The second online webinar “ADVOCATING FOR SOLAR ENERGY FOR THE CITIZENS OF THE WESTERN BALKANS “ will be organized on June 16 2023, from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m., in the frame of the project “Solar energy for citizens in Western Balkan” financed by WBF.
The overall objective of the project is to promote and advocate the best practices of self-producers of solar energy, to facilitate the exchange of information and knowledge among stakeholders, and to raise awareness of the initiatives and innovative solutions on clean energy that must be adopted by policy and decision-makers, aiming to build partnership and common actions in WB for unlocking the great potential of solar energy and advancing the regional agenda of sustainable development.
This webinar will gather representatives of NGOs, universities, and business communities from several WB countries to be informed and discuss the policies, legislations, and regulations of the solar energy sector in North Macedonia and Serbia.
The agenda of the event: Agenda webinar June 16 2023 BWN
The invitation letter: invitation letter
Date and time: 16 June from 10-12 a.m (CET)
You may join us at the Webinar link:
Schools go green and digital – and Erasmus+ supports teaching excellence!
A European Conference on the Challenges of Schools in the Face of climate change and digitalization was held in Bonn from May 3 to 5, 2023. With more than 200 participants in EU and WB countries, it was a really great opportunity to exchange best practices on how teachers are finding balance in the on and off-line world, how to learn to grow by protecting the environment and humans or to present possibilities of Teacher Academy to going green and digital.
Exhibition of best practices and exchange of experience, presentations of best practices in parallel groups, open space, partner finding, and parallel group discussions provided very well-organized opportunities to present results of different Erasmus + projects around Europe. Participants also received information about the Erasmus+ Programme and funding opportunities. Photo: ©PAD/Marcus Gloger
Most of the present teachers searched and found partners for future projects. In the end, the chances of eTwinning for future teachers were presented, and how to build resilience to disinformation in a digital media age.
Environmental Ambassadors had the opportunity to present the main results of the ongoing Erasmus + project “Forest-our long-life teacher” (ForLife), which is led by Association Doves from Slovenia, in partnership with Environmental Ambassadors from Serbia and Jump Association from Italy. This project focuses on the fight against climate change, covering inclusion and diversity of all fields of education and supporting teachers in gathering knowledge and green skills development. So far, three trainings under the projects are organized in Slovenia, Serbia and Italy, one online international conference and a lot of materials for teachers and students are produced. The project will be ended in August 2023.
A Holistic Approach to Education for Sustainable Development – 2023 National Operators Meeting
National Operators Meeting for programs Eco-Schools, Learning about Forests (LEAF), and Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) was held in Rabat, Morocco, in March 2023, with the support of The Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection.
With the participation of almost 100 participants from more than 50 countries around the world, NOM was a great opportunity to:
• offer an integrated approach to Education for Sustainable Development through the Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE), Learning about Forests (LEAF) and Eco-Schools programs.
• reflect on the successes and challenges of the global FEE network since 2020 and the progress being made in the three GAIA 20:30 strategic areas of empowering climate action, protecting global biodiversity and reducing environmental pollution.
• reflect on the development of the three educational programs and identify strategies to improve the quality of deliverables across different contexts in each program.
• identify and develop an action plan to scale up the outreach of the programs through the Greening Education Partnership with UNESCO and the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration Educational Challenge.
• share and learn with and from each other.
Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development (EASD) run the Eco-Schools program in Serbia since 2012. Currently, there are more than 150 educational institutions in Serbia that participate in the program. Through different projects, EASD encourages Eco-Schools to become the main force in promoting Education for Sustainable Development among the wider communities they belong to.
4th Meeting of the Intersessional Process for Considering SAICM and the Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste Beyond 2020, Bucharest 2022
EASD is participating at the fourth session of the Intersessional Process for Considering the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) and the Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste Beyond 2020 (IP4) in Bucharest , August/September 2022. From Serbia, beside Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development (EASD), NGO Safer Chemicals Alternative – ALHem also participated. A summary report of IP4 by ENB which includes also a brief summary of SAICM’s history as well as of the history of the intersessional process.
As the meeting result Co-Chairs’ consolidated text is achieved. achievement, and resume it in early 2023 at a time and venue to be set by the Bureau in consultation with relevant stakeholders.
The UN General Assembly recently adopted a resolution establishing access to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment, a universal human right. At the same time, recent scientific evidence shows that the global threat of plastic and chemical production has exceeded the “planetary boundaries” for chemical pollution. In addition, the global chemical industry is projected to double by 2030, with rapid growth in emerging economies.
The CEE Region recognizes the need for greater cooperation among stakeholders aiming at strengthening the capacities of developing countries and countries with economies in transition for integrated management and promoting the adequate transfer of cleaner and safer technology. Moreover, great deal of attention should be dedicated to raising awareness of chemicals and waste issues among the responsible institutions, agencies, with improvement of the multi-sectorial and multi-stakeholder cooperation.
EASD position (within IPEN umbrella) is to believe that the SAICM is key to advancing the sound management of chemicals and waste considering human health and the environment. Some of important issues pointed out by IPEN include:
– SAICM is the only instrument we have today to address most chemicals and waste but its goals were not met although progress was made. SAICM should strengthen its open, inclusive, participatory and transparent structure which should be multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder; From our perspective we need an agreement for a strong SAICM-Beyond-2020 Framework that goes beyond the Dubai Declaration and secures ambitious targets for prevention and reduction of harmful chemicals and waste globally bringing about real change.
– The science-to-policy panel should be a tool to raise awareness about the existing scientific knowledge and allow it to take action on emerging issues and issues of concern that were already agreed upon in SAICM; Also, should also have inclusive participation, allow the consideration of different forms of knowledge including from indigenous peoples, and take into account gender-specific dimensions;
– The scope shall include chemicals and all waste throughout their lifecycle.
– That objectives for the industry involvement and other financial commitments are reflected in targets, indicators, and milestones and that monitoring and reporting instruments track progress on financial objectives of the beyond 2020 instrument.
– The framework must also be accompanied by new and additional, adequate, sustainable and predictable funding accessible to all relevant stakeholders to address chemicals and waste issues. The establishment of a funding mechanism following the model of the Quick Start Programme.
The fourth session of the Intersessional Process for Considering the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) and the Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste Beyond 2020 (IP4) focused on:
-targets for the post-2020 instrument; -national focal points; -national implementation plans;-how the instrument should deal with issues of concern;-private sector involvement in financing chemicals and waste management; and -the relationship between the instrument and the science-policy panel for chemicals and waste (SPP) mandated -by the fifth session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA5).a vision and principles for the instrument;
-identifying targets for the instrument; -how to choose “issues of concern” that would be targeted by the instrument for focused attention and concerted action;-multi-sectoral partnerships;-funding for the secretariat; and -a proposal for a globally coordinated levy on chemical feedstocks to feed a new international fund on chemicals and waste;
– whether, and how, to refer to the new human right to a healthy environment under the instrument’s section on principles; – a possible measurability structure for indicators; – a possible stocktaking mechanism and online tool; -participation in the proposed governing body—the conference—by representatives from the environment, health, labor and agriculture sectors involved in chemical management and safety issues; and – a proposal for a way forward on how to handle existing SAICM issues of concern under the new instrument.
To note that EASD participate and follow SAICM WG on Governance and Mechanisms to support Implementation (from October 2020, lead to IP4 ).
Delegates considered targets in the compilation of draft recommendations for a new instrument as well as new proposals for targets. They agreed to replace the long list of targets with a more limited set of priority targets, grouped under specific strategic objectives. Discussion centered around which targets to keep, which newly proposed targets to include, and which targets might be merged together. See also a table comparing the SAICM Overarching Policy Strategy, SAICM/IP.4/2/Rev.1 “Compilation of recommendations regarding the Strategic Approach and the sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020” and the Outcomes of the Virtual Working Groups
On vision, delegates replaced the proposed phrases in the compilation text with three new ones developed by an informal group:
- “Chemical safety for all”;
- “A toxics free planet. Advancing chemicals and waste safety for a healthy future”; and
- “Healthy Planet and People: Making Our Future Chemical and Waste Safe.”
(to note, EASD support Call to action for a tomorrow without toxics )
We must continue working together towards a sound management of chemicals and waste throughout their life cycle, in order to avoid or minimize adverse impacts on human health and the environment!
Integrated chemicals and waste management approach and SAICM beyond 2020
EASD is National SAICM Focal Point for Serbia.
EASD Honorable President and Advisor participated virtually in a side-event organized by the SAICM Secretariat in partnership with the IOMC Participating Organizations, during the face-to-face segment of the Meetings of the Conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions (BC COP-15, RC COP-10, SC COP-10), in Geneva, Switzerland, between 6 and 17 June 2022.
The side-event, ‘How could an integrated chemicals and waste management approach build a strengthened SAICM beyond 2020? An ambitious and enabling future framework to address the sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020, took place on Tuesday, 14 June 2022.
2020 Annual Meeting – UN @ 75: The Future of Partnership and Multilateralism, we participate
The 2020 ACUNS Annual Meeting (June 2020) not only provides an appropriate moment to critically reflect on 75 years of UN history, but also and perhaps more so provides an opportunity to constructively discuss the future of multilateralism and the role of partnerships in the future governance of our common global good. EASD is ACUNS institutional member, and we participate at Meeting.
EASD particular interest are thematic sessions:
- The Future of the UN: Beyond Traditional Multilateralism
- The Role of Civil Society in an Internationalized World
- Women in Leadership in Global Governance
- Global (Human) Security Challenges Post-1990
- Sustainable Development Goals and Inclusiveness
- Multilateralism: Lessons Learned project consists of 1/2 (2012-2016) and 3 (2017-2020) projects. EC supported 1/2: – Development of in West Balkan and Turkey: giving citizens a voice to influence the environmental process reforms for closer EU integration, EuropeAid/132438/C/
ACT/Multi – 2012/306-642 and 2014/351-610; Partners for project implementation are: Puntosud , EASD , Co-PLAN , EEB – European Environmental Bureau, ATRC and TEMA . The project builds on the experience of an EU-funded project, namely the Environment Forum, implemented in the period 2009-2012, aiming at developing capacities of environmental NGOs to establish a constructive dialogue with national authorities. The present project strategy has been designed to achieve a greater commitment and capacity of a group of CSOs coming from Environment Forum experience and which have agreed on the creation of a new network, the, to support the civil activism, give citizens a voice and influence the public reform processes in the approximation to the environment acquis. With the view to further enhance their capacities to work with CSOs and to share experience with other European countries, EEB has accepted to participate and to share its experience. Project objective – Greater commitment and capacity of the to give citizens a voice and influence public sector reform processes in the environment sector through analysis, monitoring and advocacy. As one of the outcome National networks (to complement Regional network) were established; established Network in Serbia have 54 organizations (multistakeholders).
ENV.net3: “ENV-net factoring the environmental portfolio for Western Balkans and Turkey in the EU Policy Agenda” – EuropeAid/154870/ACT/Multi ; EASD (Serbia) partners for project implementation are: 4X4X4 Balkan Bridges from North Macedonia, European Environmental Bureau from Belgium, Advocacy Training and Resource Center, from Kosovo*, Green Home, from Montenegro, Lir Evolution, from Bosnia and Herzegovina, TEMA – the Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion, for Reforestation and Protection of Natural Habitats, from Turkey and Foundation Punto,Sud, from Italy. The project contributes to the improvement of environmental policy-making and implementation in compliance with the EU standards. To this end, the network foresees to contribute to both improved and intensified inter-action among actors (including environmental CSOs, media and policy-makers) and an overall more enabling technical and financial environment where these actors operate. The action sets out to strengthen the profile of as the leading network and bridging actor in environmental policy-influencing in the WB and Turkey region (vis-à-vis EU). Further, it foresees introducing and initiating a discussion on the Circular Economy concept in the region, as well as intensifying climate change actions. The action also foresees a number of value-adding, cross-cutting elements such as inter-partner learning/exchange, networking, and thematic organisational support to third parties (i.e. local grass-root organisations, media).
Paper published: Andjelka Mihajlov, Aleksandra Mladenovic & Filip Jovanovic, Contribution to Environmental Communication: comparative analysis of two qualitative methods as the performance to European Union accession, in “Adapt to Survive. The role of social media, sharing and communication to ameliorate this world “, Conference Proceedings Book Edited by Margarita Kefalaki, Communication Institute of Greece (COMinG),Athens, p.57-66 , 2021 ( ISSN: ISBN: 978-618-85622-3-3 ), Available at
Selected activities:
March 2021:
Information paper on Climate Change and Energy
Information paper on Climate Change and Floods
August 2021: Environmental Communication: Media Archive Reports as a Participant Science Tool
Promotion by media (Da li smo spremni za sve češće poplave?)
December 31, 2020: ENV.net3 project final steps – infographics with documents developed by EASD
Report on monitoring the progress of national environmental legislation (Chapter 27) in 2018, 2019, and half-year 2020, with projections through end-2020 / Izveštaj o monitoringu napredovanja nacionalnog zakonodavstva o životnoj sredini (Poglavlje 27) u 2018., 2019. i prvoj polovini 2020. godine, sa projekcijom do kraja 2020.godine (Extended abstract in English, Full text in Serbian)
Position Paper on COVID 19 and waste management
Circular Economy goes beyond Waste Management presented at EurAsia Waste Management Symposium 2020
Information paper on meaning of Cluster “Green agenda and sustainable connectivity” for Serbia
Reflection paper on air quality data for Serbia
2020 Spotlight Report on Circular Economy in Serbia
EASD publication on circular economy acknowledged by European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform
Virtual tour on the experience from Italian practices in circular economy
November 2020: Joint civil society statement for Sofia Summit
EASD research presented at EurAsia Waste Management Symposium
October 2020, New Momentum for the Environmental Agenda in the Western Balkans and Turkey?
Establishment of the South East European Platform to Beat Pollution – SEEPP
Recap the moments from EnE19/ Conference
March 2019: UN Environment : 4th Assembly (and pre- and side-events) , related event
November 2018: To report: The first Regional Conference on Circular Economy was success ; The first regional conference on circular economy, Belgrade, November 2018: Agenda
Call for sub-grants (6.novembar 2018: Otvoren poziv za dodelu sub-grantova u okviru projekta)
YRE competition: apply before February 1, 2019.; Theme: Energy Efficiency Initiative: to update National Strategy on Sustainable Use of Natural Resources and Goods, by applying Circular Economy concept ; Initiative and Knowledge based advocacy: to update National Strategy of Sustainable Use of Natural Resources
Circular economy knowledge based advocacy in Eco-schools network in Serbia
May 2018. Guest lectures made at two Universities in Serbia: “Circular economy is concept and process, and still not full circle” ; Participation at the Green Parliamentary Group meeting
Follow project at : and
February 2018 – 3 Kick-off Meeting in Tirana
In December 2017. we started with 3 : ENV-net factoring the environmental portfolio for Western Balkans and Turkey in the EU Policy Agenda (reference number 2017/394-372) 3 – Serbia team include: Aleksandra Mladenovic –National Coordinator and Manager. In addition, Thematic experts/consultants, on demand, are Prof dr Andjelka Mihajlov and Filip Jovanovic, and Media communication expert, on demend, is Milica Momcilovic.
Development of in West Balkan and Turkey: giving citizens a voice to influence the environmental process reforms for closer EU integration – EuropeAid/132438/C/ACT/Multi – 2012/306-642 and 2014/351-610 (2012-2016)
The project builds on the experience of an EU-funded project, namely the Environment Forum , implemented in the period 2009-2012, aiming at developing capacities of environmental NGOs to establish a constructive dialogue with national authorities. The present project strategy has been designed to achieve a greater commitment and capacity of a group of CSOs coming from Environment Forum experience and which have agreed on the creation of a new network, the, to support the civil activism, give citizens a voice and influence the public reform processes in the approximation to the environment acquis. With the view to further enhance their capacities to work with CSOs and to share experience with other European countries, EEB has accepted to participate and to share its experience. Project objective – Greater commitment and capacity of the to give citizens a voice and influence public sector reform processes in the environment sector through analysis, monitoring and advocacy.
Partners for project implementation are: Puntosud , EASD , Co-PLAN , EEB – European Environmental Bureau , ATRC and TEMA . EASD Activity circles represent the scope of our activities.
Project launched site for presentation of activities in all participating countries, as well as facebook page and Newsletters. 1/2– Serbia team include: Dr Nataša Žugić Drakulić –National Coordinator and Filip Jovanović – project manager , chosen in transparent process by „ Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development“, partner organisation in this project. In addition, National consultant for European integration is Prof dr Andjelka Mihajlov , dr Hristina Stevanović Čarapina is leading expert .
__________________________________ Serbia network is functioning : Some of activities could be followed only in Serbian, like calls to participate, and other actions targeted to citizens in Serbia.
Highlights: publications
- A Guideline of EU Accession Monitoring Tools for CSOs in candidate and potential candidate countries: Chapter 27, (Authors and contributors: Andjelka Mihajlov, Natasa Zugic-Drakulic, Filip Jovanovic, Federico Bastia, Simona Pogliani, Mara Silina, Teida Shehi and Dusko Hristov), Published by Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development with the financial assistance of the EU – project document, Belgrade January 2015
- How to influence environmental policy through effective advocacy (Authors: Margherita Tolotto and Mara Silina), Advocacy Toolkit, European Environmental Bureau, Brussels, January 2015
- Climate change and challenges of the enlargement (Authors: Anja Kolmuss, Dragana Mileusnic, Zanna Vanrenterghem and Richard Filcak), Advocacy Toolkit, European Environmental Bureau, Brussels,September 2016
June 2016: Agenda, WED Messages from Serbia: 12th Regional Conference “Environment to Europe” , REPORT FROM, BELGRADE, SERBIA
April 2016 – Course: CSO Participation in Accession Process , Chapter 27: CSOs participation
March 2016 – New internet portal: Greenweb
January 2016 – Save the date for Conference ; We participate: Regional Conference: „Sustainability of the FPAs” , Brussels . Water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus assessment in the Sava River Basin – Lessons learned and further steps
October – December 2015 – Ministry support to , Event
October – Partnership for Climate Change issue : Serbia’s climate talks – on the way to Paris
June 11 – European Commission Vice-President Mr Maroš Šefčovič had meeting with CSOs in Belgrade. EASD participate!
June 7 – promotion in town Gornji Milanovac , Green day in Gornji Milanovac
June 5 – Regional Conference ”Environment to Europe” EnE15 – EU Environmental Horizontal Legislation: Methods, Standards and Tools , Invitation , AGENDA , Proc. of papers
May 26, 2015 – Promotional activity
April 21, 2015 – Participation in Public Hearing on Climate Change related challenges in Republic of Serbia
April – THE ELEVENTH REGIONAL CONFERENCE ENVIRONMENT TO EUROPE – ENE15 – ENV.NET acknowledged as the European Sustainable Development Week event
March 22 – Celebrating the World Water Day in Serbia: field visit to Ada Ciganlija
February 2, 2015: Invitation for Conference launched
January 29, 2015: A Guideline of EU Accession Monitoring Tools for CSOs in candidate and potential candidate countries ( region): Chapter 27 , document finalized
January , 2015: Promotion of Publication
December 31: Thematic Publication “Environment to Europe”, 2014 ( Tematski zbornik radova “Životna sredina ka Evropi”)
December 12: Serbia Seminar: Environmental Education in Schools
November 24-25, on the margins of ECF Annual Meeting in Brussels with European Commision
November 4-5 , Regional training on the process of designation of potential Natura 2000 sites
October 30 – Conference “EU accession in the field of environmental protection and the role of local authorities”
October 28 – Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection is co-funded project , contract signed
October 22-23, Belgrade: training: “EU project design process and Implementation of environmental policy”, Invitation , Agenda , Training
October 2014 – brochure published and presented
October 14 – related: Participation on Conference “Eco-standards and Education”
October 8 – “Little progress has been made in the areas of environment and climate change”
September 29 – Round-table Dialogue for Green Future ( okrugli sto sa niškim srednjoškolcima “Dijalogom ka zelenijoj budućnosti“) (sub-grant)
September 23-25, Brussels: preparatory partnership meeting and Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA) Closing Event for Phase I
September 19-24 , We are following Explanatory Screening for the Chapter 27
August 29 – (sub-granting) publication published PUBLICATION : “Species of plants and animals of special conservation concern in EU” , in Serbian
July 27 – Partnership with media – Radio Beograd 2
June 19 – Eco-package initiative as the example environmental education for the future EU citizens
June 5 – CONFERENCE , multi-stakeholder Conference on Chapter 27: about 200 participants
June 4 – Meeting with media , Moments from the Conference for Media
May 29, 2014 – Serbia Conference organisation on the good track –Agenda for EnE14/ Conference “Environment to Europe”, June 5, 2014 in SCC – opening at 10:00
May 22-24, 2014 – 4th Partners Meeting in Milan
May 13, 2014 – European Solar Days – participation in promotion of EU environmental values
May 10, 2014 – Let us clean up Europe! event: Ada Ciganlija Beograd ; Serbia with children, parents and teachers “cleaning up Serbia” , Event in pictures
May 22-24, 2014 – 4th Partners Meeting in Milan
May 7-8, 2014 – Some of Partners meet in the corridors of ECRAN ECF Meeting
April 25, 2014 – UNEP acknowledged 2014 Conference as the World Environmental Day Event
April 5, 2014 – Education for future citizens of EU: guest lecturing at the Law Faculty
April 4, 2014 – EU Delegation to Serbia: Consultative Meeting with CSOs on progress towards EU in 2014
Aprl 4, 2014 – We participated to the meeting related to EU-Serbia Civil Society Joint Consultative Committee – JCC
April 2, 2014 – ECRAN NGOs Environment and Climate Change Forum – Evaluation Outcome – Congratulation to partners!!!!
April 1, 2014 – Protego and Protecta sign subcontracting contracts
Marc 20-9, 2014 – EASD written contribution to the 2014 Progress Report
March 25, 2014 – Participation on UNECE consultation related to the 3rd EPR for Serbia
March 23, 2014 – sub-grants winners announced ,
March 20, 2014 – We participate on Panel at Faculty of Organisation Sciences – University of Belgrade : Knowledge about Environment
March 9, 2014 – Technical (formal requests) evaluation of sub-grants application finished: 45 projects eligible for further evaluation
March 6, 2014 – Promotion of global activity EARTH HOUR (Marh 29, 20:30-21:30) and call for participation
March 4-6, 2014 – We participate in Zagreb on Workshop on Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus Assessment in the Sava River Basin
From February 2014 – EU negotiation process: we are following explanatory screenings
February 26, 2014 – In accordance with procedure, QUESTIONS by potential applicants with our ANSWERS are posted on web site on February 26, at 07:00 , taking in account questions received by February 25 at 23:59
February 20-21, 2014 – Serbia participated in defining the first strategic framework for CSOs development
February 18,2014- Knowledge based advocacy: Environment should be within priorities in the negotiations with EU
February 13, 2014 – Environment in youth policy in Serbia
February 12, 2014 – Meeting with ENVAP2 Project representatives
February 7, 2014 – Participation on Training related the Sector Planning Documents – SPDs
February 1, 2014 – Call of proposals for sub-granting in Serbia “EU: we watch and learn to be ready!”
January 30, 2014 – Participation on public hearing by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) Study Group
January 30,2014 – Thematic meeting of the SECO mechanism on IPA II programming
January 30, 2014 – Participate in the Mapping of CSOs and other stakeholders in in the process of EU accession negotiations
January 19, 2014 – EASD / Team reading of European Parliament Resolution, January 2014
January 07, 2014 – Starting preparation for 2014 Round-table / Conference
January 2, 2014 – Attention to ENVIRONMENT in EUROPA DAIRY
December 23, 2013 – Workshop on environmental values for kindergarten children from Sombor (Minutes) , Participation on meetings in Nature Protection Institute and Agency for Environmental Protection
Decembar 20, 2013 – In media : Promotion of knowledge based information
December 20, 2013 – Environmental Education for future EU citizens , Minutes
December 17, 2013 – region news: European Affairs ministers give green light to Serbia’s EU negotiations
December 16, 2013: Workshop for strategic planning of further work SECO mechanism
December 3, 2013 – presented to the master students of Faculty of Security Studies
December 2, 2013 – Eye on EU integration process: Parliament of Serbia , Eye on SEE regional cooperation
November 28, 2013 – Meeting FPA project grantees with DG Enlargement representative
November 25, 2013 – Partnership with Media : Partnership agreement with Journalist’ Association of Serbia
Environmental Education of future EU citizens: Activity on November 19,2013
Acknowledging the outreach of Survey and 2013 Roudtable recomendations, EASD – Serbia recognized importance of children/youth education for active EU citizenship , through promotion of EU environmental values. We would like to share moments from kindergarten “Pčelice”, from village Šetonje, as promotion event for environmental values in education. With children and teachers, as well as EASD Team, there were Prof dr Ivica Radovic and mr Ljubiša Antonijević, assistant ministers for education and science. |
Partnership with municipality – On November 18., 2013, project presented on the Round table in Municipality Vračar (within City of Belgrade).
Cooperation with TACSO Serbia – On November 15. 2013, in Belgrade, TACSO Advisory Committee (LAG) organized a consultative meeting with representatives of civil society organizations and networks and Serbian civil society expert community. At the meeting a draft of a document on the assessment needs of civil society in Serbia was discussed.
EASD prepared Opinion and contribution to the Draft Strategy Paper for the Republic of Serbia 2014-2020. Through SECO mechanism opinion is sent to Governmental Office for European Integration. Opinion is based on Serbia 2013 Progress Report and Strategy – Reading by Serbia Team .
Organisation capacity building process: EASD acknowledged becoming IPEN network Participating Organization
Eye on environmental laws changes: monitoring compliance with EU directives
November 2013. – The third partnership meeting in Milan
28. October – Meeting with European Parliamentarians Serbia Team prepared document: Reading of 2013 Progress Report for Serbia and Strategy by Serbia Team ( Serbia 2013 Progress Report and Strategy – Reading by Serbia Team ).
22. and 23 October – Education on sustainable management of lead/chemicals
October 18 – EC Delegation in Serbia, present to relevant CSOs, on October 18, 2013 , Serbia Progress Report 2013, in which the Commission services present their assessment of what Serbia as the candidate country has achieved over the last year.
October 2013 : Participated on different events organized to raise awareness to EU approximation environmental challenges.
Promotion of facebook page!
October 2, 2013 – team participated at the First SEE Regional Science Promotion Conference (SCIPROM), opened in Belgrade, with the aim to bring together science promotion professionals, practitioners and enthusiasts to share experience and network in order to strengthen the link between science and society in our Region. In the current competitive global environment it is an imperative to enhance economic and social capacities by improving the educational structure of society, inspiring innovation and technological advancement and creating a milieu for appreciation of the value and benefits of knowledge. In the opening address, Minister for Education, Science and Technology development of Serbia underlined, among others the importance of knowledge based actions, as well as the importance of drinking water for development. Conference bring international experts and representatives of international organizations, research and educational institutions, science camps, science communicators, NGOs, private sector and media on board.
This conference justify the path of Serbia implementation and development, linking European Integration, Knowledge based activities and sectors : Education, Science and Environment/Natural Resources.
Waste management and water management are considered as two important segments of environmental acquis and studies in this area represent an important aspect of project. Environmental accession status of Serbia ( waste , water and EIA thematic issues) was presented by EASD team at International Conferences in Vienna (Austria) and Zadar (Croatia), as well as on chemicals at SAICM Regional Meeting (Skopje, Macedonia FYR).
In addition, possible partnerships are discussed with other participants and interested CSOs.
In Skopje, EASD representative met Macedonian 4x4x4 BB representative on September 26, 2013, to discuss possible enlargement of project to Macedonia.
Promotion of site in place Join us!
Added value for Serbia is EASD activities within the development of Post-Rio+20 Agenda.
Office for Cooperation with Civil Society organized on September 6, 2013 Conference devoted to negotiating Chapter 27 (Environment). Presentation (in Serbian) from the Conference includes: Poglavlje 27 pregovori, Iskustvo R Slovenije, Natura 2000 Ministarstvo, Uloga civilnog drustva u monitoringu, Natura 2000 NGO )
September 2013: project presented in the Ministry of Education, Science and Development of Serbia (Meeting of the National Committee for Environmental Education Programs)
August 2013. – Snapshot analysis : While waiting for EC 2013 Progress Report
Women2030 (preparation of Shadow report to the National Voluntary Review 2019)
The Women 2030 Programme is being implemented in 50 countries across different regions of the world. It is constituted by a coalition of four women and gender network organisations cooperating to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a gender-equitable and climate-just manner. The coalition has a 5-year framework partnership agreement with the European Commission (contract CSO-LA/2016/374-340).
On March 18, 2016, a coalition of four global and regional women and gender networks signed a 5-year partnership agreement with the European Commission to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the global Agenda-2030. This coalition, known as #Women2030, supports the implementation of the Agenda 2030.
IN SERBIA, Women 2030 partner is EASD, since 2018. Under this project, EASD prepared “shadow report” to the Voluntary National Review that Serbia reported in 2019. The “shadow report” was presented during the HLPF held in New York on July, 2019.
Overview of the community-based data collected within the Women2030 Gender Assessment in Serbia
EU Environment Partnership Programme for Accession
EASD is a member, participating organization in the project EU Environment Partnership Programme for Accession (EPPA) in the Western Balkans and Turkey seeks to be a major driver of reform and development in environmental governance through compliance with the EU environmental acquis (WG7). The programme builds on the results of the RENA and ECRAN programmes by furthering the regional cooperation and strengthening the administrative capacities of the beneficiaries. Regional cooperation provides the framework for sharing knowledge, expertise and good practices, and for addressing common environmental problems in a more sustainable and efficient way. The overall objective of the programme is to strengthen the implementation of the EU environmental acquis in the Western Balkans and Turkey in areas relevant for addressing trans-boundary environmental issues. EPPA concerns the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans as an instrument that will bring the European Green Deal closer to the Western Balkan countries by proposing a new economic development model, one based on the circularity of the economy, where the pressures on the use of natural resources are significantly reduced, while recycling and reuse are the order of the day.
June 5,2020 – EnE20 Conference “Citizen science: Focus on Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals”
Professional association “Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development ” and Serbian Chamber of Commerce , on June 5th 2020, organize the 16th Environment to Europe – EnE20 Conference. Traditionally, it is an official event that marks the UN World Environment Day (WED) in the Republic of Serbia and region.
In accordance with the current circumstances around Covid19, the EnE20 conference “Citizen Science: focus on Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals” is realized online, presenting the results so far achieved in the development of citizen science concept in Serbia. Bearing in mind that the concept of “citizen science” in Serbia is still developing, but supported through various joint actions and initiatives of scientists and formal / informal civic activists and organizations, the focus is to youth participation, especially through educational institutions involved in international Eco-schools program in Serbia.
This year, the co-organizers of EnE20 are the UN in Serbia , the Global Listening Center , the Center for the Promotion of Science , NALED , the French Institute in Serbia and PE Ada Ciganlija .
Plenary lectures of experts from the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, the Global Listening Center, the Center for the Promotion of Science, NALED and the Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development, can be found at the link HERE. Invited speakers include dr Tanja Adnadjević, dr Marjana Brkić, mr Dušan Stokić, Slobodan Krstović, Sanja Knežević Mitrović, Đurdjija Petrović, and Prof dr Andjelka Mihajlov.
As part of the celebration of World Environment Day and as a special part of the EnE20 conference, a national debate is held for 20 students aged 11 to 18, who were nominated in the essay part of the competition organized by the international organization The Trust for Sustainable Living . The aim of the debate is to find solutions for a sustainable future by referring to SDG 17, My vision: Partnerships for a sustainable future. The emphasis of the speakers will be on the issues related to the environment, climate change and sustainable use of resources. By listening the young people and their visions, we can harmonize further economic and social development with the possibilities and potentials of the environment and nature.
The debate is taking place on Ada Ciganlija, a beach that has been awarded for 9 years by Blue Flag certificate, including the 2020 season, as a symbol of commitment to environmental protection and care for the health and safety of visitors during the summer bathing season. By meeting the criteria for obtaining the Blue Flag for Ada Ciganlija beach, the local community and the managers of the beach contribute to efforts to combat against climate change and raise citizen awareness on sustainable use of resources and the need to protect the environment.
Agenda and presentations, as well as detailed agenda of National Youth Debate
Minutes from Debate:
EU info center on debate and conference
Radio Television Serbia Portal about the Conference
The EnE20 conference is part of a campaign related to climate change, within the project: “ factoring the environmental portfolio for WB and Turkey in the EU Policy Agenda” (reference number 2017/394-372)
All information regarding the EnE20 conference can be obtained via Email:
EASD is participating in Shaping the future beyond 2020
At the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok, Thailand, from 1 to 4 October 2019, EASD Honorable President participate at IP3 – The Intersessional Process 3 on Strategic Approach and sound management of chemicals and waste (SAICM) beyond 2020 , and technical briefings held on 30 September 2019, as well as IPEN preparatory meetings on 28 and 29 September.
This is the opportunity to engage in a forum that will determine what key strategies and priorities that will be taken by all IP3 SAICM delegates. Focus are themes: Enabling framework as an umbrella adopted at ICCM5 and ensure high-level political endorsement, Governance and institutional arrangement, Financing SAICM with more contributions from the industry sector and Leading indicators for new SAICM should be outcome oriented rather than process oriented.
Relevant SDGs goals are: SDG2 – Zero hunger, SDG3 – Good health and well-being, SDG5 – Gender equality, SDG6 – Clean water and sanitation, SDG8 – Decent work and economic growth, SDG11 – Sustainable cities, SDG12 – Sustainable Consumption and Production, SDG14 – Life below water, SDG15 – Life on land, SDG16 – Peace, justice and strong institutions and SDG17 – Partnerships for the goal.
Serbia and Agenda 2030 – Shadow Report to Voluntary National Report presented by EASD President in UN New York
Participation at High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) – From July 9th to 18th, at the premises of UN Headquarters in New York, High Level Political Forum (HLPF) was held, with participation of thousands representatives of national and local governments, major groups and other stakeholders. Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development (EASD) had opportunity to present the Shadow Report to the Serbian Voluntary National Review, prepared by the Government of the Republic of Serbia, as specific overview regarding implementation of Agenda 2030 in Serbia.
This Shadow Report has been prepared under the project Women2030 (Women and the SDGs), leaded by international organization Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF). During preparation this Shadow Report, EASD organized consultations with some of the representatives of the network Women in Sustainable Energy South-East Europe (WISE SEE), national/local decision makers and representatives of civil societies. The main findings presented in his Report president of EASD, together with other representatives of Major groups, prepared in form of statement towards Serbian delegation at HLPF in New York.
In 2012, the United Nations established High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF), as the main platform on sustainable development with the central role to follow-up and to review the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the global level. The Forum replaced the Commission on Sustainable Development, which had met annually since 1993. The first meeting was held on 24 September 2013.
The HLPF is established based on document of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), “The Future We Want”. General Assembly resolution 67/290 provides format and organizational aspects of the Forum, while the HLPF General Assembly resolution 70/299 provides further guidance on the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs.
The Forum meets annually, under the auspices of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), includes ministerial segment. Every four years Forum meets at the level of Heads of State and Government under the auspices of the General Assembly.
The Forum adopts intergovernmentally negotiated political declarations, using the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development mechanisms for follow-up and review of progress at the national and sub-national levels, which are country-led and country-driven. These national reviews are expected to be voluntary and to serve as a basis for the regular reviews by the HLPF. The forum provides a platform for partnerships among governments, Major Groups and other relevant Stakeholders (MGoS), both from developed and developing countries.
As a general conclusion of major groups and other stakeholder after the HLPF, it was announced that process of preparation of Voluntary National Reviews is not enough participative and different stakeholders apart that were not included in national processes, even did not have opportunity to read VNRs before HLPF.
Draft Shadow Report to VNR Serbia
Aleksandra Mladenovic’s Intervention at HLPF 2019:
Eco-Paket (Eco-Package) in Eco-Schools
Eco-package is a project implemented in Serbia since 2013/2014 school year, exclusively run in the framework of the International Eco-schools Programme.
Until 2019 the number of Eco-Schools participating in the project increased continuously. This project supported Eco-schools network in their activities performed to be linked to the education for sustainable development through realization of UN Sustainable Development Goals, primarily Goal 4 (Quality education), Goal11 (Sustainable cities and communities) and Goal 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).
The project consisted of three activities:
• creative art work competition: based on different theme, every year the students are collecting used beverage cartons (UBC)
• collection of used beverage cartons (UBC) and
• educational workshops for school children including the demonstration how UBC can be turned into paper (these workshops are being conducted by EASD since 2015/2016 school year).
The main goal was to raise awareness among pre-school children, school children and students of Eco-schools, their families and wider community about the need for sustainable use of resources on the example of correct methods of separation, disposal and recycling of used beverage cartons
Specific goals were:
– Educate pre-school children, school children and students about correct methods of separation and disposal of used beverage cartons.
– Encourage wider community to participate in the process of collection and recycling of used beverage cartons in order to raise their environmental awareness.
– Introduce sustainable forest management principle through FSC model, including sustainable production and consumption of used cartons.
– Present and promote companies and businesses that have incorporated the principles of sustainable development and social responsibility towards the environment and natural resources into their operation.
Main target groups were children in kinder gardens (pre-school institutions), pupils in primary and secondary schools and university students, as well as teaching and non-teaching school staff
Other target groups were parents/families/neighbours, local communities (including local companies, institutions, organizations) and media.
Outreach include Eco-schools Serbia network management, workshops organization, preparation of educational material, knowledge based advocacy, raising awareness among educational institutions and local communities on circular economy issue, establishing good cooperation with local communities where Eco-schools exist
From 2019/20 project is not active at national level
More about Eco-Schools Program in Serbia.
Also, detailed instructions are posted in Serbian, as well as most news and announcements.
In addition, there is separated dedicated web sites (in Serbian) for this Eko-paket (Eco-Package) project, supported by Tetra Pak in Serbia.
October 2018: Circular economy knowledge based advocacy in Eco-schools network in Serbia
October 2017: Eko-paket – Eco-Schools annual conference for the school year 2017/2018
May 2017: Eko-paket 2017 outcome
September 2016: Education for Sustainability
September 2016: FEE General Assembly 2016 and International Conference on Education for Sustainable Development, Ahmedabad, India
June 2016: WED Messages from Serbia: 12th Regional Conference “Environment to Europe”
May 2016: EASD Knowledge Partner with CEE for ESD for transforming education for children and youth
November 2015: Eco-Schools 2015 NOM in Northern Ireland
October 2015 – SDGs as the relevant part of the context within which FEE operates
January 2015 – Eco-schools Serbia in the International Eco-schools news
December 2014, status: ECO-SCHOOLS FAMILY IN SERBIA IS GROWING, CATALYZED BY ECO-PACKAGE ACTIVITY, On December 12, 2014 in Belgrade, two different activities, merged in one great and successful event, happened: Green Flags Award ceremony and Annual meeting of Eco-Schools Coordinators. Over 50 participants were present from all levels of education institutions. The main topics discussed include different ideas and methods on how environmental education in schools could be enhanced and better represented in school curriculum. Positive experiences are shared, in particular related motivation through ECO-PACKAGE activity, supported in Serbia by Tetra-Pak Production Company (Tetra Pak Production d.o.o Beograd in 2013/14 and 2013/14 supports Eco-Schools Program in Serbia, as a socially responsible company). From 3 Eco-schools in 2012/13, 15 in 2013/14, in Serbia there are in the moment 24 schools in different stages of Eco-School Program implementation 2014/15 (2 higher education institutions level, 1 secondary school level, 18 elementary schools and 3 pre-schools). Behind this growing success is NO Team in Serbia (from organization Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development): National FEE Mentor for FEE Programs Prof.dr. Andjelka Mihajlov, National Eco-School Coordinator (until October 2014 Milica Petrovic, from October to December 2014 Dragana Grujicic, and in 2015 expecting new dedicated person on the board), National FEE Council (with representatives of supporting ministries, other relevant institutions and experts), Prof. dr. Natasa Zugic-Drakulic – Executive Director, assistance of Milena Tabasevic and Marina Marjanovic, as well as Coordinators and dedicated teachers, professors and principals in Eco-Schools (participants of 2014 Seminar): Andrijanić Zoran, Angeleski Alma, Babović Dragana , Božilović Dragica, Bursać Slađana,Davidović Stevan,Despotović Slavica, Đurović Ljiljana, Gligorovski Tatjana, Grahovac Prole Milijana, Ivanović Vesna, Janković Danijela, Jeličić Biljana, Joksimović Ana, Jovanović Dragana, Kocić Vesna, Luković Verica, Luković Brankica, Maksić Marina, Mandić Miroslav, Miloradović Dragana, Milosavljević Zorica, Momčilović Verica, Nikitović Dragana, Nikolić Perčević Đulica, Pantović Zoran, Perić Snežana, Sekulić Dragojle, Simendić Siniša, Stoiljković Slavica, Strugar Aleksandra, Vasiljević Milka, Večei Funda Valerija, Vidojević Mirjana, Vranić Darko, Grujičić Marina, Malinić Uglik Sanja, Planić Vasilie, Marković Jasmina, Radić Marija, Stanojlović Dragana and Ceranić Đuro. Moments from the Event are available at: and
December 2014 – Eco-schools National Operators Meeting 2014 ; National Meeting of Eco-Schools Coordinators
May 2014 – With children, parents and teachers “cleaning up Serbia”
January 2014. : There are 18 schools in the Program, 3 of them already awarded with Green Flag
Meeting with Eco-Schools Coordinators, December 2013
Tetra Pak Production d.o.o Beograd in 2013/14 start to support Eco-Schools Program in Serbia. Tetra Pak, as a social responsible company takes part in this Program in order to raise awareness of children and local communities on the importance of responsible behaviour towards environment.
The first GREEN FLAG ceremonies : September 19 and 12, 2013 , November 19 2013
National FEE Committee Meeting, September 6, 2013 : 3 schools awarded
3 schools applied and started process in 2012-13 .
June 2013: International Mentor visited school “Drinka Pavlović” in Belgrade.
Program activities include summer schools, summer camps, etc.
Related activities: Education for Sustainable Development
Join us for June 5th: Conference Agenda is available
Pictures from the event:
Otvaranje / Opening
Panel o zastiti prirode / Panel on Nature Protection
UNEP nagrade / UNEP@WED
YRE awwards/ Nagrade Mladih ekoreportera &
Prezentacija radova / Presentations
The Fourteenth Regional Conference – EnE18
Environment to Europe
Belgrade, Serbia, June 5, 2018
Nature protection – Nature-Responsive Development
Conference Agenda, draft, as on 22/05/2018
Conference “Environment to Europe” – EnE18 is an official event that marks the UN World Environment Day (WED) in the Republic of Serbia and region. Since its beginning in 1974, World Environment Day has developed into a global platform for raising awareness and taking action on urgent issues from marine pollution and global warming to sustainable consumption and wildlife crime. “Beat Plastic Pollution”, the theme for World Environment Day 2018, is a call to action for all of us to come together to combat one of the great environmental challenges of our time. Chosen by this year’s host, India, the theme of World Environment Day 2018 (If you can’t reuse it, refuse it) invites us all to consider how we can make changes in our everyday lives to reduce the heavy burden of plastic pollution on our natural places, our wildlife – and our own health. In recent years, millions of people have taken part in thousands of registered activities worldwide.
Conference “Environment to Europe” – EnE18 is an official event that marks the European Sustainable Development Week (ESDW) in the Republic of Serbia. The ESDW is a European-wide initiative to stimulate and make visible activities, projects and events that promote sustainable development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It takes place every year from 30 May until 5 June. The ESDW aims to raise awareness for the 2030 Agenda in Europe and calls upon local stakeholders to actively engage with sustainable development, in general, and the SDGs, in particular.
The Fourteenth Regional Conference EnE18 is thematically focused on Nature protection – Nature-Responsive Development (2018). Since 2005, when we established the Conference, we have around 2.500 participants from 15 countries and presented about 350 research and scientific papers. This year is also fourteen years of partnership between “Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development“ with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia“.
Conference Agenda
as on 22/05/2018; possible changes of Agenda when confirmation received
5. jun June 5th
Velika sala u PKS, II sprat, Terazije 23, Beograd | Main Hall, 2nd floor – Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Terazije 23, Belgrade |
9:00 – 10:00 Registracija učesnika / Registration
10:00 – 10:50 Uvodna obraćanja / Opening remarks
Moderator: dr Uroš Rakić, on behalf of organisators
- H.E. Ratko Vlajkov, Ambassador, Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Republic of Serbia – The Bulgarian presidency of the Council of the EU / Ambasador, Ambasada Republike Bugarske u Republici Srbiji
- H.E. Lazar Mirkić, Ambassador, Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Republic of Serbia / Ambasador, Ambasada Bosne i Hercegovine u Republici Srbiji
- Robert Nygård, The First Secretary Responsible for Environmental Issues, Swedish Embassy in the Republic of Serbia / Prvi sekretar odgovoran za pitanja životne sredine, Ambasada Švedske u Republici Srbiji
- Delegation of EU in Serbia, representative / Delegacija EU u Srbiji, predstavnik/ (potvrđeno/confirmed, representative tbd)
- Minister for Environment / Ministar za zaštitu životne sredine (invited/pozvan)
- Stanojla Mandić, Deputy Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection of the Republic of Serbia / Zamenica poverenika za informacije od javnog značaja i zaštitu podataka o ličnosti Republike Srbije
- Dr Deni Porej, Director of WWF Adria, WWF Mediterranean Programme Office / Direktor WWF Adria, WWF Regionalna kancelarija
- Aleksandra Šiljić Tomić, Project Coordination Specialist, UN Environment Republic of Serbia / Koordinator projekta, Kancelarija UN za životnu sredinu, Republika Srbija
- dr Nenad Sekulić, Head of Department for Biodiversity and Ecological Network, Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia / Načelnik odeljenja za biodiverzitet i ekološke mreže, Zavod za zaštitu prirode Srbije
- Goran Krnčević, Assistant Director of the Sector for Legal, Financial and Administrative Affairs, Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province / Pomoćnik direktora za pravne, finansijske i opšte poslove, Pokrajinski zavod za zaštitu prirode
- Ljubica Naumović, Environment Executive, Tetra Pak Production / referent za zaštitu životne sredine, Tetra Pak Production
- Dušan Stokić, Co-organizer of the EnE18 Conference, Head of the Department for Environment, Technical Regulation, Quality and Social Responsibility, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia / suorganizator EnE18 Konferencije, Rukovodilac Službe za životnu sredinu, tehničke propise, kvalitet i društvenu odgovornost, Privredna komora Srbije
- prof. dr Dunja Prokić, the EnE18 Conference Chair person, Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development / predsedavajuća EnE18 Konferencije, Ambasadorka održivog razvoja i životne sredine
10:50 – 11:00 Aleksandra Mladenović, Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development President/ Predsednica Ambasadora održivog razvoja i životne sredine, Plenary, Panel Theme and Panelists / Predstavljanje plenarnog izlaganja, panela i panelista
11:00 – 11:20 Plenary lecture / Plenarno predavanje
Begona Matilla Soloaga, Human Dynamics, Team leader, TA for strengthening the National Nature Protection System for implementation of Natura 2000 requirements / Human Dynamics, tim lider, NATURA 2000 Turska. Focus : NATURA 2000 in Turkey – project outputs / NATURA 2000 u Turskoj – rezultati projekta.
11:20 – 13:30 Panel on Nature Protection and Nature – Responsive Development / Panel na temu Zaštita prirode i razvoj odgovoran prema prirodi
Moderator: Milica Momčilović, journalist, Vice President of World Federation of Science Journalists (WFSJ) / novinar, potpredsednica Svetske federacije naučnih novinara
Panelists (Plenary Session) / Učesnici Panela (Plenarna sesija) :
dr Deni Porej, Director of WWF Adria, WWF Mediterranean Programme Office / Direktor WWF Adria, WWF Regionalna kancelarija. Focus : WWF and Nature Protection, Nature – Responsive Development / WWF i zaštita prirode, razvoj odgovoran prema prirodi.
prof. dr Predrag Simonović, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade / Biološki fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu . Focus: An invasive species of fish and links between fisheries management and aquaculture in Serbia in the process of EU accession / Invazivne vrste riba i veza između ribolovnog upravljanja i akvakulture u Srbiji u procesu pristupanja EU
mr. Danko Jović, Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia / Zavoda za zaštitu prirode Srbije. Focus: State in the Republic of Serbia in respect of nature and oblidations of Serbia in the process of accession to the EU in this area / Stanje u Republici Srbiji u vezi zaštite prirode i obavezama Srbije u procesu pristupanja EU u ovoj oblasti.
Klara Sabadoš, Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province / Pokrajinski zavod za zaštitu prirode. Focus: The situation regarding nature protection and the NATURA 2000 network in Serbia / Situacija oko zaštite prirode i mreže NATURA 2000 u Srbiji.
Nikola Stanojević, Bird Protection and Study Society of Serbia / Društvo za zaštitu i proučavanje ptica: Protection of birds and obligations of the Republic of Serbia in the process of EU accession in this area / Zaštita ptica i obaveze Republike Srbije u procesu pristupanja EU u ovoj oblasti.
13:30 – 13:40 Technical Break / Tehnička pauza
13:40 -14:00 Awards for the winners of the competition „Beat plastic pollution! If you can’t reuse it, refuse it!“ organized among elementary school classes by UN Environment and partners: Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development and Forestry and Environmental Action for celebration of the World Environment Day 2018 in Serbia / Dodela nagrada timovima iz osnovnih škola u Srbiji, pobednicima na konkursu „U koštac sa plastikom!“ tj. „Pobedi zagađenje plastikom! Ako ne možeš da je ponovo upotrebiš, ne koristi je!“ koji je Agencija Ujedinjenih nacija za životnu sredinu organizovala zajedno sa partnerima: Ambasadori održivog razvoja i zaštite životne sredine i Inicijativa za šumarstvo i životnu sredinu – fea povodom obeležavanja Svetskog dana zaštite životne sredine 2018. u Srbiji.
Obraćanje: Aleksandra Šiljić Tomić, specijalista za koordinaciju projekata Agencije Ujedinjenih nacija za životnu sredinu (UN Environment)
Awarded / Nagrađeni radovi:
1. mesto – rad „Žutoplovac“, OŠ „Sveti Georgije“, Uzdin; Nagradu prima mentor Tatjana Romanov, profesor razredne nastave
2. mesto – rad „Eko brodić – Drugarstvo“, OŠ „Rade Dodić“, Milutovac, izdvojeno odeljenje Poljna; Nagradu prima mentor Suzana Jovanović –Stanisavljević
3. mesto – rad „Brod prijateljstva“, OŠ „Petefi brigada“, Kula; Nagradu prima mentor Marijana Kolarić
Photo exhibition – slideshow of vessels (ships, sailboats, etc.) of all elementary school classes participated in the competition is presented in the front of the Main Hall.
14:00 – 14:20 Awards for the best Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) in 2018: “Energy Efficiency of the Eyes of Young Reporters for the Environment” / Dodela nagrada najboljim Mladim Eko-reporetima u 2018. godini: “Energetska efikasnost očima Mladih Eko-reportera”
Obraćanje: Dijana Šarac, koordinator Programa Mladi Eko-reporteri
Awarded/ Nagrađeni radovi:
Uzrasna kategorija od 11 do 14 godina
– U kategoriji članaka:
- mesto David Bradić iz OŠ „Rade Dodić“, Milutovac, naziv članka: Sunce i ti
- mesto Lena Veličić, Dunja Milijanović iz OŠ „Sveti Sava“, Čačak, naziv članka: Štednja energije
- mesto Milica Đurić, Teodora Nikša, Milica Popović, Živojin Mišić, Marko Kuleško iz OŠ „Marija Trandafilović“, Veternik, naziv članka: Udaljenost Kejptauna je relativna stvar
– U kategoriji fotografija:
- mesto Milan Pavlović iz OŠ Stojan Novaković, Blace, naziv fotografije: Energetska efikasnost saradnjom svih nas
- mesto Jovana Dimitrijević iz OŠ Sveti Sava, Pirot, naziv fotografije: Moj grad vodi računa o energetskoj efikasnosti
- mesto Ilija Radojković iz OŠ Ratko Mitrović, Čačak, naziv fotografije: Sunce na našem krovu
– U kategoriji videa:
- mesto Đina Ranđelović, Iva Ignjatović iz OŠ „Sveti Sava“ Pirot, naziv videa: Unutrašnji bazen u Pirotu
- mesto Nikola Dragić, Ognjen Kostić, Aleksa Vacić, Dimitrije Stanković iz OŠ „Sveti Sava“, Pirot, naziv videa: Vodenica
- mesto Strahinja Marseni, Anja Lazović, Vladimir Konstantinovića, Andreja Đurkovića, Teodora Radivojević iz OŠ Drinka Pavlović, Beograd, naziv videa: Energetska efikasnost
Uzrasna kategorija od 15 do 18 godina
– U kategoriji članaka:
- mesto Jefimija Najdić iz Gimnazija Vranje, naziv članaka: Dozvolite plućima naše planete da dišu
- mesto Marija Dibrani iz MTŠ „14 oktobar“, Kraljevo, naziv članka: Zelena energija i zdrav život
- mesto Stefan Zeremski, Bojan Zakonović, Vasilije Radović iz ETŠ „Rade Končar“, Beograd. Naziv članka: Sekcija za energetsku efikasnost
– U kategoriji fotografija:
- mesto Olga Đurović iz Gimnazije „Takovski ustanak“, Gornji Milanovac, naziv fotografije: Krov
- mesto Vladana Stanković iz Prehrambeno-hemijske škole, Niš, naziv fotografije: Nova rasveta u Doljevcu
– U kategoriji videa:
- mesto Anja Aranđelović, Milica Jovanović, Gordan Mišić iz Tehničke škole, Paraćin, naziv videa: Menjamo navike da ne bude panike
- mesto Natalija Stanković iz Savremene gimnazije, Beograd, naziv videa: Energetska efikasnost
- mesto 14 učenika iz Medicinske škole, Vranje, naziv videa: Odakle dolazi električna energija
– Uzrasna kategorija od 19 do 21 godine
U kategoriji fotografija:
- mesto Tijana Krnjaić sa Fakulteta Političkih nauka, naziv fotografije: Toplotna pumpa
– U kategoriji videa:
1.mesto Anđela Stošić sa Fakulteta Političkih nauka, naziv videa: Solarni paneli
14:20-15:00 Break / Pauza
15:00-18:00 Presentations / Usmena izlaganja radova
Moderatori: prof. dr Hristina Stevanović Čarapina, prof. dr Nataša Žugić Drakulić, prof. dr Dunja Prokić, dr Uroš Rakić
Plenary lecture / Uvodno predavanje
Uticaj Sporazuma iz Pariza o promeni klime na razvoj ekološkog acquis-a i prenošenje pravnih standarda zaštite biodiverziteta i očuvanja šuma u pravni sistem Srbije, MIRJANA DRENOVAK IVANOVIĆ, PRAVNI FAKULTET, UNIVERZITET U BEOGRADU
Oral presentations / Usmena izlaganja
GEOGRAPHIC MONITORING OF FOREST BIODIVERSITY IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA, ADI OPERTA, Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mujo Hasanović, Irma Mahmutović-Dizdarević, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
CLADOCERANS SEASONAL DYNAMICS AT SNR ”CARSKA BARA”, Martina Mezei, Aleksandra Petrović, Vojislava Bursić, Tijana Stojanović, Jasna Grabić, Branka Ljevnaić-Mašić, FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE, UNIVERSITY OF NOVI SAD, SERBIA
INFLUENCE OF DROUGHT ON WATER QUALITY AT SPECIAL NATURE RESERVE “CARSKA BARA”, Radoš Zemunac, Jasna Grabić, Vojislava Bursić, Aleksandra Petrović, Martina Mezei, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, Ildiko Grnya, Special Nature Reserve “Carska bara”, Branka Ljevnaić-Mašić, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad
ELEMENTI MALOLETNIČKOG KRIMINALITETA U KRIVIČNIM DELIMA PROTIV ŽIVOTNE SREDINE U REPUBLICI SRBIJI, Aleksandar Luković, KORIDORI SRBIJE, Brankica Luković, Ljilana Plećević, Vahid Ibrulj, Visoka škola strukovnih studija-Aranđelovac
UTICAJ TURIZMA NA VODNE RESURSE, SNEŽANA ŠTETIĆ, VISOKA TURISTIČKA ŠKOLA STRUKOVNIH STUDIJA BEOGRAD, IGOR TRIŠIĆ, Fakultet za hotelijerstvo i turizam, Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Fakultet za hotelijerstvo i turizam u Vrnjačkoj BanjI
Značaj planova za sigurno vodosnabdevanje i Bonske povelje, mILKICA Kovačević
Poređenje ekološke svesti učenika osnovnih škola u Nemačkoj i Bosni i Hercegovini, TEA POŽAR, Institute of Geography, University of Bamberg, dIJANA ĐURIĆ, Građevinski fakultet Subotica, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, LOLA MARKOVIĆ, GEOGRAFSKI FAKULTET, UNIVERZITET U BEOGRADU
Radovi u formi apstrakta
Biodiversity of epiphytic Lichens and Mosses from Pčinja District and Bioindication of heavy Metal Pollution by using Evernia prunastri and Hypnum cupressiforme, SNEŽANA MILOŠEVIĆ, OPŠTINSKA UPRAVA, KLER, OPŠTINA BUJANOVAC, SLAVIŠA STAMENKOVIĆ, PRIRODNO MATEMATIČKI FAKULTET
18:00 Zatvaranje konferencije / Conference closing
Obraćanje: Aleksandra Mladenović, predsednica Ambasadora održivog razvoja i životne sredine
I ove godine Ambasadori održivog razvoja i životne sredine (AOR) nastavljaju sa promovisanjem aktivnosti koje imaju minimalan negativan uticaj na životnu sredinu, te je EnE18 Konferencija prepoznata kao ekološki prijateljska i izbegnuto je bespotrebno štampanje materijala i publikovanje Zbornika radova u štampanom izdanju. Takođe, AOR preporučuju dolazak učesnika na Konferenciju sredstvima javnog prevoza.
Četrnaesta regionalna konferencija EnE18
The Fourteenth Regional Conference EnE18
Životna sredina ka Evropi
Environment to Europe
dr Christos Vlachokostas, Aristotle University Thessaloniki, Greece
Prof. dr Anđelka Mihajlov, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
MSc Ljupco Avramovski, Skopje, FYR Macedonia
Prof dr Predrag Simonović, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Prof. dr Nataša Žugić Drakulić
Filip Jovanović MSc
dr Uroš Rakić
Prof. dr Hristina Stevanović Čarapina
MSc Aleksandra Mladenović
mr Dušan Stokić, ko-predsedavajući Konferencije, Conference co-Chair
prof. dr Dunja Prokić, glavna koordinatorka Konferencije, Main Conference Coordinator
Jezik Konferencije
Engleski i srpski (i/ili jezici bivših jugoslovenskih republika); simultano prevođenje je obezbeđeno zaključno sa 13:30h.
Conference language
English and Serbian (and/or languages of former Yugoslav Republics); simultaneous translation will be provided up to 13:30.
Zbornik radova
On-line Zbornik radova objavljenih u celini predstavlja radove koji su recenzirani, razvrstani i dostavljeni u predviđenom roku; autori radova su odgovorni za sadržaj radova i prevod na engleski jezik. Zbornik radova se može preuzeti sa:
Book of Proceedings
Book of Proceedings, with all accepted papers, is available online. Authors are responsible for content and English translation of their papers. Available at:
Recenzentski odbor je, na bazi tematske usmerenosti i načina prezentovanja, razvrstavao radove za Zbornik po kategorijama: radovi u celini i apstrakti radova. Papers are grouped in two categories: full papers and abstracts.
Kontakt: “Ambasadori održvog razvoja i životne sredine”,; Email:, cc:
Contact: „Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development“,; Email:, cc:
Guest lectures made at two Universities in Serbia: “Circular economy is concept and process, and still not full circle”
May 2018: Following project plan and Activity 1.8 Strengthening and expanding communication strategy, lectures have been delivered at the University of Belgrade and University of Novi Sad. Prof. dr Andjelka Mihajlov, expert and honorably president of EASD, with support of Prof. dr Mirjana Drenovak Ivanovic, Faculty of Law University of Belgrade and Prof. dr Goran Vujic, Faculty of Technical Sciences University of Belgrade, had a lecture related to Circular Economy at the both Universities. Professor Mihajlov explained to the students of Law and students of Technical Sciences the concept of circular economy, and discussed reasons why is important to have all three pillars of sustainable development in balance. Students also had opportunity to learn how individuals, companies, decision makers and society as whole can contribute to overcoming problems in implementation of this concept faced in the previous period, pointing out that circular economy is concept and process, and still not “full circle”. During discussion, students tried to define circular economy as known term, and evident understanding after the lecture was recorded, compared to their opinions at the beginning. Some of the important highlights from the lecture will be involved in the ordinary test that will serve to check knowledge gained. Professor Mihajlov took the opportunity to present env.net3 project, experience from the previous project periods and to explain how is possible to reach decision makers having in mind strong partnership of civil societies and knowledge that could serve as the main force.
Prof Andjelka Mihajlov: “Circular economy is concept and process, and still not full circle”
Call for participation for EnE18: Nature protection – Nature-Responsive Development
We are pleased to invite you to The Fourteenth Regional Conference ”Environment to Europe – EnE18‘‘, which will be held on June 5th 2018 in Belgrade (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia). Conference is UN WED (World Environmental Day) and ESDW (European Sustainable Development Week) event. On the World Environment Day 2018 , the UN is expected to give emphasis on the fact that individual actions to preserve the nature can actually help in sustaining a green environment and to understand why forests are important.
Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development in partnership with Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia organize The Fourteenth Regional Conference ”Environment to Europe – EnE18”. Thematic area this year is Nature protection – Nature-Responsive Development
Nature protection is highly ranked on the list of priorities of the United Nations (Sustainable Development Goal 15 and UN Decade on Biodiversity by 2020), the European Union (NATURA 2000) and all countries that strive to preserve natural values, biodiversity, geodiversity have to develop with responsibility to nature. The goal of the UN Decade on Biodiversity is to support the implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity and to promote its overall vision of living in harmony with nature. UN SDG 15 refers to the protection, restoration and promotion of sustainable ecosystems use, sustainable forests management, combating desertification and preventing land degradation and biodiversity loss. In response to the threat to nature and biodiversity, the EU has formed a wide European network of protected natural areas, known as NATURA 2000. It covers over 18% of the EU territory, ensuring long-term survival of the most valuable and threatened species and habitats in Europe. Candidate countries and potential candidates for membership in the European Union are facing a great challenge to protect nature and implement a development responsive to nature.
The aim of the EnE18 Conference is to highlight the importance of environmental protection and sustainable development in the context of the protection of nature. The Conference is an opportunity for representatives of state institutions, professional, consultative, educational and scientific institutions, managers of protected areas, civil sector, to present current topics in the field of nature protection.
Traditionally, within the Conference every year we have a significant number of participants from Serbia and abroad, the participation of over 150 authors and co-authors of papers who published in the CD Proceedings of the Conference, as well as participants without paper.
We firmly believe that your scientific/research results/consultancy/views and experience will substantially help a better understanding of these fields. Being aware of the necessity of a close cooperation between science and practice, we invite you to take active participation in the Conference Environment to Europe – EnE18, either by preparing and presenting your paper or by contributing as an auditor and participant.
Application forms (with or without paper) should be sent by email:
Focus themes on WED through years:
- Theme of the year 2017 – “Join the race to make the world a better place”.
- Theme of the year 2015 – “One World, One Environment”.
- Theme of the year 2014 – “small island developing states” or “SIDS” and “Raise your voice, not the sea level”.
- Theme of the year 2013 – “Think. Eat. Save.” And slogan – “Reduce Your Foodprint”.
- Theme of the year 2012 – “Green Economy: Does it include you?”.
- Theme of the year 2011 – “Forests: Nature at your Service”.
- Theme of the year 2010 – “Many Species. One Planet. One Future”.
- Theme of the year 2009 – “Your Planet Needs You – Unite to Combat Climate Change”.
- Theme and slogan of the year 2008 – “CO2, Kick the Habit – Towards a Low Carbon Economy”.
- Theme of the year 2007 – “Melting Ice – a Hot Topic?”.
- Theme of the year 2006 – “Deserts and Desertification” and slogan – “Don’t Desert Drylands!.”
- Theme of the year 2005 – “Green Cities” and slogan – “Plan for the Planet!”.
- Theme of the year 2004 – “Wanted! Seas and Oceans” and slogan – “Dead or Alive?”.
- Theme of the year 2003 – “Water” and slogan – “Two Billion People are Dying for It!”.
- Theme of the year 2002 – “Give Earth a Chance”.
- Theme of the year 2001 – “Connect with the World Wide Web of Life”.
- Theme of the year 2000 – “The Environment Millennium” and slogan – “Time to Act”.
- Theme of the year 1999 – “Our Earth – Our Future” and slogan – “Just Save It!”.
- Theme of the year 1998 – “For Life on Earth and slogan – “Save Our Seas”.
- Theme of the year 1997 – “For Life on Earth”.
- Theme of the year 1996 – “Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our Home”.
- Theme of the year 1995 – “We the Peoples: United for the Global Environment”.
- Theme of the year 1994 – “One Earth One Family”.
- Theme of the year 1993 – “Poverty and the Environment and slogan – “Breaking the Vicious Circle”.
- Theme of the year 1992 – “Only One Earth, Care and Share”.
- Theme of the year 1991 – “Climate Change. Need for Global Partnership”.
- Theme of the year 1990 – “Children and the Environment”.
- Theme of the year 1989 – “Global Warming; Global Warning”.
- Theme of the year 1988 – “When People Put the Environment First, Development Will Last”.
- Theme of the year 1987 – “Environment and Shelter: More Than A Roof”.
- Theme of the year 1986 – “A Tree for Peace”.
- Theme of the year 1985 – “Youth: Population and the Environment”.
The 2018 Vienna UN Conference
The 2018 Vienna UN Conference was organised by ACUNS in January 2018 for the diplomatic community, civil society, NGOs, academics, business leaders and media representatives to discuss actions, potentials, and challenges linked to SDG 5: ‘Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.’
EASD Honorable President participated on January 10, 2018, at Opening Session and Session on Empowering Female Leaders. She is ACUNS Expert; EASD is Institutional ACUNS member.
Participants share best practices and explore potential future collaborations in this multi-stakeholder forum, while spotlighting the International Gender Champions – Vienna initiative.
In the spirit of SDG 17 (specifically, Target 17.17: ‘Encourage and promote effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships, building on the experience and resourcing strategies of partnerships’) an intriguing mix of international stakeholders participated in the 2018 Vienna UN Conference.
EASD activities related SDGs
EASD team , from January 1,2018 will follow activities through SDGs lenses:
SD GOAL 1 – No Poverty SD GOAL 2 – Zero Hunger SD GOAL 3 – Good Health and Well-Being SD GOAL 4- Quality Education SD GOAL 5 – Gender Equality SD GOAL 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation SD GOAL 7 – Affordable and Clean Energy SD GOAL 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth SD GOAL 9 – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure SD GOAL 10 – Reduced Inequalities SD GOAL 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities SD GOAL 12 – Sustainable Consumption and Production SD GOAL 13 – Climate Action SD GOAL 14 – Life below Water SD GOAL 15 – Life on Land SD GOAL 16 – Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions SD GOAL 17 – Partnerships for the GoalsIn addition, we are following our activities as UN Environment TOPICS:
2018!…..With activity highlights from 2017!
Activity important milestones in 2017
EASD activities are focused to 3 thematic groups:
- Promoting sustainable development; Agenda 2030 and SDGs;
- Environment and Natural Resources; Climate action; Advancing policy integration ; Advancing science/technology/innovation integration; Environmental Security and Justice;
- Building partnerships; Raising awareness on emerging issues; Working with civil society and non-state actors
Promoting sustainable development; Agenda 2030 and SDGs:
Initiative: End mercury use in dentistry by 2022, civil society challenge European Union
EASD participate at UNEA3, Nairobi, Nov-Dec 2017
EASD participate: Summit to Plan the End of Amalgam in Europe 2017– November 20-21, Berlin
EASD participate: IPEN Regional meeting, Prague 16-20 October 2014
“Make Mercury History” – EASD participated at Minamata COP1 in Geneva
Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development
2017 International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development
EASD participate at 2017 Vienna UN Conference – Implementing the 2030 Agenda
Environment and Natural Resources; Climate action; Advancing policy integration ; Advancing science/technology/innovation integration; Environmental Security and Justice:
Initiative: End mercury use in dentistry by 2022, civil society challenge European Union
Good signal: Serbia gets (again) separate Ministry of environmental protection
Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development
“EnE17 – The 13th Regional Conference Environment to Europe” announcement: Climate Change Education
Building partnerships; Raising awareness on emerging issues; Working with civil society and non-state actors:
Initiative: End mercury use in dentistry by 2022, civil society challenge European Union
EASD participate at UNEA3, Nairobi, Nov-Dec 2017
EASD participate at 2017 Blue Flag National Operator Meeting
Eko-paket – Eco-Schools annual conference for the school year 2017/2018
EASD participate: IPEN Regional meeting, Prague 16-20 October 2014
EASD become the Member of the Western Balkans Youth Cooperation Platform!
Civil Society Forum in Trieste, 11-12 July 2017 – we (EASD) participate
Good signal: Serbia gets (again) separate Ministry of environmental protection
Serbia: Blue Flag 2017 Ceremony at beach on “Belgrade Sea”
EnE17 Conference and Panel in Media
Mercury Initial Assessment in the Republic of Serbia Workshop – we participate
Civil Society Forum in Trieste, 11-12 July 2017 – we (EASD) participate
Civil Society Forum in Trieste, 11-12 July 2017 is organised linked to the 4th intergovernmental Summit of Western Balkans and EU countries and it bring together representatives of civil society organisations with the objective of providing a platform for their impact on the so-called Berlin Process.
The Forum consider the topics high on the agenda of the political Summit: youth cooperation, rule of law and anti-corruption, enterprise development and innovation potentials, regional cooperation and bilateral issues; also, it will initiate debates on questions as environment, energy and climate change (EASD participation is focused to environment and climate change issues, as well as innovation, youth and regional cooperation), migrations, media freedoms, the issue of Brexit in relevance to the Western Balkans and the possible role of civil society in increasing the efficiency of the Berlin Process through communications.
The outcomes of the Civil Society Forum meeting (EnvEnCC MESSAGES) in Trieste will be communicated to the intergovernmental Summit in several ways: at a policy event attended by a number of Ministers of Foreign Affairs and a number of representatives of civil society of the Western Balkans, on July 12; at a press conference organised by the Civil Society Forum; in form of recommendations which will be presented to the Summit organisers and through the follow-up advocacy process. The goal of the Civil Society Forum meeting in Trieste is to support regional cooperation and “Europeanisation” of the Balkans through more active civil society participation in the decision-making process.
The Civil Society Forum Trieste is organised under the umbrella of the Civil Society Forum of the Western Balkans Summit Series, as a joint initiative of the European Fund for the Balkans (EFB), ERSTE Foundation and the Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung, in partnership with the Heinrich Böll Foundation (HBF), and in close cooperation with the Central European Initiative (CEI), Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), Centro Studi Politica Internazionale (CESPI) and Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso.
Call: The Thirteenth Regional Conference ”Environment to Europe – EnE17″, June 5th 2017, Belgrade
We are pleased to invite you to in Belgrade (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Terazije 23, 2nd floor, main hall). Conference is UN WED event.
Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development in partnership with Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia organize The Thirteenth Regional Conference ”Environment to Europe – EnE17”. Thematic area this year is Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development. The Conference is an opportunity for institutions, organizations and experts to present their research and exchange viewpoints regarding climate change and environmental education. We firmly believe that your scientific/research results and experience will substantially help a better understanding of these fields. Being aware of the necessity of a close cooperation between science and practice, including the practice within competent institutions, we invite you to take active participation in the Conference “Environment to Europe – EnE17”, either by preparing and presenting your paper or by contributing as an auditor and participant. First, you need to apply to the Conference “Environment to Europe” Program ( Conference Organizing Committee is pleased to inform you that the registration fee for paper publishing in the CD Conference Proceeding is 50 €. Students are exempt from paying the registration fee. More information: Dunja Prokić, Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development, e-mail:, web site: and Environment to Europe Program Coordinator dr Dunja Prokić |
Education for Sustainability
EASD organized an event “Education for Sustainability” in partnership with EU Info Centre in Belgrade within the campaign “Europe for Green Serbia”, promoting the idea that by participating in YRE and Eco-Schools programmes, we can improve the quality of the environment, not only in schools but also in the wider communities. Young Reporters from Serbia presented their entries and they talked about different subjects. Also some of their works are printed and presented in the hall of the EU Info Centre
EASD Knowledge Partner with CEE for ESD for transforming education for children and youth
The Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD) has generated rich experiences of transforming education for children and youth. The Global Action Programme (GAP), an outcome from the DESD has a large emphasis on children and youth as key drivers for change.
he International Conference ‘ESD for transforming Education for Children and Youth’ provide an opportunity for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) professionals, core education professionals, academics, students/youth, government officials, CSR professionals and individuals from across the world to create an informed understanding about the way education is and can support, strengthen and catalyse sustainable development. The proposed International Conference will discuss the outcomes of Goal 4 from the ESDG Conference specifically focussing on good practice examples highlighting innovative strategies and methodologies in pedagogy and curriculum in both formal and non formal settings to engage children and youth. The deliberations from this conference will further enhance cooperation and action around Goal 4.7.(SDG). The International Conference is being organised at Centre for Environment Education (CEE), Ahmedabad, India between 16-18 September 2016. Expected Outcomes include: to share the work being done in the field of EE/ESD. to develop synergies and partnerships, to take forward the Ahmedabad Plan of Action for children and youth in context of Goal 4.7.
Environmental Ambassadors Honorable President Prof. Andjelka Mihajlov, will share our experience in TetraPack Eco Package Project as the tool for ESD in practice.
Agenda 2030 and SDGs in the focus of EASD work
Multi-stakeholder partnerships at the national, local, regional and international levels, that are solution-oriented and inclusive of all groups, including women, indigenous peoples and minorities, will be crucial to realizing these joint aspirations and will be a key element of the 2030 Agenda and SDG implementation.
The successful adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals was the result of more than two years of intensive consultation and engagement of all stakeholders.
The UNEP Regional Office for Europe, in partnership with the European Economic and Social Committee and the European Environmental Bureau, organized a multi-stakeholders meeting on the implementation of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, combined with the yearly UNEP Regional Consultation Meeting for Major Groups and Stakeholders on 12-13 November 2015 in Brussels, Belgium. EASD participated ( report).
Sustainable Development Indicators data and development for SEE region is underway through Platform Indicators Development. For Serbia, EASD team is focused on Environmental Sustainability, Science and Technology , Health and Hygiene and Energy and Environment . EASD promote The World Environmental Education Day, having the great event in school “Vuk Karadžić”, Surčin.
The 2nd meeting of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA) will take place from 23-27 May, 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya. The meeting will be held under the overarching theme: “Delivering on the Environmental Dimension of the Post-2015 Development Agenda.” There will also be a Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum (GMGSF) held prior to UNEA-2 on 21 and 22 May 2016. Environmental Ambassadors (EASD) is organisation accredited in UNEP/UNEA.
In the preparatory phase, EASD participated in the process of UNEP Redefinition of its Youth Strategy, familiarise with the interactive version of the Bali Guideline Implementation Guide , reviewing new sustainable development agenda (results from open consultation on ‘grey‘ and “green” indicators are now available ).
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development requested the UN Secretary General, in consultation with Member States, to prepare a report in preparation for the 2016 meeting of the High-level Political Forum, which outlines critical milestones towards coherent, efficient and inclusive follow-up and review at the global level, for consideration of the General Assembly. In order to informally contribute to the reflection, Major Groups and other Stakeholders have been invited to provide their views and inputs on these issues by completing an online questionnaire by 15 November 2015. The inputs and responses received is available on the Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform (our organisation is the member of SDKP). In addition, we keep eye on Open-ended Meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives to UNEP (OECPR) and Preparatory meeting for the 2nd Session of UNEA, 14-19 February 2016 – we registered our representative to participate.
EASD participated in the UNEP’s survey on the involvement of Major Groups and Stakeholders in the generation, utilization and dissemination of environmental information developed by UNEP. Below some of the key findings are highlighted:
· 63% of the organizations contributed to the generation of environmental information by UNEP to a moderate, large or very large extent
· Of contributions made, the greatest percentage, 56%, was to UNEP publications.
· 88% have accessed environmental information generated by UNEP; publications were the most common form of information accessed, with assessments and findings, and emerging issues coming a joint second.
· The most common way in which organizations accessed UNEP information was via the UNEP website, with the second most common mechanism being via email.
· 87%, have made use of information generated by UNEP either to a moderate, large, or very large extent. Organizations primarily used UNEP generated information for educational purposes, as a guide to their own work, or for analysis.
· 86% have contributed to the further dissemination of environmental information generated by UNEP, principally during meeting discussions or through posting on social media.
· 65% experienced no difficulties in contributing to, accessing, using or disseminating environmental information generated by UNEP, but for those who did the main issue was with language constraints.
· The most effective mode for organizations to be involved in the generation, access, receipt and dissemination of environmental information generated by UNEP was email; this was followed by the UNEP website and through social media.
· 85% successfully received the type of information they needed from UNEP either to a moderate, large or very large extent.
· Suggestions on how UNEP could improve included:
o greater interaction from UNEP on social media
o improvements to websites to make them more user-friendly
o sending of hard copies of important reports and documents to resource centers
o the use of shorter bulletin messages to facilitate understanding of the public
o greater dissemination
o more translations
o timely information sharing to allow sufficient time for review and comments
o the use of Google hangouts, online workshops
o more active engagement with mass-media (e.g. TV)
We “keep eye” on the multi-stakeholder dialogue will be held on Friday 27 May 2016 from 12:30 hrs to 14.00 hrs, TO BE HELD DURING THE HIGH-LEVEL SEGMENT OF UNEA-2. It will be open to all interested delegations and will be organized as a moderated, interactive dialogue session. The proposed theme for the dialogue is: “Restoring and sustaining healthy ecosystems for people and planet: partnerships to jointly deliver on the environmental dimension of Agenda 2030”.
In February 2016, EASD promote stronger position of Environmental NGOs in the draft UNEP Stakeholders Engagement Policy (SEP) . More in local language
Save the date and participate: June 6, 2016 – Environment to Europe Conference
We are pleased to invite you to The Twelfth Regional Conference ”Environment to Europe EnE16 –”, which will be held on June 6th 2016 in Belgrade (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia). Conference is UNEP WED event. Conference supports EU Integration process through the project “Development of the in West Balkans and Turkey: giving citizens a voice to influence the environmental process reforms for closer EU integration”.
Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development in partnership with Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia organize The Twelfth Regional Conference ”Environment to Europe” EnE16 – Thematic area this year is Climate Change and Sustainability of Resources.
The Conference is an opportunity for institutions, organizations and experts to present their research and exchange viewpoints regarding climate change and sustainable use of natural resources.
We firmly believe that your scientific/research results and experience will substantially help a better understanding of these fields. Being aware of the necessity of a close cooperation between science and practice, including the practice within competent institutions, we invite you to take active participation in the Conference “Environment to Europe –”, either by preparing and presenting your paper or by contributing as an auditor and participant.
Conference Organizing Committee is pleased to inform you that, thanks to the support of the EU through project, there will be no participation fee.First, you need to apply to the Conference “Environment to Europe” Program (
If you experience problems completing the registration, please send e-mail to: .
More information: Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development,, web site: and .
Environment to Europe Program Coordinator
dr Dunja Prokić
SDGs as the relevant part of the context within which FEE operates
After a long series of intergovernmental negotiations on various themes,which saw a broad participation from major groups and civil society stakeholders under the guidance of the United Nations State Members, the Goals have been adopted on September 25th at the New York United Nations Summit by 193 Member States. In the same occasion, the UN launched their post-2015 development agenda, in which the Goals are integrated. UN Member States, the civil society and private sector contributors will use this new, universal set of goals, targets and indicators to guide development global efforts over the next 15 years in a concerted international action within the broadest, most ambitious development agenda ever agreed at the global level. The 17 Goals and 169 Targets are meant to be action-oriented, concise and easy to communicate, aspirational, global in nature and universally applicable to all countries, while taking into account the different national realities, capacities and levels of development and respecting national policies and priorities.
The Foundation for Environmental Education with its global network thus needs to frame and highlight its role as a stakeholder and trendsetter in the Sustainable Development process, particularly for environmental, educational and eco-tourism matters. The SDGs will define a relevant part of the context within which FEE operates, thus we are driven to reflect our work in the Goals.
FEE through its mission of fostering awareness, knowledge, participation, commitment, skills, actions and creativity on the environment and on sustainable development, shares the core values behind the set of SDGs. The programmes based on Education for Sustainable Development, such as YRE, Eco-Schools and LEAF show a strong link with the educational Goal (SDG 4) and the Goal on global partnership for sustainable development (SDG 17). FEE’s tourism eco-labels, Green Key and Blue Flag, on the other hand, have a focus on making human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable (SDG 11) and on implementing tools for monitoring sustainable development impacts for tourism (SDG 12.b).
Thus, FEE as an umbrella organisation aims at reaching objectives as indicated in the SDGs:
– “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages” (SDG 3).
– “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote life-long learning opportunities for all” (SDG 4).
– “Ensure availability and sustainable management of water..” (SDG 6),
– “Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all” (SDG 7),
– “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development” (SDG14), as well as to
– “Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems..” (SDG 15).
– “Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth..” (SDG 8), particularly to “..Implement policies to promote sustainable tourism which creates jobs, promotes local culture and products” (SDG 8.9).
– “Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable” (SDG 11).
– “Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns” (SDG 12).
– “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts” (SDG 13).
– “..Promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems..” (SDG 15).
– “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development..” (SDG 16), particularly to build transparent institutions and promote non-discriminatory policies for sustainable development (SDGs 16.6, 16.b) with a positive, proactive, democratic modus operandi and a strong synergic support to civil society and third sector.
– “Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development” (SDG 17) through a geographically spread, multi-stakeholder approach.
Programmes’ overview:
a) YRE: Young Reporters for the Environment is a network of international youth engaged in environmental journalism and Education for Sustainable Development, where the students investigate an environmental problem and report it to the local community, while, at the international level, they may cooperate with young reporters from other countries for sharing information or data, with the aim of proposing a solution and disseminating it.
The most evident link between the Young Reporters for the Environment programme and the SDGs is found in the Goal 4:
“Ensure inclusive and equitable quality educationand promote lifelong learning opportunities for all” and its subparagraphs“..increase … the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship” (SDG 4.4) with the aim of learning to think critically, “ensure all learners acquire knowledge and skillsneeded to promote sustainable development, including among others through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship, and appreciation of cultural diversity and of cultures contribution to sustainable development” (SDG 4.7) for being able to connectwith concrete issues.
The environmental educational programme thus also wish for taking “action to combat climate change and its impacts” (SDG13), specifically for what concerns to “improveeducation, awareness raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction, and early warning” (SDG 13.3) through active solution-oriented learning. The programme canalso help to“promote mechanisms for raising capacities for effective climate change related planning and management, in LDCs, including focusing on women, youth, local and marginalized communities” (SDG 13.b).
YRE is a network of young people educating for sustainable developmentand environmental issues in general, thus it also supportsthe aim of many other SDGs, such as:
“Promotesustainable agriculture” (SDG 2).
“Promote well-beingfor all at all ages” (SDG 3).
“Achieve gender equality and empowerall womenand girls” (SDG 5).
“Ensure availability and sustainable management of waterand sanitation for all”, supporting and strengthening the participation of local communities (SDG6)
“Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energyfor all”(SDG7)
“Promotesustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all”, developing measures that support creativity and innovation (SDG8)
“Build resilient infrastructure, promoteinclusive and sustainableindustrializationand fosterinnovation”enhancing scientific research (SDG9)
“Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable … Reduce the adverse per capita environmental impact of cities, including by paying special attention to air quality, municipal and other waste management”(SDG 11)
“Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns”, raising awareness on sustainable development and lifestyles which are in harmony with nature (SDG12)
“Conserve and sustainably use the oceans seas and marine resources for sustainable development”, aiming to preventmarine pollution and protectmarine and coastal ecosystems (SDG14)
“Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss”, promoting the implementation of sustainable management of the forests (SDG15)
YRE helps to “Promotepeaceful and inclusive societies for sustainabledevelopment..”(SDG16)
YRE can encourage to “..Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development” (SDG17)
The journalistic piece can influence the local communities to take action on various environmental matters
b) ECO-SCHOOLS: A global student-led change process in Education for Sustainable Development which involves also teachers’ training, integration in the school curriculum, environmental reviews, action plans, monitoring and evaluation, informing and involving the local community, setting an eco-code focusing on the various environmental themes (water, energy, waste, global citizenship..).
The programme is fully in line with the Goals:
“Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all” increasing the number of youth and adults with relevant skills and ensuring that all learners acquire knowledge for promoting sustainable development, developinga culture of peace and global citizenship while upgrading education facilities to child, disability and gender sensitive ones as to provide a safe, inclusive and effective learning environment for all(SDG 4)
“Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”, strengthening efforts to safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritagewith a focus on schools’ waste management, resource efficiency and climate change mitigation (e.g. Litter Less Campaign) (SDG 11)
“Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development” (SDG 17).
The implementation of the Eco-Schools programme also works towards the achievement of the aim of more SDGs, such as:
“Ensure healthy lives and promote well-beingfor all at all ages” (SDG 3)
“Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”, improving water quality and water-use efficiency with pollution reduction, minimizing the release ofhazardous chemicals, halving the proportion of untreated wastewater,increasing recycling or safe reuse and ensuring sustainable withdrawals together with the strengthening of the participation of local communitiesfor such purposes (SDG 6)
“Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all” increasing the share of renewable energy and energy efficiency, with the result of creating also savings (SDG 7)
“Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all”with the improvement of resource efficiency in consumption and production as to endeavour to decouple economic growthfrom environmental degradation (SDG 8)
“Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation” (SDG 9)
“Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns”, using the natural resources efficiently, reducing the waste generation (including the food waste) and managing sustainably the chemical products (SDG 12)
“Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts”specially improving education, awareness raising and capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning (SDG 13)
“Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrialecosystems..” (SDG 15)
“Promotepeacefuland inclusivesocietiesfor sustainable development… and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels” highlighting the theme ofsocial justice(SDG 16).
c) LEAF: Learning About Forests wants to encourage environmental education through awareness raising among students, teachers and the wider school community, to increase knowledge about the key role forests play for sustainable life on our planet, reflecting their cultural, ecological, economic and social functions, with themes as biodiversity, climate, products or services, codes and myths.
The key Goals linked to the Learning About Forests programme are:
“Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”, increasing the number of youths and adults who have relevant skills and ensuring that all learners (referring to the whole school community) acquire knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including through education for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature (SDG 4)
“Ensure availability and sustainable management of water..”, protecting water-related ecosystems and supporting the participation of local communitiesfor improving water management(SDG 6)
“Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainable manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss”, ensuring a sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems and their services, including their biodiversity, in particular forests, wetlands mountains and drylands, preventing the extinction of threatened species(SDG 15)
The principles behind LEAF are compatible with the aim of more SDGs:
“End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promotesustainable agriculture”, implementing agricultural practices, such as the tree-planting events, which help maintain ecosystems and progressively improve land and soil quality (SDG 2)
“Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages” (SDG3)
“Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainableand modern energyfor all” (SDG7)
“Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment..”, endeavouring to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation and devising policies that encourage sustainable tourism which promotes local culture and products, such as jobs related to the forest, while learning to respect the forest community as well as its myths, laws and codes (SDG8)
“Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”, strengthening efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage while supporting positive links between the urban and the rural areas as to widen the access to inclusive green and publicspaces (SDG11)
“Ensure sustainable consumption patterns” through relevant information and awareness for achieving sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources (SDG12)
“Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts” improving education and awareness raising on climatechange and the role of forests (SDG13)
“Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development” (SDG17).
d) BLUE FLAG: The world’s biggest voluntary eco-label for beaches, marinas and eco-tourism boats works towards sustainable development through compliance with criteria dealing with environmental education and information, environmental management, water quality, safety and other services.
The principles and rules of the programme comply with the content of many Goals:
“Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”, improving water quality with pollution reduction and minimization of hazardous chemicals release, increasing recycling, safe reuse and water-use efficiency through the usage of sustainable withdrawals as to protect water-related ecosystems also with the support and participation of local communities (SDG 6)
“Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all”improving the resource efficiencyin consumption while devising and implementing policies to promote sustainable tourism which creates job, promotes local culture and products.Blue Flag focuses as well on the protection of labour rights together with the promotion of a safe and secure working environment and the prohibition of child labour (SDG 8)
“Build resilient infrastructure..”upgrading it as to be sustainable and equipped with clean technologies (SDG 9)
“by 2030 empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status”with the aim of reducing inequalities and discriminatory practices for wages as social protection policies (SDG 10.2)
“Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”enhancing capacities for participatory and sustainable human settlements as to strengthen the efforts for safeguarding the world’s cultural and natural heritage while providing universal access to the public spaces particularly for women and children, older persons and persons with disabilities(SDG 11)
“Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns”for the efficient use of natural resources, through a sound management and reduction of chemicals and wastes and the promotion of sustainable public procurement practices (SDG 12)
“Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development”preventing and reducing marine pollutionalso from land-based activities, addressing the impacts of ocean acidification and conserving coastal and marine areas. Blue Flags also contributes in increasing the economic benefits to SIDS and LDCs with the sustainable use of marine resources through tourism (SDG 14)
“Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems… halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss” for halting the loss of biodiversity and preventing the extinction of threatened species, also through the integration of ecosystem values into local planning policies (SDG 15).
The implementation of the Blue Flag programme also work towards the aim of several more SDGs:
• “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages” (SDG3)
• “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”as education has a central role in the programme and reaches out for all the persons involved in it as well as for theusers (SDG4)
• “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls”(SDG5)
• “Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable,and modern energy for all” to help increasing the share of renewable energy and energy efficiency(SDG7)
• “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts”(SDG 13)
• “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development..”enforcing non-discriminatory policies for sustainable development (SDG16)
• Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development”through a multi-stakeholder partnership, which involves also public partnersand local authorities,where knowledge and expertise are shared (SDG17)
e) GREEN KEY: This eco-label for tourism facilities (hotels, campsites, small accommodations, tourist attractions and restaurants) is a voluntary award that aims at contributing to prevent climate change and reach sustainable tourism by awarding and promoting best practice, with the goal of changing the environmental practices at the awarded establishments but also the behaviour of tourism actors, including guests, staff, suppliers, authorities, local communities so to involve them in increasingly safeguarding their own environment. The focus is on themes such as environmental management, water, waste and energy saving, involvement and awareness of guests and staff, management of food and beverage and open spaces.
For what concerns the part of the programme related to environmental management, the Goals mainly involved are:
“Ensure … sustainable management of water..” improving its quality, having the proportion of untreated wastewater, increasing recycling, safe reuse and sustainable withdrawals of freshwater (SDG 6)
“Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation”setting rules for developing or upgrading quality infrastructures to support economic development and human well-being for an increased resource use efficiency and greateradoption of clean technologies (SDG 9)
“Make … human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”paying attention to air quality, indoor environment and waste management as to tackle climate change(SDG 11)
“Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns”with rules for achieving sustainable management of natural resources,respecting eco-criteria for food and beverages, reducing waste generationand achieving environmentallysound management of chemicals (SDG 12).
This way the programme “develops and implements tools to monitor sustainable development impacts for sustainable tourism which creates jobs, promotes local culture and products” (12.b).
As an eco-tourism programme focused on the environmental awareness of staff and guests, the Goals principally involved are:
“Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being..” where the programme has to encourage the users to take part in green activities (SDG 3)
“..ensure all learners acquire knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including among others through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights..” as part of the “educational Goal” (number 4), whereby the learners are the recipients of the environmental information expected in the implementation of the programme (SDG 4.7)
“Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all”, as the Green Key programme sets Corporate Social Responsibility and safety rules for the workers(SDG 8)
“Take urgent action tocombat climate change and its impacts”through a reduced environmental impact but also through the improvement of education and awareness raising for both the facilities’ staff and users (SDG 13)
“..revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development” (SDG 17).
Post Rio+20 busy July 2015
29 June 2015, UN Headquarters, New York, HLPF Stakeholder Consultation: This event present the results of an international stakeholder consultation on the mandate and means of stakeholder engagement in the HLPF.The High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) is proposed as the institutional “home” for follow-up and review of the post-2015 development agenda; and therefore presents a critical entry-point to ensure delivery of the post-2015 agenda and sustainable development more broadly.
26 June – 8 July 2015, UN Headquarters, New York, High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (The 2015 meeting of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) under the auspices of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)): The theme of the meeting is “Strengthening integration, implementation and review – the HLPF after 2015.” The first part of the meeting consist of moderated dialogues on a variety of issues, including how to move from vision to transformative action, the role of the private sector in implementation, how the HLPF can support national action, involvement of scientific communities in implementation, regional support for national implementation, small island developing states (SIDS) and investment in sustainable development. The second part of the meeting comprise a ministerial segment, which is expected to include dialogues on developing a transformative integrated agenda, emerging issues for the future, communicating and implementing a universal agenda, shaping the HLPF for the next 15 years, reviewing and monitoring progress, realizing the sustainable development goals (SDGs), and transitioning from the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to the SDGs.
EASD is pleased to share with you document: Towards an Integrated and Inclusive Follow-up and Review of Natural Resources. Two recommendations aim to ensure that the effective follow-up and review of natural resources in the post-2015 development agenda is aligned with the principles of integration, participation and inclusion: 1) Thematic reviews of natural resources as a crosscutting issue, from tenure to their use, should be carried out under the HLPF; 2) National multi-stakeholder and rights-holder initiatives for follow-up and review, within the context of a renewed global partnership for development, should be established or strengthened.
20-22 July 2015, Economic and Social Council Meeting: Will consider and take action on the Committee’s recommendation at its Coordination and Management Meeting. The Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations at its 2015 Resumed Session, held from 26 May to 3 June 2015, decided to recommend Special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council to our organization EASD – Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development.
Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development, in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, traditionally organizes the Regional Conference Environment to Europe. Through the years, the EnE Conference has grown into traditional gathering of experts and stakeholders in the field of environment and sustainable development, promoting adoption of the EU standards. Thematic areas this year is Horizontal Legislation: Methods, Standards and Tools toward EU Environmental Values. Traditionally, about 150 authors and co-authors of scientific papers, published in the form of the Conference Proceedings CD, participate at the EnE Conference every year. The Conference is an opportunity for institutions, organizations and experts to present their research and exchange view points regarding methods, standards and tools toward EU environmental values and challenges on the road to EU.
Conference is UNEP WED event, suporting EU Integration process through project (EuropeAid/132438/C/ACT/Multi 2014/351-610).
Six essential elements for delivering the SDGs
We follow developments on UN level – The Road to Dignity by 2030, and would like to share 6 essential elements for delivering 17 SDGs:
- Dignity: to end poverty and fight inequalities
- People: to ensure healthy lives, knowledge, and inclusion of women and children
- Prosperity: to grow a strong, inclusive and transformative economy
- Planet: to protect our ecosystems for all societies and our children
- Justice: to promote safe and peaceful societies, and strong institutions
- Partnership: to catalyze global solidarity for sustainable development.
It is interesting also to look at flows of funds from international and national financing sources to sustainable development. on the margins of ECF Annual Meeting in Brussels with European Commision
Some of partners participated on ECF Annual Meeting in Brussels with European Commision (24-25 November 2014), using that opportunity to promote results of project and to promote partnership. broshure publish by Albanian partner is distributed.
Agenda of the Meeting includes:
– NGO SESSION: Self-organizing and preparatory meeting for discussion with the EC
– DIALOG WITH DG ENVIRONMENT REPRESENTATIVES: Mr Nicholas Hanley (head of Unit of International, Regional and Bilateral Relations), Mrs Madalina Ivanica (Policy officer-Unit of International, Regional and Bilateral Relations), Ms Marta Moren Abat (Policy Officer-Unit of International, Regional and Bilateral Relations), Mrs Slavitza Dobreva de Schietere (Policy Officer-Unit of Enforcement, Cohesion Policy and European Semester), Ms Iris Valkovic (Policy Officer-Unit of Enforcement, Cohesion Policy and European Semester), Mr Dimitrios ZEVGOLIS (DG Climate Action) and Mrs Ivana Mijatovic (DG Climate Action ), on thematic issues:
- – Water
- – Climate Change
Annual Meetings build on the outcomes of all Environment and Climate Forum (ECF) activities and the events represent the key opportunity for the civil society to get engaged into dialogue with high representatives of the European Commission. The agenda for the annual meetings is prepared in a bottom-up manner, with key input from the NGOs, as well as in consultation with the EC. The annual meetings are planned in a way to allow enough room for NGOs to self-organize , to provide state-of-the art information on EU policies and legislation, to develop capacities of NGOs, and allow time for bilateral meetings . Following preparatory steps at country level, the organisation of annual meetings builds on the outcomes of 8 conducted in-country preparatory meetings and wider consultations.
Key objectives of the meeting:
(i) To disseminate information (to the broad NGO community and other relevant stakeholders) about recent development, planned climate and environment policies and legislation of the European Union and evaluation of progress and bottlenecks in the EU accession process from the EC perspective;
(ii) To increase capacities of the regional NGOs to actively participate in EU enlargement;
(iii) To bring to the attention to the EU the enlargement points and concerns of civil society and discuss how to address issues and cases identified by the NGOs;
Participants: Representatives of 21 NGOs selected for ECF-ECRAN, Representatives of the European Commission, ECF Support Team and ECRAN experts.
Brussels: we participate at Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA) Closing Event for Phase I
Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA) Closing Event for Phase I was organised by EC and TACSO at the Diamant Bussiness and Conference Centre in Brussels on September 24-25, 2014. Over 100 participants from 18 projects exchanged information and discussed mid-term evaluation reports and further improvements of the project outcomes during the Phase II of the projects. Six partners from team present at the conference had additional preparatory parthership meeting day before the conference, on September 23, 2014.
In the Outcome Document from the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals, session held on 19 July 2014, there are 17 SDGs:
Agenda for EnE14/ Conference “Environment to Europe”, June 5, 2014 in SCC – opening at 10:00
Conference Agenda
5. juni June 5th
Velika sala u PKS, Resavska 15 | Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Resavska 15 |
9:00 – 9:45 Registracija učesnika /Registration
9:45 – 10:00 Preparation to opening sharp at 10:00 / Priprema da otvaranje bude sa početkom tačno u 10h
10:00 – 11:00 Uvodna obraćanja sa uručivanjem Zahvalnica za partnerstvo “Životna sredina ka Evropi” / Opening remarks with handing out Recognitions for “Environment to Europe” partnership
Predsedništvo: Siniša Mitrović, prof.dr Andjelka Mihajlov , prof.dr Nataša Žugić-Drakulić, Dušan Stokić, doc. dr Dunja Prokić
- Irena Vojáčková – Sollorano, UN Resident Coordinator / Visoki predstavnik UN u Srbiji
- Freek Janmaat, Head of European Integration and Economic Section, Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia, Direktor sektora za evropske integracije i ekonomiju, Delegacija Evropske unije u Republici Srbiji
- Gabriela Bennemann, Head of department for economy and trade at the German Embassy in the Republic of Serbia, Rukovodilac ekonomskog odeljenja nemačke ambasade u Republici Srbiji
- Stana Božović, State Secretary for Environment, Ministry for Agriculture and Environmental Protection/državna sekretarka za životnu sredinu (tbfc)
- Filip Radović, Head of Serbian Environmental Protection Agency – Ministry for Agriculture and Environmental Protection , Direktor Agencije za zaštitu životne sredine Republike Srbije-Ministarstvo poljoprvirede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije
- Rodolјub Šabić,The Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data /Poverenik za informacije od javnog značaja i zaštitu podataka o ličnosti Vlade Srbije
- Representative of the Government of Serbia’s Office for EU integration, Predstavnik Kancelarije za evropske integracije Vlade Srbije
- Željko Sertić, Serbian Chamber of Commerce President / Predsednik Privredne komore Srbije (tbc)
- Representative of SCC Commity of Environment and Sustainable Development/ Predstavnik Odbora za životnu sredinu i održivi razvoj PKS
- Snežana Radočaj, Head of Hemofarm Foundation/Direktorka Fondacije Hemofarm
- Aleksandar Dragišić, Head of Institute for nature conservation of Serbia/Direktor Zavoda za zaštitu prirode Srbije
- Prof. dr Stevan Lilić, Public Policy Institute Podgorica/Beograd/Ljubljana, Institut za javnu politiku Podgorica/Beograd/Ljubljana
- Saša Mihajlović,Green Serbian Chamber of Commerce President/ Predsednik Privredna komora Zelene Srbije
- Tatjana Trifunov, JP “Ada Ciganlija” Beograd
- Represebntative of OSCE in Serbia / Predstavnik OEBS u Srbiji
- Maja Spasojević, Head of Environmental Management, Health, Energy and Agriculture Department, EPTISA Regional Office for SEE, Eptisa Regional Office for SEE/ Direktor sektora zivotne sredine, energetike, zdravlja i poljoprivrede, EPTISA Regionalna kancelarija za jugoistocnu Evropu
- Prof.dr. Anđelka Mhajlov, Introductory message: Importance and Institutional set up in Serbia for Chapter 27 negotiation with EU / Uvodna poruka: Važnost i institucionalno organizovanje u Srbiji za pregovaranje poglavlja 27 sa EU
Note/Napomena: Pending invitation will be included in the final Agenda upon confirmation/ Uvaženi pozvani gosti će biti uvršćeni u finalni dnevni red, po dobijanju potvde učešća
11:00 -11:10 Technical Break / Tehnička pauza
11:10- 13:00 Plenary lectures / Plenarna predavanja
(Moderatori: Prof dr Hristina Stevanović-Čarapina, Prof. Dr. Predrag Simonović, Prof. Dr. Zora Dajić-Stevanovć, Draženko Bijelič, Milica Petrović)
Negotiating chapter 27: process and challenges, Arunas Kundrotas, Senior adviser on EU integration, ENVAP project, Jovana Majkic, Coordinator of Negotiaton Group 27, Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection
CLIMATE CHANGE AND ECONOMY: TOURISM ASPECTS FOR GREECE, A.V. Michailidou, Ch. Vlachokostasa, Ch.-T. Tsourdioua, D. Spyridia, G. Baniasb, Ν. Moussiopoulosa, Laboratory of Heat Transfer and Environmental Engineering, Aristotle University Thessaloniki; School of Economics and Business Administration, International Hellenic University, Thermi, Greece
Multi-criteria Prioritization of the Flood Management Projects in Republica Srpska using PEPA Methodology, Merih Kerestecioglu, Mihajlo Stevanović, Ljiljana Stojić, Vassilis Evmopidis, COWI IPF Consortium ,Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of Republika Srpska
Aktivnosti Zavoda za zaštitu prirode Srbije u oblasti zaštite prirode, Poglavlje 27, Verica Stojanović, član radne grupe za Poglavlje 27 PROJEKAT : NAPREDAK I IZAZOVI / Project: Progress and Chalanges, Nataša Žugić-Drakulić i Filip Jovanović, Naconalna koordinatorka i asistent projekta Development of in West Balkan and Turkey: giving citizens a voice to influence the environmental process reforms for closer EU integration – Ambasadori održivog razvoja i životne sredine/Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development
Moj izbor, moje pravo–zdrava životna sredina!, Zorica Stevanović, Centar za razvoj građanskog društva “PROTECTA”, Niš
Vrste biljaka i životinja značajnih za zaštitu prirode u EU, Gabor Mesaroš, Udruženje za zaštitu i razvoj okruženja i graditeljskog nasleđa – Protego, Subotica
13:00-14:00 Break with buffet / Pauza sa posluženjem
14:00-14:15 Zajedničko fotografisanje dobitnika Priznanja za partnerstvo “Životna sredina ka Evropi” / Group Photo of awarded with Diploma for Partnership Recognition), Spisak na kraju Agende/List of awarded is included in the Agenda
14:15-17:00 Nastavak plenarnih predavanja – Plenary presentation continuation
(Moderatori: Milica Petrović, Draženko Bijelić, Uroš Rakić, Milena Tabašević, Radmila Marjanov-Panjević, Nataša Žugić Drakulić)
Učestalost prekoračenja GV PM10 – poređenje stanja kvaliteta vazduha u Republici Srbiji i EU, Anđelka Radosavljević, Tihomir Popović, Lidija Marić Tanasković, Biljana Jović, Agencija za zaštitu životne sredine
SRBIJA U PROCESU EVROPSKIH INTEGRACIJA I ZNAČAJ PRIMENE EMS U ORGANIZACIJAMA LOKALNE SAMOUPRAVE, Novica Staletović, Nataša Borojević, Violeta Ćulibrk, Srđan Kovačević, UnivErzitet Union-Nikola Tesla, Fakultet za ekologiju i zaštitu životne sredine, Beograd; SO Plandište: EPS JP PK, Beograd
Promena ekološke svesti građana Bora od LEAP-a 2003. do LEAP-a 2013, Dragan Ranđelović, Milan Trumić, Toplica Marjanović, Ljiljana Marković Luković, Maja Trumić, Društvo mladih istraživača Bor
Application of geographic information system (GIS) in environmental monitoring, Uroš Rakić, Institut zа јаvnо zdrаvljе Srbiје „Dr Milаn Јоvаnоvić Bаtut” Beograd
Assessing Territorial Attractiveness in South East Europe/Ocena atraktivnosti teritorija Jugoistocne Evrope, Projekat, Blaž Barborič, Geodetski institut Slovenije, Republička agencija za prostorno planiranje
Eko-standardi kao konkurentska prednost u hotelijerstvu i turizmu, Jovana Stevanovic, Ratko Trifunovic, Milica Petrovic, Marija Kostic, Fakultet za hotelijerstvo i turizam u Vrnjackoj Banji, Vrnjacka Banja
ADAPTACIJE NA KLIMATSKE PROMENE U OBLASTI BIODIVERZITETA U REPUBLICI SRBIJI, Daniela Cvetković, Slađana Đorđević, Tanja Kukobat, Miloš Nikolić, Fakultet za primenjenu ekologiju Futura, Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd
MALE VODENE POVRŠINE U KONTEKSTU KLIMATSKIH PROMENA, Radmila Marjanov Panjević, Ines Trivan Krivo, Ante Stantić, JP „ Zavod za urbanizam Grada Subotice
Praktični rezultati usaglašavanja sadržaja arsena u pijaćoj vodi Vojvodine sa zahtevima direktive 98/83/EC, Andrej Kukučka, Udruženje zaštite životne sredine RIO , Nov Sad
Uticaj deponije na zagađivanje podzemnih voda , Draženko Bjelić, Dragana Nešković Markić, J.P.’’DEP-OT’’ Regionalna deponija Banja Luka
Emergentne supstance i istraživanja 2020, Mirjana Vojinović Miloradov, Ivan Španik, Ivana Mihajlović, Olga Vyviurska, Draginja Kalinić, Jelena Radonić, Maja Turk Sekulić, Departman za inženjerstvo zaštite životne sredine, Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu; Slovački Tehnološki Univerzitet u Bratislavi, Institut za analitičku hemiju, Univerzitet u Bratislavi, Slovačka
Primena biootpada kao heterogenog katalizatora u proizvodnji biodizela, Sofija Miškov, Ivona Radović, Mirjana Kijevčanin, Tehnološko – metalurški fakultet Beograd
Dinamika aeroalergenog polena u Subotici , Nataša Čamprag Sabo, Zavod za javno zdravlje Subotica
OPORAVAK DEGRADIRANOG ŠUMSKOG ZEMLJIŠTA SA ASPEKTA ŽIVOTNE SREDINE, Milijana Petković-Kostić, Jelena Đurić, Milena Stanojević, JP Zavod za urbanizam Niš
Energy efficient lighting – pilot project at University of Belgrade, Todorović Dušan, Jovović Aleksandar, Radić Dejan, Obradović Marko, Stanojević Miroslav, Bodrožić Jasmina, Janković Petar University of Belgrade Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, OSRAM d.o.o., Belgrade,Serbia
ENERGETSKA REHABILITACIJA FASADA I BEZBEDNOST OD POŽARA, Mirjana Laban, Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad, Srbija
BIOGAS-REGULATIVE, STRATEGIJE I UPOTREBA U EU I REGIONU, Jelena Velimirović, Univerzitet ”Union Nikola Tesla”, Fakultet za ekologiju i zaštitu životne sredine
Obnovljivi izvori energije, Dejan Doljak, Geografski fakultet Beograd
ARHUSKA KONVENCIJA – ZAKONSKA REGULATIVA ČIJOM PRIMENOM SE U TOKU INVESTICIONE REALIZACIJE U RUDARSTVU DOBIJA KVALITETNA PROJEKTNA DOKUMENTACIJA, Nenad Nikolić, Nataša Đereg, Mioljub Stanković, Jovica Veljučić – Kerčulj, NVO „Lokalna Agenda 21 za Kostolac – OPŠTINA“;Centar za ekologiju i održivi razvoj – CEKOR“, Subotica; . Privredno društvo ”Termoelektrane – Kopovi Kostolac“ Kostolac d.o.o
STAVOVI I ZNANJA UČENIKA SREDNJIH ŠKOLA O EFEKTU STAKLENE BAŠTE, Nataša Bukumirić, Vesna M. Alivojvodić, Šimon A. Đarmati, Beogradska politehnika, Beograd
Gde smo bili, gde smo sada i kuda idemo?, Aleksandar Savić, Dragan Knežević, TS Rade Koncar Beograd
Poučavanje ekologije u školama u Hrvatskoj, Zrinka Sablić, Klara Lisec, Veleučilište VERN’, Zagreb
Strukovne studije zaštite životne sredine – stanje i potrebe, Darja Žarković, Olivera Jovanović, Koviljka Banjević, Saša Marković, Visoka škola strukovnih studija Beogradska politehnika, Beograd
Klima Severoistočne Bosne, Senada Nezirović, Evropski Univerzitet Brčko Distrikt
Hajde da sprečimo +6 zajedno, Brankica Luković, Prvoslav Jovanović, Ljiljana Plećević, Milun Miljković, Jelena Đurđević, Visoka tehnološka škola strukovnih studija, Aranđelovac
Poučavanje ekologije u vrtićima u Hrvatskoj , Zrinka Sablić, Klara Lisec, Zvonimir Grgas, Zrinka Sablić, Veleučilište VERN’, Zagreb
Moralni i vaspitni elementi individualnosti, kao filozofija života i shvatanja prioriteta unapređenja društvene svesti o zaštiti životne sredine, Slobodan Petrović, Fakultet za pravo, javnu upravu i bezbednost Megatrend univerzitet
17:00 Zatvaranje konferencije / Conference closing |
Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition (age 15-30) – submit ideas by June 30, 2014
Thematic meeting of the SECO mechanism on IPA II programming
On January 30, 2014 in the premises of the Government of Serbia Office for European Integration held a thematic meeting of the SECO mechanism. EASD is the leading organization for SECO sector environment and energy, together with CEKOR – Center for Ecology and Sustainable Development and the Center for Civil Society Development Protecta.
Topics discussed include:
1 Presentation documents IPA 2014-2016 intervention logic: discussion on priority topics and the order of the sectoral support for IPA 2014-2016 (link to the objectives, priorities and measures over the document) – document was presented at the meeting;
2 Program support to the sector and the further course of programming;
3 The participation of civil society in the programming of IPA II – Indicative calendar of events for programming in 2014. year.
Representative AOR at this meeting was Filip Jovanovic. Representatives of other leading CSOs were presented, as well as representatives by competent Ministry (of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection) and Office for European Integration.
Workshop for strategic planning of further work SECO mechanism
In the Palace of Serbia, on 16 December 2013th , Workshop for strategic planning of further work SECO mechanism is organised. Workshop organizers are: the Office for European Integration of Serbia – Department of Planning, Programming, Monitoring and Reporting on EU Funds and Development Assistance, Office of cooperation with Civil Society – Government of Serbia, TACSO project and TRAG foundation. Agenda includes reviews the functioning of SECO mechanism, a discussion on the current mode and define recommendations for improvement of the mechanism. EASD is the leading organization in SECO mechanism for Environment and Energy. The representative of the Serbia in the workshop is Filip Jovanovic. The meeting is also attended by organisations in the same cluster, i.e. representatives of organizations CEKOR and Young researchers if Serbia.
The third partnership meeting in Milan, November 2013
The third partnership meeting of organizations from six countries participating in project is being held from 5-8. November, 2013., in Milan, Italy.
The first day was dedicated to presentation of activities undertaken in the last months and description in details how each partner organisation is planning to implement activities foreseen in the project strategy in 2014. In the afternoon of the 1st day a practical training session on the use of social networks was delivered by Claudia Vago, consultant.
The 2nd day was dedicated to the EEB Training session on advocacy and monitoring the approximation process to the environmental acquis. In the 3rd day, a Training of Trainer (ToT) was organised in order to identify a common methodology to be used, followed by a short information session on how to use the website, to add pages and posts. The 4th day was focused in defining the project strategy and specific activities for 2014.
EASD in the Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint: 2013 International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week of Action
EASD, as the CSO National SAICM focal point, active participated in the 2013 International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week of Action, October 20-26, 2013 (Color pencils with and without lead).
On October 22, at 11:00, EASD/ Serbia Team participated in the central event in Serbia in, the Institute of the Public Health of Serbia – Agenda of the event : program skupa
On October 23. from 9:45 in Eco-School OŠ “Drinka Pavlović” ,Beograd , EASD team, in partnership with the APOS , gave a public lecture on “The sources of lead in the environment” , related lead in environment and lead poisoning (by different pencils and paint products). Our hosts and audience were biology professor Tatiana Tursijan, chemistry professor Dragana Ilic, and 7. and 8. grade students.
EASD presentation on lead from environmental angle : AOR Olovo 22.10.2013.
Events have media attention, for example.
Lead is well-known toxic chemical with ability to harm human health and cause wide range of health disorders including neurological disorders, anaemia, tiredness and muscle weakness, paralysis, kidney and liver damage and stomach upsets. According to WHO assessments lead exposure is estimated to account for 0.6% of the global burden of disease, with the highest burden in developing regions.
In children, the potential for adverse effects of exposure to lead is increased because of their physiological, metabolic and behavioural specificity. Lead can pose the risk to unborn child due to its possibility moves through placenta. Childhood lead exposure causes cognitive functions disorder resulted in about 600,000 new cases of children with intellectual disabilities every year. Latest scientific findings confirmed that there is no safe threshold for lead and that lead poisoning is entirely preventable.
The phasing out of lead from petrol, first in western Europe and later in central and eastern Europe, has resulted in a significant fall in blood lead levels in children over the last two decades. Nevertheless there are still a lot of sources of lead releases into environment such as industrial processes, paint, solder in canned foods and water pipes. It is still necessary to further reduce the levels of lead in the blood because there is no known safe level in children and pregnant women.
To facilitate action aim preventing of lead poisonings globally and especially exposure to lead from paint WHO together with UNEP created Global Alliance to Eliminated Lead from Paint (GAELP) that includes United States Centres for Diseases Control, US EPA and International Paediatric Association as well as Who and UNEP. The GAELP aims to elimination of lead from paint till 2020 in the majority of countries.
To raise awareness about lead poisoning, highlight countries and partners’ efforts to prevent childhood lead poisoning and urge further action to eliminate lead paint WHO through the GAELP will facilitate an international campaign on lead poisoning prevention (with a focus on lead paint), to take place 20-26 October 2013. This will be a campaign involving voluntary country-led activities, and we are now at the stage where countries (and NGOs) can volunteer to take part.
In WHO European Region four public health institutions and poison centres in Albania, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, and Serbia and a number of non-governmental organizations located in Armenia, France, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Republic of Moldova and Serbia registered events that they will organize during Lead Poisoning Prevention Week. The diversity of events that are planned reflect countries priorities in elimination of lead poisonings that for WHO/ Europe Member States includes awareness raising workshops with decision-makers, legislators, industry representatives, TV events and mass media publications, distribution of booklets, national conferences are planned in the participating countries. Interesting events such as exhibition on lead poisonings and screening of the preventive movie will take place in France. Clinical toxicologists will inform from CHRU Lilly (France) Poison Control Centre will send mail to approximately 1500 City halls and to Paediatricians and Child Professionals.
Action to eliminate leaded paints should take place in all countries.
Marshall Memorial Fellow working visit to EASD
On October 22, 2013, Mijo Vodopic as a Marshall Memorial Fellow of the German Marshall Fund of the United States, an American non-partisan, non-profit organization that works on strengthening transatlantic cooperation on regional, national, and global challenges and opportunities in the spirit of the Marshall Plan, visit Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development office in Belgrade. Currently, Mijo Vodopic is a program officer at the MacArthur Foundation, a US-based philanthropy. His portfolio includes scaling energy efficiency across the built environment, with a particular emphasis on low-income residences, urban sustainability and mitigating climate change.
Working meeting was focused on exchange experience, primarily related to renewable resources—solar, wind, geothermal, hydro, biomass, as well as other environmental and sustainability issues. EASD Team is always learning from international experience, towards new possible partnerships and cooperation.
EASD approved as the member of UN Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform
Since the first UN Conference on Environment and Development in 1992 – the Earth Summit – it was recognized that sustainable development could not be achieved by governments alone. This notion is reflected emphatically in the landmark outcome document of that Summit, “Agenda 21”. Section 3 underscores the criticality of harnessing expertise and capacity from all sectors of society and all types of people: consumers, workers, business owners, farmers, students, teachers, researchers, activists, indigenous peoples, and other communities of interest.
Sustainable development goes together with allowing people to broadly engage in development policy making. UN Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform serves to provide wide access to information and knowledge for sustainable development, through its online and social media. EASD involvement in process is approved by UN. It also helps build the capacity, knowledge and skills base of Major Groups. It supports, facilitates and monitors voluntary Partnerships for Sustainable Development and monitors the more than 750 voluntary commitments registered at Rio+20. It also promotes online and face-to-face knowledge and skills acquisition by stakeholders through its SD-Learning programme.
2013 EC and Partners: growing together – Framework for Partnership Agreement, Belgrade, May 23-24
The Regional Conference “CSF Framework for Partnership Agreement Inception Conference” titled “EC and Partners: growing together – Framework for Partnership Agreement” held in Belgrade on May 23-24 at Palace of Serbia, Yugoslavia Hall.
Over 200 representatives of CSOs that are awarded with EU funding within IPA SCF projects took part in this conference. Among 18 awarded projects had its representatives (9 participants from 6 countries).
Environmental Ambassadors had 2 representatives present on this important meeting with other CSOs, as well as EU and National Authorities representatives.
More information about the Conference and minutes could be find.
The second partnership meeting
The second meeting of the project is organized in Belgrade on May 21. and 22., 2013. ( is EU funded project, EuropeAid/132438/C/ACT/Multi, 2012/306-642). Meeting is taking place in the Hotel Tulip Inn, Putnik, where representatives from the „Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development” are participating.
The first partnership meeting
The fist partnership kick-off meeting is organised in EEB premises on January 22 and 23 in Brussels ( is EU funded project, EuropeAid/132438/C/ACT/Multi, 2012/306-642). Nataša Žugić-Drakulić, Hristina Stevanović-Čarapina and Andjelka Mihajlov, represented EASD on this meeting. – Serbia team include: Dr Nataša Žugić Drakulić –National Coordinator and Filip Jovanović – assistant , chosen in transparent process by „ Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development“, partner organisation in this project. In addition, National consultant for European integration is Prof dr Andjelka Mihajlov, .dr Hristina Stevanović Čarapina is leading expert and Sandra Radunović is an expert.
SECO: Establishing a partnership to promote the use of international assistance
Within the project “Support to the Department of Planning, Programming, Monitoring and Reporting on EU Funds and development assistance to the Office for European Integration of Serbia, for establishing a partnership to promote the use of international assistance “in March 2011 the mechanism was established, enabling civil society participation in planning and monitoring of EU and other international development assistance.
SEKO leading organization for the sector of environment and energy is a consortium of organizations (selected in a public competition):
CEKOR-Centre for Ecology and sustainable development,
Center for Civil Society Development PROTECTA.
SEKO Leading organizations are forming network NGO SEKO Forum “Environment and Energy” to work together to provide opinion related to official documents in the programming process, the identification of priority programs / projects, defining the strategic basis for defining priority projects for international assistance. 48 CSO are the member of this network, and it is open for the new members.
More information can be found (in Serbian)
January 30,2014 – Thematic meeting of the SECO mechanism on IPA II programming
December 16, 2013: Workshop for strategic planning of further work SECO mechanism
Activities include:
EASD prepared Opinion and contribution to the Draft Strategy Paper for the Republic of Serbia 2014-2020. Through SECO mechanism opinion is sent to Governmental Office for European Integration. Opinion is based on Serbia 2013 Progress Report and Strategy – Reading by Serbia Team .
More details on activities in Serbian language……..
Projects 2004-2011
- Sustainable Development and Environment towards EU: “EnE – Environment to Europe” Conferences 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, in cooperation with Serbian Chamber of Commerce
- E-communication standards , 2011, supported by Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning
- “Support to the Department of Planning, Programming, Monitoring and Reporting on EU Funds and development assistance to the Office for European Integration of Serbia, for establishing a partnership to promote the use of international assistance “, participant as the member of leading SEKO Consortium for Environment and Energy, 2011 ,
- Ecological footprint: analysis and training, project supported by UNESCO, 2011
- Possible aspects of environmental protection and natural resource management for Rural Development, supported as advisory project in the “Project on Transitional Agriculture Reform,” World Bank , 2011, 2011/2012, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia
- Environment Forum , project supported by EC (DG Environment)
- Analytical study of the impact of air pollution on the population in selected urban locations (Pancevo, Vrsac, Bor), (participation in the project with the questioning of citizens in selected locations on the subject), a project supported by the ministries responsible for the environment and for science
- Hazardous Waste Management, TAIEX DG Enlargement INFRA 32384 project, 2009
- Say Yes to Palilula , project supported by City of Belgrade Municipality Palilula
- Modify habits – keep Belgrade clean!, the project supported by the Secretariat of Environment of Belgrade
- Hit the right tone by use environmentally friendly rules , project supported by City of Belgrade Municipality Vracar
- Regional environmental advocacy and cohesion of the Western Balkans (abbreviation: REA), Project supported by the Embassy of Nederland (2009-2011) , REA Project Snapshots , Courses
- Children – the guardians of municipality, project supported by City of Belgrade Municipality Vozdovac
- Local Environmental Security (abbreviation: LES), project supported by OSCE in Serbia, LES Brochure
- Keep it healthy, keep it green, keep it European , project supported by NDI
- Involvement of NGOs in Serbia in the research of renewable energy sources, a project supported by the EU
- My Belgrade – My Environment , the project supported by the Secretariat of Environment of Belgrade
- Local strategic planning , project supported by City of Belgrade Municipality Stari Grad
- Technology Transfer Partnerships, project supported by CIDA
- Sustainable development and environmental leaders for tomorrow, 2006/2007, MATRA
- Building a common ‘green’ future in Europe (Regional Initiative for cohesion in the field of environment), project supported by Open society Fund
- RENCO – Regional Environmental Cohesion: Towards sustainable development strategy for urban South-East Europe, project supported by Sida and Ministry of Environment
- Women as the Voice for Sustainable Development and Environment , project supported by CIDA, WAVE_Report_2007-draft
- Education courses for provincial and local authorities on public participation in decision-making related to the Environmental Impact Assessment and Strategic Impact Assessment , Project supported by Ministry of Environment