EASD approved as the member of UN Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform

Since the first UN Conference on Environment and Development in 1992 – the Earth Summit – it was recognized that sustainable development could not be achieved by governments alone. This notion is reflected emphatically in the landmark outcome document of that Summit, “Agenda 21”. Section 3 underscores the criticality of harnessing expertise and capacity from all sectors of society and all types of people: consumers, workers, business owners, farmers, students, teachers, researchers, activists, indigenous peoples, and other communities of interest.

Sustainable development goes together with allowing people to broadly engage in development policy making.  UN Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform serves to provide wide access to information and knowledge for sustainable development, through its online and social media. EASD involvement in process is approved by UN.  It also helps build the capacity, knowledge and skills base of Major Groups. It supports, facilitates and monitors voluntary Partnerships for Sustainable Development and monitors the more than 750 voluntary commitments registered at Rio+20. It also promotes online and face-to-face knowledge and skills acquisition by stakeholders through its SD-Learning programme.