Sustainability of the FPAs” , Brussels . Water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus assessment in the Sava River Basin – Lessons learned and further steps

October – December 2015 – Ministry support to , Event

October – Partnership for Climate Change issue : Serbia’s climate talks – on the way to Paris

June 11 – European Commission Vice-President Mr Maroš Šefčovič had meeting with CSOs in Belgrade. EASD participate!

June 7 – promotion  in town Gornji Milanovac , Green day in Gornji Milanovac

June 5 – Regional Conference ”Environment to Europe” EnE15 – EU Environmental Horizontal Legislation: Methods, Standards and Tools  , Invitation , AGENDA , Proc. of papers

May 26, 2015 – Promotional activity

April 21, 2015 – Participation in Public Hearing on Climate Change related challenges in Republic of Serbia

April – THE ELEVENTH REGIONAL CONFERENCE ENVIRONMENT TO EUROPE – ENE15 – ENV.NET acknowledged as the European Sustainable Development Week event

March 22 – Celebrating the World Water Day in Serbia: field visit to Ada Ciganlija

February 2, 2015: Invitation for Conference launched

January 29, 2015: A Guideline of EU Accession Monitoring Tools for CSOs in candidate and potential candidate countries ( region): Chapter 27 , document finalized

January , 2015: Promotion of Publication

December 31: Thematic Publication “Environment to Europe”, 2014 ( Tematski zbornik radova “Životna sredina ka Evropi”)

December 12: Serbia Seminar: Environmental Education in Schools

November 24-25, on the margins of ECF Annual Meeting in Brussels with European Commision

November 4-5 , Regional training on the process of designation of potential Natura 2000 sites

October 30 – Conference “EU accession in the field of environmental protection and the role of local authorities” 

October 28 – Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection is co-funded project , contract signed

October 22-23, Belgrade: training: “EU project design process and Implementation of environmental policy”, Invitation , Agenda , Training

October 2014 – brochure published and presented

October 14 – related:  Participation on Conference “Eco-standards and Education”

October 8 – “Little progress has been made in the areas of environment and climate change”

September 29 – Round-table Dialogue for Green Future ( okrugli sto sa niškim srednjoškolcima “Dijalogom ka zelenijoj budućnosti“) (sub-grant)

September 23-25,  Brussels: preparatory partnership meeting and Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA) Closing Event for Phase I 

September 19-24 , We are following Explanatory Screening for the Chapter 27

September 9 – Peer Review mission on the state of play of the implementation of selected EU environmental Directives in Serbia : meeting related nature protection, participation

August 29 –  (sub-granting) publication published  PUBLICATION : “Species of plants and animals of special conservation concern in EU” , in Serbian

July 27 – Partnership with media – Radio Beograd 2

June 19 – Eco-package initiative as the example environmental education for the future EU citizens

June 5 – CONFERENCE , multi-stakeholder Conference on Chapter 27: about 200 participants






June 4 – Meeting with media , Moments from the Conference for Media

May 29, 2014 – Serbia Conference organisation on the good trackAgenda for EnE14/ Conference “Environment to Europe”, June 5, 2014 in SCC – opening at 10:00

May 22-24, 2014 – 4th Partners Meeting in Milan

May 13, 2014 – European Solar Days – participation in promotion of EU environmental values






May 10, 2014 – Let us clean up Europe! event: Ada Ciganlija Beograd ; Serbia with children, parents and teachers “cleaning up Serbia” , Event in pictures

May 22-24, 2014 – 4th Partners Meeting in Milan

May 7-8, 2014 – Some of Partners meet in the corridors of ECRAN ECF Meeting

April 25, 2014 – UNEP acknowledged 2014 Conference as the World Environmental Day Event

April 5, 2014 – Education for future citizens of EU: guest lecturing at the Law Faculty

April 4, 2014 – EU Delegation to Serbia: Consultative Meeting with CSOs on progress towards EU in 2014

Aprl 4, 2014 – We participated to the meeting related to EU-Serbia Civil Society Joint Consultative Committee – JCC

April 2, 2014 – ECRAN NGOs Environment and Climate Change Forum – Evaluation Outcome – Congratulation to partners!!!!

April 1, 2014 – Protego and Protecta sign subcontracting contracts

Marc 20-9, 2014 – EASD written contribution to the 2014 Progress Report

March 25,  2014 – Participation on UNECE consultation related to the 3rd EPR for Serbia

March 23, 2014 – sub-grants winners announced ,

March 20, 2014 – We participate on Panel at Faculty of Organisation Sciences – University of Belgrade : Knowledge about Environment

March 9, 2014 – Technical (formal requests) evaluation of sub-grants application finished: 45 projects eligible for further evaluation 

March 6, 2014 – Promotion of global activity EARTH HOUR (Marh 29, 20:30-21:30)  and call for participation

March 4-6, 2014 – We participate in Zagreb on Workshop on Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus Assessment in the Sava River Basin

From February 2014 – EU negotiation process: we are following explanatory screenings

February 26, 2014 – In accordance with procedure, QUESTIONS by potential applicants with our ANSWERS are posted on web site on February 26, at 07:00 , taking in account questions received by February 25 at 23:59

February 20-21, 2014 – Serbia participated in defining the first strategic framework for CSOs development

February 18,2014- Knowledge based advocacy: Environment should be within priorities in the negotiations with EU

February 13, 2014 – Environment in youth policy in Serbia

February 12, 2014 – Meeting with ENVAP2 Project representatives

February 7, 2014 – Participation on Training related the Sector Planning Documents – SPDs

February 1, 2014 – Call of proposals for sub-granting in Serbia  “EU: we watch and learn to be ready!”

January 30, 2014 – Participation on public hearing by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) Study Group

January 30,2014 – Thematic meeting of the SECO mechanism on IPA II programming

January 30, 2014 – Participate in the Mapping of CSOs and other stakeholders in in the process of EU accession negotiations

January 19, 2014 – EASD / Team reading of European Parliament Resolution, January 2014

January 07, 2014 –  Starting preparation for 2014 Round-table / Conference

January 2, 2014 – Attention to ENVIRONMENT in EUROPA DAIRY


December 23, 2013 – Workshop on environmental values for kindergarten children from Sombor (Minutes) ,  Participation on meetings in Nature Protection Institute and Agency for Environmental Protection

Decembar 20, 2013 – In media : Promotion of knowledge based information

December 20, 2013 – Environmental Education for future EU citizens , Minutes 

December 17, 2013 – region news: European Affairs ministers give green light to Serbia’s EU negotiations

December 16, 2013: Workshop for strategic planning of further work SECO mechanism

December 3, 2013 – presented to the master students of Faculty of Security Studies

December 2, 2013 – Eye on EU integration process: Parliament of Serbia , Eye on SEE regional cooperation

November 28, 2013 – Meeting  FPA project grantees with DG Enlargement representative

November 25, 2013 – Partnership with Media : Partnership agreement with Journalist’ Association of Serbia

Environmental Education of future EU citizens: Activity on November 19,2013

  Acknowledging the outreach of Survey and 2013 Roudtable recomendations, EASD – Serbia recognized importance of  children/youth education  for active EU citizenship , through promotion of EU environmental values. We would like to share moments from kindergarten “Pčelice”, from village Šetonje, as promotion event for environmental values in education.  With children and teachers, as well as EASD Team, there were Prof dr Ivica Radovic and mr Ljubiša Antonijević, assistant ministers for education and science.

Partnership with municipality – On November 18., 2013, project presented on the Round table in Municipality Vračar (within City of Belgrade).

Cooperation with TACSO Serbia – On November 15. 2013, in Belgrade, TACSO Advisory Committee (LAG) organized a consultative meeting with representatives of civil society organizations and networks and Serbian civil society expert community.  At the meeting a draft of a document on the assessment needs of civil society in Serbia was discussed.

EASD prepared Opinion and contribution to the Draft Strategy Paper for the Republic of Serbia 2014-2020. Through SECO mechanism opinion is sent to Governmental Office for European Integration. Opinion is based on  Serbia 2013 Progress Report and Strategy – Reading by Serbia Team .

Organisation capacity building process: EASD acknowledged becoming IPEN network Participating Organization

CSOs at the First constituting meeting of European Union-Serbia Stabilization and Association Parliamentary Committee

Eye on environmental laws changes: monitoring compliance with EU directives

November 2013. – The third partnership meeting in Milan

28. October – Meeting with European Parliamentarians Serbia Team prepared document: Reading of 2013 Progress Report for Serbia and Strategy by Serbia Team ( Serbia 2013 Progress Report and Strategy – Reading by Serbia Team ).


22. and 23 October – Education on sustainable management of lead/chemicals

October 18 – EC Delegation in Serbia, present to relevant CSOs, on October 18, 2013 , Serbia Progress Report 2013, in which the Commission services present their assessment of what Serbia as the candidate country has achieved over the last year.

October 2013 : Participated on different events organized to raise awareness to EU approximation environmental challenges.

Promotion of facebook page!

October 2, 2013 –  team participated at the First SEE Regional Science Promotion Conference (SCIPROM), opened  in Belgrade, with the aim to bring together science promotion professionals, practitioners and enthusiasts to share experience and network in order to strengthen the link between science and society in our Region.  In the current competitive global environment it is an imperative to enhance economic and social capacities by improving the educational structure of society, inspiring innovation and technological advancement and creating a milieu for appreciation of the value and benefits of knowledge. In the opening address, Minister for Education, Science and Technology development of Serbia underlined, among others the importance of knowledge based actions, as well as the importance of drinking water for development. Conference bring international experts and representatives of international organizations, research and educational institutions, science camps, science communicators, NGOs, private sector and media on board.

This conference justify the path of Serbia implementation and development,  linking European Integration, Knowledge based activities and sectors : Education, Science and Environment/Natural Resources.


Waste management and water management are considered as two important segments of environmental acquis and studies in this area represent an important aspect of project. Environmental accession status of Serbia ( waste , water  and EIA thematic issues) was presented by EASD team at International Conferences in Vienna (Austria) and Zadar (Croatia), as well as on chemicals at SAICM Regional Meeting (Skopje, Macedonia FYR).

In addition, possible partnerships are discussed with other participants and interested CSOs.

In Skopje, EASD representative met Macedonian 4x4x4 BB representative on September 26, 2013, to discuss possible enlargement of project to Macedonia.


Promotion of site in place  Join us!

Added value for Serbia is EASD activities within the development of Post-Rio+20 Agenda.

Office for Cooperation with Civil Society organized on September 6, 2013 Conference devoted to negotiating Chapter 27 (Environment). Presentation (in Serbian) from the Conference includes: Poglavlje 27 pregovoriIskustvo R SlovenijeNatura 2000 MinistarstvoUloga civilnog drustva u monitoringuNatura 2000 NGO )

September 2013: project presented in the Ministry of Education, Science and Development of Serbia (Meeting of the National Committee for Environmental Education Programs)


August 2013. – Snapshot analysis : While waiting for EC 2013 Progress Report


July 2013 – By invitation, Prof dr Hristina Stevanovic Carapina, had plenary lecture: RELIABILITY OF DATA ON WASTE GENERATION IN THE APPLICATION OF LCA AS A  PREREQUISITE IN DECISION-MAKING PROCESS ABOUT THE INTRODUCTION OF RECYCLING IN MUNICIPALITY OF BOR , at the eight Symposium “Recycling Technologies and Sustainable Development”

Circular economy as part of the concept of sustainable development of society

The project was created with the aim of informing the public about the values of the concept of circular economy and presenting previous experiences and examples of application of circular economy in educational institutions in Serbia. In this regard, in the period July-November 2019, consultations with prominent representatives in the sectors of economy, science, state and local government and the non-governmental sector were organized. Key stakeholders involved in the development of the concept of circular economy in Serbia were mapped, especially in relation to entrepreneurial initiatives of educational institutions, women and youth, as well as other institutions and organizations who showed experience and achievements in the application of the concept of circular economy in Serbia. Achievements in the circular economy were presented to the general public, through publications and public presentations, with involvement of Eco-schools coordinators as the main force in knowledge based advocacy activities.

Project is supported by Ministry of Environmental Protection.

Zlatibor Mona hotel – the only hotel in Serbia outside of Belgrade with international ecocertification “Green Key”

The Zlatibor Mona hotel has always been renowned as a business dedicated to upholding the tenets of social responsibility. This has recently been officially recognized with our having satisfied the requirements for the Green Key, the reception of which marks a new epoch in the social awareness of our business operation. Through numerous activities, we continue to contribute to environment protection, raising ecological awareness of staff and guests alike, as well as local community development. We strive to continue to advance in the sphere of sustainable business and to implement all the measures possible toward the realization of the Green Key aims. We proudly point out that we are the first Serbian hotel brand, as well as the only hotel in Serbia outside of Belgrade to receive this prestigious certificate.

“It is with great pleasure that I can say we received the “Green Key” certificate thanks to the dedication of our entire team and that all our employees have recognized the importance of the initiative and came on board of this global environmental movement. With regard to the fulfillment of the certificate requirements, many were completed already in 2007, with the renovation of the hotel, and our operation now accommodates all the criteria, including water consumption control, electrical energy expenditure, and the exclusive use of environmentally friendly chemical products.”

Ivan Vitorović, Chief Executive Officer of Mona Hotel Management

The Great Plant Hunt: Eco-Schools Toyota Biodiversity Educational Project

The project is a joint initiative of Toyota Motor Europe and the Foundation for Environmental Education, with focus on biodiversity, especially on plants and their associated species. The campaign was officially launched in November 2015. In Year 1, it was run in ten countries throughout Europe. In Year 2, which started in September 2016, the number of countries increased to 15, including Serbia and EASD participation (participating countries are Serbia, Belgium-Flanders, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Slovenia, Spain). The campaign includes educational aspects, based on FEE Educational Principles, and practical activities based on resources developed by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew with funding from the Welcome Trust.

The campaign aims to educate students about biodiversity, its importance and encourage them to take positive action.

Objectives are:
– Develop young people as advocates for conservation
– Promotion of local biodiversity actions
– Develop science based resources in line with the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD) principles to allow teachers to promote biodiversity education activity
– Promote critical thinking by “go and see” study approach (learn by doing)
– Consistent with Convention on Biological Diversity/Green Corridor
– Help meet EU/UN targets for biodiversity education

More about implementation actions in Serbia  (in Serbian) and  also at (in Serbian).

On June 26, 2020 project is finished.





The iconic Blue Flag is one of the world’s most recognised voluntary eco-labels awarded to beaches, marinas, and sustainable boating tourism operators. In order to qualify for the Blue Flag, a series of stringent environmental, educational, safety, and accessibility criteria must be met and maintained. National operator in Serbia is EASD.

EASD Activity circles  represent the scope of our activities. EASD was approved as the FEE FULL MEMBER ORGANISATION at FEE GA in June 2014.

Related documents for application , as well as activities,  are posted in Serbian , and on separate FEE Serbia web page.


Blue Flag NOM 2018 in Greece: EASD participate

EASD participate at 2017 Blue Flag National Operator Meeting 

Blue Flag (and Green Key) for beaches and marinas among EEA TOUERM (Tourism and Environment Reporting Mechanism) Indicators

Serbia: Blue Flag 2017 Ceremony at beach on “Belgrade Sea”

2017 International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development  

November 2016:  Serbian Visions 2016 : Blue Flag and Green Key programs presented by  FEE SERBIA (EASD)

October 2016: Blue Flag NOM 2016: EASD participate 


June 2016: Blue Flag for Ada Ciganlija beach

January 2016: National jury and Committee for FEE programs in Serbia

October 2015 EASD at 2015 Blue Flag NOM

October 2015 SDGs as the relevant part of the context within which FEE operates

Blue Flag 2015 National Jury Meeting, January 2015

Blue Flag 2014 National Jury Meeting , February 2014


National FEE Committee Meeting, September 6, 2013 


In 2013 Ada Ciganlija-Sava Lake Beach in Belgrade deserved the second time this important international certification.

Activity on Blue Flag Beach in Serbia among the five continental winners of the 3rd IOC Sport and Environment Awards. This is recognition for outstanding initiatives in the field of environment and sustainable sport, in particular cleaning the bottom of the lake. See also FEE site.


In the publication  ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION ACTIVITIES HANDBOOK 2013,   3 pages are examples from Serbia: Serbia, p.18, Serbia, p.28 and Serbia, p.71


2013 Blue Flag National Jury meeting held in February 2013.


In 2012 only Ada Ciganlija-Sava Lake Beach in Belgrade deserved this important international certification. Nominated by National Jury to be awarded with Blue Flag in 2013 (noted in media  )

Feasibility Study BF Serbia – 2011

Participation at UNEP Global Major Groups and Stakeholder Forum, Global Ministerial Environment Forum and High-Level Gender Forum

Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development  participated at the “Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum (GMGSF-14)”, and “The First Universal Session of the Governing Council/ Global Ministerial Environment Forum (GC-27/GMEF),” Nairobi, 16-22 February 2013.  Ministers meeting for the first time under universal membership of 193 member states- again as a result of the decisions taken and adopted last year at Rio+20 and the UN General Assembly later in the year- adopted a welter of other decisions relating to the way UNEP will operate and work as the global platform for environmental policy-making and action over the coming years and decades.  Governments called for  the transformation of the existing Governing Council into a UN  Environment Assembly of UNEP and to build stronger links between UNEP’s science-based Global Environment Outlook process and its ministerial meetings – further implementing the call  by member states at Rio + 20to strengthen the science-policy interface. 

Among the wealth of other decisions taken at the first Universal Membership of the UNEP Governing Council were: 1.  A UNEP-led consortium will host and coordinate the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) which will be the implementing arm of the Technology Mechanism of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), 2. The CTCN will work on leap-frogging the technical and financial hurdles to the even greater take-up of clean and renewable energies to low carbon tranportation and energy efficient buildings, 3. Full operationalization of a decade-long initiative to decouple economic growth from unsustainable use of natural resources and pollution generation-the 10 Year Framework of Programmes for Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns (10YFP for SCP), 4. The UNEP-hosted initiative will assist countries in areas from sustainable public procurement, lifestyles and education to sustainable buildings and construction and sustainable tourism, including ecotourism – again bringing from outcome to implementation other key aspects of the Rio+20 Future We Want, 5. Governments also decided to convene in October this year an intergovernmental diplomatic conference to formally adopt the Minamata Convention on Mercury that was agreed  in January in Geneva under a UNEP-facilitated negotiation-again a further implementation of the Rio+20 outcome document.

Over 1300 participants from 147 countries, including 80 ministers, representatives of UN agencies, international organizations, academia, NGOs, business and industry, and women and youth organizations attended the first Universal Session of the GC following the decision of the United Nations General Assembly to strengthen and upgrade UNEP, as called for in the Rio+20 outcome document. Delegates adopted 13 decisions, on inter alia:

–       the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES);

–       coordination across the UN system, including the Environment Management Group (EMG);

–       oceans;

–       sustainable consumption and production;

–       the green economy in the context of sustainable development;

–       advancing justice, governance and law;

–       state of the environment; and

–       chemicals and wastes.

The GC adopted a decision on institutional arrangements that, inter alia, invites the UN General Assembly to rename UNEP’s governing body “UN Environment Assembly,” and provides that the body “will ensure” the active participation of all relevant stakeholders and explore new mechanisms to promote transparency and effective engagement of civil society in its work and that of its subsidiary bodiesinter alia, by: developing by 2014 a process for stakeholder accreditation and participation that builds on the existing rules of procedure and takes into account the inclusive modalities of the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) and other relevant UN bodies.

The day before the Governing Council got underway, the Network of Women Ministers and Leaders for the Environment (NWMLE) and UNEP hosted the second High-Level Gender Forum. Prof Andjelka Mihajlov participates, by invitation to “Gender Forum” as a member of the “Network of Environmental Women Ministers and Leaders”, as the former Minister for Protection of Natural Resources and Environment.  The forum participants called upon ministers and environmental leaders to have dedicated officials for coordination of related gender and environment programmes and agreed to send a consolidated proposal on gender actions to be forwarded for consideration by UN Secretary General’s High-level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post 2015 Development Agenda. The women ministers also requested nations to support the ratification of the Minamata convention on Mercury, which opens for signing in October.

More about meetings at .  Moments from EASD participation are in Galleries of pictures. These activities are foreseen as the important international cooperation activities.

Prior to this, organisation participate at Rio+20 Conference.

Regional Environmental Cohesion


Initiative – Environmental Cohesion Initiative as the strategic concept is visionary perspective, promoting “environment as the no-borders concept” and “environmental soft diplomacy” tool for regional cooperation. Initiated in Western Balkan in 2003 by at that time Serbian Minister for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment, through different  Project implementation, become Process.

Our projects implemented (2005-2011)

Project Partners Snapshots
Building a common ‘green’ future in Europe (Regional Initiative for cohesion in the field of environment), project supported by Open society Fund
Environmental Ambassadors-Serbia,Biosfera – Macedonia,Most – Montenegro,Konak-Kosovo territory,Center for Energy Efficiency – Bosnia and Herzegovina,Sun of Liquenas – Albania
The platform SEE Regional Delaration on Environmental Cohesion as the tool to EU integration and Sustainable Development is approved in 2006 (on Regional FORUM EfE07 Preparatory Meeting in Belgrade, June 5th). Further, Declaration is presented at UNECE Committee on Environment Policy, Ad Hoc Preparatory Working Group of Senior Officials “Environment for Europe”, Second meeting, Geneva, 29-30 June 2006, with request to include it in Belgrade 2007 Conference.
RENCO – Regional Environmental Cohesion: Towards sustainable development strategy for urban South-East Europe, project supported by Sida and Serbian Ministry of Environment
I. Čarapina, N. Azemovski, S. Stevović, M. Apostolovski, M. Šarić, L. Bratić, A. Jovanović, T. Knez-Milojković, Z. Moravčević, A. Knez-Milojković, A.Mihajlov, REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL COHESION: TOWARDS SEE URBAN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY (RENCO), Sustainable Spatial Development of Towns and Cities, Thematic Conference Proceedings, Volume 1 (M. Vujošević, ed.), Institute or Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia, ISBN: 978-86-80329-51-2, Belgrade, 2007, pp.279-296 ( In Serbian rad ICarapina i dr RENCO-final)
Regional environmental advocacy and cohesion of the Western Balkans (abbreviation: REA), Project supported by the the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
„ Urban Research Institute (URI)“ (Tirana),„Center for ecology i energy“ (Tuzla),„Advocacy Training and Resource Center“ (Pristina),„4x4x4 Balkan Bridges“ (Skopje),„Green Home“ (Podgorica),„Center for modern skills“ (Beograd)„Environmental Ambassadors“ from Belgrade, as the Regional coordinator.
Bells movement
Needs for Tailored Knowledge and Skill-Based Education for Sustainable Development: Balkan Environment Life Leadership Standards Courses 

Process, since 2003 

From 2003, when initiated, though project implemented, Regional Environmental Cohesion toward EU integration and Sustainable Development become Process, having different paths of implementation in years 2012+.

With our activities in years 2013+, Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development, is further supporting this strategic mission, through project implementation (like, Environment to Europe)


Projects 2004-2011

  • Sustainable Development and Environment towards EU: “EnE – Environment to Europe” Conferences 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, in cooperation with Serbian Chamber of Commerce
  • E-communication standards , 2011, supported by Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning
  • “Support to the Department of Planning, Programming, Monitoring and Reporting on EU Funds and development assistance to the Office for European Integration of Serbia, for establishing a partnership to promote the use of international assistance “, participant as the member of leading SEKO Consortium for Environment and Energy, 2011 ,
  • Ecological footprint: analysis and training, project supported by UNESCO, 2011
  • Possible aspects of environmental protection and natural resource management for Rural Development, supported as advisory project in the “Project on Transitional Agriculture Reform,” World Bank , 2011, 2011/2012, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia
  • Environment Forum , project supported by EC (DG Environment)
  • Analytical study of the impact of air pollution on the population in selected urban locations (Pancevo, Vrsac, Bor), (participation in the project with the questioning of citizens in selected locations on the subject), a project supported by the ministries responsible for the environment and for science
  • Hazardous Waste Management, TAIEX DG Enlargement INFRA 32384 project, 2009
  • Say Yes to Palilula , project supported by City of Belgrade Municipality Palilula
  • Modify habits – keep Belgrade clean!, the project supported by the Secretariat of Environment of Belgrade
  • Hit the right tone by use environmentally friendly rules , project supported by City of Belgrade Municipality Vracar
  • Regional environmental advocacy and cohesion of the Western Balkans (abbreviation: REA), Project supported by the Embassy of Nederland (2009-2011) , REA Project Snapshots , Courses
  • Children – the guardians of municipality,  project supported by City of Belgrade Municipality Vozdovac
  • Local Environmental Security (abbreviation: LES), project supported by OSCE in Serbia, LES Brochure
  • Keep it healthy, keep it green, keep it European , project supported by NDI
  •  Involvement of NGOs in Serbia in the research of renewable energy sources, a project supported by the EU
  • My Belgrade – My Environment , the project supported by the Secretariat of Environment of Belgrade
  • Local strategic planning , project supported by City of Belgrade Municipality Stari Grad
  • Technology Transfer Partnerships, project supported by CIDA
  • Sustainable development and environmental leaders for tomorrow, 2006/2007, MATRA
  • Building a common ‘green’ future in Europe (Regional Initiative for cohesion in the field of environment), project supported by Open society Fund
  • RENCO – Regional Environmental Cohesion: Towards sustainable development strategy for urban South-East Europe, project supported by Sida and Ministry of Environment
  • Women as the Voice for Sustainable Development and Environment , project supported by CIDA, WAVE_Report_2007-draft
  • Education courses for provincial and local authorities on public participation in decision-making related to the Environmental Impact Assessment and Strategic Impact Assessment , Project supported by Ministry of Environment