“Eco-Schools” of Serbia in Kazakhstan at the “Climate Package” Conference and Festival
Blue Flag NOM 2024 October 15-18, Tobago
Sustainable Development Report for the Black Sea, officially presented and endorsed
The “Green Chair” strengthens the voice of young people and women in environmental protection
Annual Assembly of the European environment bureau, Brussels-14-may-2024
Participation in EEB Annual conference, May 2042
Some reflections from UNEA6@UNEP 2024 participation
Stop chemical pollution! (Bonn, September 2023)
SDG Summit 2023, UN HQ, New York
In June 2023 EASD participated at UNEP Survey on Progress in Strategic Approach Implementation 2020-2022
augMENTOR 1st plenary meeting , Nice, June 2023
Towards an international treaty on plastics pollution: reflections on selected issues
Final online Conference on the project: Forest – our lifelong teacher May 29-31, 2023
Kick-off meeting, Sarajevo May 18 and 19, 2023 – Project WSSP
WSSP: Risk management in the water, sanitation, and microplastics sector in the Balkan region
A Holistic Approach to Education for Sustainable Development – 2023 National Operators Meeting
2023 Annual Conference – Our common future: for a European Green Deal 2
Schools go green and digital – and Erasmus+ supports teaching excellence!
For more ambition and more transparency …..
Erasmus+ “ForLife” project at destination – Soverato, Italy
Climate & Energy Working Group – Brussels
Unstoppable conference in Tirana – Women overcoming barriers to success
augMENTOR Kick-off Meeting, Athens, January 2023
EEB Board Meeting, November 2022, Brussels
EASD at more international meetings in August, September, October …..2022
EASD signed manifesto calling for an EU ban of PFAS
50 Years of Environmental Policy: The People’s Environment Narrative
Participation at international meetings August-October 2022
Erasmus+ mobility in Serbia ForLife
EASD is at World Water Week ( Stockholm 2022)
Follow up on NDC for Serbia (Praćenje kretanja u sprovođenju nacionalno određenih kontribucija (Nationally Determined Contribution- NDC) u vezi klimatskih promena )
Call to action for a tomorrow without toxics
EEB 2022 ANNUAL CONFERENCE – “Boosting the Deal for a Greener Europe in Turbulent Times”
Integrated chemicals and waste management approach and SAICM beyond 2020
Study visit to Grenoble – the Green Capital of Europe
UNEP@50 and World Environment Day
Biodiversity protection and nature-based solutions in focus of EASD activities
EASD more focused to activities against plastic pollution
UNEP Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum, February 2022
Climate Pact for Serbia: Snapshot targeted rehearsal of country’s obligations in climate action….
“Citizen science” – definition in 2021 UNECE Document
Further on the road to UNEA 5.2, UNEP@50, and Stockholm+50
Sustainability of wastewater treatment methods from (Eco) schools in Serbia
EASD participated at Mercury releases from Coal Combustion Area Meeting – 28 September 2021
EASD representative participated at UNDP organized Meeting: “SERBIA’S CLIMATE TALKS – on the way to Glasgow”, September 22, 2021
CLIMATE BOX is available in Serbian language!
Environmental Communication: Media Archive Reports as a Participant Science Tool
Training for trainers on water safety and sanitation
EASD and European Climate Pact Ambassador participate at ACUNS Annual Meeting
Information paper on Climate Change and Energy
Information paper on Climate Change and Floods
EASD continuing to follow SAICM Virtual Working Group on Governance and Mechanisms to Support Implementation, 4 February 2021, 8th meeting
EASD participated at Chemicals Watch Global Chemicals Management Towards 2020 and Beyond, 19-20 January 2021
2021 – ENV.net3 project final steps – infographics with documents developed by EASD
EASD participated at Regional Consultation Meeting for Europe in preparation for UNEA 5 – RCM for UNEA 5.1, virtual meeting on December 16-17, 2020
EASD participated at the 2030 Agenda Partnership Accelerator webinar “Is your organization equipped to partner effectively for the SDGs?” , hosted by UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), 10.12.2020.
EASD participated to Consultation on the Preparation of the Guidelines for EU Support to Civil Society in the Enlargement region, 2021-2027, through TACSO
EASD promote EEB Letter message (Input to the EU Environment Council meeting, Brussels, 17 December 2020)
EASD delegate participated at European Citizen Science Association – ECSA 2020 General Meeting, 27 November 2020
EASD participate in EEB Climate and Energy Working Group, from November 2020; CE WG works on the 2030 climate and energy package and the implementation of the Paris Agreement, including the update of the 2050 roadmap.
EASD publication on circular economy acknowledged by European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform
November 2020: European Environmental Bureau (EEB) – 2020 Annual Conference and General Assembly
November 2020: EASD join IPEN and PAN in calling on the Director General of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to reconsider his recently announced alliance with CropLife International, a trade association whose member corporations produce pesticides and genetically modified seeds. The global networks and organizations co-sponsoring this letter find it completely inappropriate for FAO to strengthen collaboration with CropLife.
November 2020: Virtual tour on the experience from Italian practices in circular economy
November 2020: EASD contributed to the preparation of the UNEP “Researchathon”
November 2020: Joint civil society statement for Sofia Summit
EASD participate in SAICM WG on Governance and Mechanisms to support Implementation (from October 2020, lead to IP4 in 2021)
Oct 2020: EASD research presented at EurAsia Waste Management Symposium
Gender and Chemicals started
Oct 2020: New Momentum for the Environmental Agenda in the Western Balkans and Turkey?
Sept 2020: EASD join research on SDGs
Sept 2020: EASD participated at IPEN Women’s Caucus Virtual Meeting on Sept 24, 2020.
Sept 2020: (Our) Berlin Declaration have the quotation in the European Commissions Report
June 2020: 2020 Annual Meeting – UN @ 75: The Future of Partnership and Multilateralism, we participate
EASD is engaged with its preparatory process and exchange views with Major Groups towards UNEA5
EASD contribute with data on Serbia to EEB ZMWG on review of A and B of the Minamata Convention; ZMWG is looking into submitting additional information showing that Annexes A and B can be strengthened by widening their scope , April 2020
EASD monitored the implementation of SDGs
Energy efficiency in Eco-Schools , march 2020
2nd Regional Conference on Circular Economy in Western Balkan and Turkey , Tirana, Albania, March 2020
Panel on Air Pollution , February 2020, Belgrade
Criteria for Substances of International Concern Beyond 2020 , February 2020, Gothenburg
Message from our 14 NGOs to Brussels: End amalgam use!
Global Meeting & Forum on Chemicals and Waste, 2020 , Ethiopia, February 2020
Kopaonik – Serbian Mountain“Kopaonik-srpska planina”
EASD participated at 2019 FEE National Operator’s Meetings
Shadow Report on the VNR of the Agenda 2030 implementation in Serbia is finalized
Citizen science concept in terms of adaptation and mitigation to the climate change
EASD is participating in Shaping the future beyond 2020
EASD Honorable member: Milica Momcilovic
Establishment of the South East European Platform to Beat Pollution – SEEPP
Recap the moments from EnE19/ENV.net Conference
UN Environment : 4th Assembly (and pre- and side-events)
WEBINAR – Regional Forum of Sustainable Development (RFSD) for the UNECE Region : we participate
FEE National Council and Blue Flag National Jury Meeting (Održan sastanak nacionalnog FEE Saveta i nacionalnog žirija za Plavu zastavu)
To report: The first Regional Conference on Circular Economy was success
The first regional conference on circular economy, Belgrade, November 2018: Agenda
EASD full member in European Environmental Bureau – honor and challenge
YRE competition: apply before February 1, 2019.; Theme: Energy Efficiency
Blue Flag NOM 2018 in Greece: EASD participate
Circular economy knowledge based advocacy in Eco-schools network in Serbia
The ESDN Conference 2018 – we participate ; We participate – ESDN Conference 2018, “Stakeholder-Policy Cooperation in the Age of the SDGs: What new approaches are required to be successful?”, Vienna (Austria), 1-2 October, 2018
We participate at FEE GA 2018, Riga ; FEE busy September 2018: General Assembly and Green Key NOM
We participate at Green Key NOM 2018 , Talin
Join us for June 5th: Conference Agenda Available
Participation at the Green Parliamentary Group meeting
Pavle Pavlović – National Coordinator for GREEN KEY Project
6th UN regional meeting on SAICM, Poland, February 2018: we participate
ENV.net 3 Kick-off Meeting in Tirana
Call for participation for EnE18: Nature protection – Nature-Responsive Development
Initiative: End mercury use in dentistry by 2022, civil society challenge European Union
EASD participate at UNEA3, Nairobi, Nov-Dec 2017
EASD participate: Summit to Plan the End of Amalgam in Europe 2017– November 20-21, Berlin
EASD participate at 2017 Blue Flag National Operator Meeting
Eko-paket – Eco-Schools annual conference for the school year 2017/2018
EASD participate: IPEN Regional meeting, Prague 16-20 October 2014
“Make Mercury History” – EASD participated at Minamata COP1 in Geneva
“Make Mercury History” – EASD participated at Minamata COP1 in Geneva
EASD become the Member of the Western Balkans Youth Cooperation Platform!
Civil Society Forum in Trieste, 11-12 July 2017 – we (EASD) participate
Good signal: Serbia gets (again) separate Ministry of environmental protection
Serbia: Blue Flag 2017 Ceremony at beach on “Belgrade Sea”
EnE17 Conference and Panel in Media
Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development
Call: The Thirteenth Regional Conference ”Environment to Europe – EnE17″, June 5th 2017, Belgrade
Mercury Initial Assessment in the Republic of Serbia Workshop – we participate
“EnE17 – The 13th Regional Conference Environment to Europe” announcement: Climate Change Education
2017 International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development
EASD participate at 2017 Vienna UN Conference – Implementing the 2030 Agenda
Serbian Visions 2016 : Blue Flag and Green Key programs presented by FEE SERBIA (EASD)
Blue Flag NOM 2016: EASD participate
Waste, health, sustainability: what way forward?
Scientific signals: Waste as the crosscutting issue of SDGs
Global Review of Mercury Monitoring Networks
EASD and ECOSOC signals: Achieving sustainable development through infrastructure
EASD Knowledge Partner with CEE for ESD for transforming education for children and youth
WED Messages from Serbia: 12th Regional Conference “Environment to Europe”
Towards UNEA-2 background paper: multistakeholder dialogue
Chapter 27: CSOs participation
ENV.net Course: CSO Participation in Accession Process
National jury and Committee for FEE programs in Serbia
We participate: Regional Conference: „Sustainability of the FPAs” , Brussels
Agenda 2030 and SDGs in the focus of EASD work
2016 – Save the date for EnE16-ENV.net Conference
EASD contributed to the 3rd UNECE EPR for Serbia
United Nations Environmental Conference on Sustainable Development Goals
We participate in an on-line survey on UNEP programme planning and implementation
Eco-Schools 2015 NOM in Northern Ireland
Waste and human health / Waste and health: evidence and needs – WHO Meeting, Bonn 5-6 November 2015
EASD at the United Nations in Vienna
Consultation with UN/UNDP in Serbia
2015 ACUNS Annual Meeting – participation, june 2015
On TV Announcement and more , June 5 – 2015
We participate at European Green Week
First European-wide Sustainable Development Week
Indicators and a Monitoring Framework for Sustainable Development Goals
Toxic pesticide globally banned after (un)precedented vote at UN meeting on chemicals
First Young Reporters for the Environment Competition Launched in Serbia
Radisson Blu Old Mill Belgrade – The first GREEN KEY HOTEL in Serbia , February 2015
For your attention: 2015 ACUNS Conference
__________ Year 2015 begins _______________________________________
Six essential elements for delivering the SDGs
Western Balkans to join EU “in not too distant future”
ECF Annual Meeting in Brussels with European Commision
ERF 2014 – European Resources Forum, Berlin November 2014
Regional training on the process of designation of potential Natura 2000 sites
ENV.net on-line training courses
“Little progress has been made in the areas of environment and climate change”
Environmental Leaders from 70 Countries gathering in Copenhagen: FEE General Assembly June 2014
ENV.net multi-stakeholder Conference on Chapter 27: about 200 participants
World Environment Day – Raise the voice!
Agenda for EnE14/ENV.net Conference “Environment to Europe”, June 5, 2014 in SCC – opening at 10:00
Be a part of post-flood actions!
ENV.net Serbia with children, parents and teachers “cleaning up Serbia”
Research: Waste Technology Transfer
Meeting with FEE International Mentor in Istanbul
Great news from FEE Board of Directors
EU Delegation to Serbia: Consultative Meeting with CSOs on progress towards EU in 2014
EASD written contribution to the 2014 Progress Report
Participation on UNECE consultation related to the 3rd EPR for Serbia
UNESCO Serbia: Integration of Diversities
Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition (age 15-30) – submit ideas by June 30, 2014
EASD-ENV.net Serbia participated in defining the first strategic framework for CSOs development
Knowledge based advocacy: Environment should be within priorities in the negotiations with EU
Environment in youth policy in Serbia
Blue Flag 2014 National Jury Meeting , February 2014
Invitation for EnE14-ENV.net Conference, June 5 – 2014 in Belgrade
Call of proposals for ENV.net sub-granting in Serbia “EU: we watch and learn to be ready!”
Participation on public hearing by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) Study Group
Thematic meeting of the SECO mechanism on IPA II programming
EASD refreash the leadership team
EASD / ENV.net Team reading of European Parliament Resolution, January 2014
For your attention: Europa Diary in Serbian, p.51-61
Environmental Education for future EU Citizens
Workshop for strategic planning of further work SECO mechanism
With the students from Faculty of Security Studies
Eye on EU integration process: Parliament of Serbia
Meeting FPA project grantees with DG Enlargement representative
Round-table on waste management in marinas, integrated water management and EU integration
Serbia and EU Emissions Trading System
Eye on environment laws changes: monitoring compliance with EU directives
The third ENV.net partnership meeting in Milan, November 2013
Meeting with European Parliamentarians
Marshall Memorial Fellow working visit to EASD
“Little progress” in Chapter 27 issues in 2013, according to EC
Eye on EU approximation environmental challenges
Minister for Education and Science underlined the importance of drinking water for development
Education for Sustainable Development
Research results presented to scientific community
The first GREEN FLAGS in Serbia
National FEE Committee Meeting, September 6, 2013
Education power: Ranking of universities in 2013
Tara 2013: Summer Camp for children from diaspora
ENV.net snapshot analysis: While waiting for EC 2013 Progress Report
EASD accepted as the member in Sustainable Development Solutions Network –SDSN
Participation in two-day study tour for CSOs representatives
EASD approved as the member of UN Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform
FEE Serbia International Mentor in monitoring visit to Serbia, June 2013
More than 120 participants at EnE13 conference/ENV.net Roundtable: 10 June, 2013 in Belgrade
WED: “Do not waste the food – avoid unresponsive consumption”
2013 EC and Partners: growing together – Framework for Partnership Agreement, Belgrade, May 23-24
The second ENV.net partnership meeting
EDUCATION and ENVIRONMENT, among priorities for citizens: National consultation “The Serbia We Want”
ENV.net snapshots from CSOs responds to questionnaire
Workshop “Chemical and Product Safety in the Western Balkans”, April 2013
2013 Consultative Meeting on Environment and Climate Change – EPD preparation
The first ENV.net partnership meeting
Western Balkan Civil Society Forum