The United Nations 70th General Assembly has designated 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development (A/RES/70/193). This is a unique opportunity to raise awareness of the contribution of sustainable tourism to development among public and private sector decision-makers and the public, while mobilizing all stakeholders to work together in making tourism a […]
Serbian Visions 2016 : Blue Flag and Green Key programs presented by FEE SERBIA (EASD)
November 27, Workshop moderated by FEE Serbia (EASD), Radisson Blu Old Mill Hotel: Is the tourism in Serbia on the sustainable development path? Blu Flag and Green Key programs presented. Some moments from Workshop:
Blue Flag NOM 2016: EASD participate
Blue Flag National Operator Meeting is organised in San Juan, Puerto Rico, 13th-14th October 2016. EASD as the National Operator for Serbia participate.
UNESCO GREEN CITIZENS is highlighting 25 amazing game changers in the area of sustainable development as they share their stories. These stories come from around the world . Among the various initiatives on education for sustainable development throughout the world, our (EASD) activity on Collect, investigate and find solutions for waste management in schools is given as the […]
National jury and Committee for FEE programs in Serbia
January 26, 2016: – supported beach “Ada Ciganlija-Savsko jezero” for 2016 Blue Flag – Noted that 2 hotels in Serbia have Green Key – initiative to revise renewal fee for Eco-Schools supported See more
EASD at 2015 Blue Flag NOM
NOM Blue Flag is on 21-25 October in The Netherlands. EASD as the National Operator for Serbia participate. More at
SDGs as the relevant part of the context within which FEE operates
After a long series of intergovernmental negotiations on various themes,which saw a broad participation from major groups and civil society stakeholders under the guidance of the United Nations State Members, the Goals have been adopted on September 25th at the New York United Nations Summit by 193 Member States. In the same occasion, the UN […]
Environmental Leaders from 70 Countries gathering in Copenhagen: FEE General Assembly June 2014
Over 100 representatives from environmental organisations from all over the world gathered in Copenhagen from 19-21 June. The occasion is the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) General Assembly (GA) at UN City in Copenhagen. Many topics concerning environmental education and education for sustainability were discussed and decisions taken concerning the future direction of FEE. The meeting […]
Blue Flag 2014 National Jury Meeting
Blue Flag 2014 National Jury Meeting was held on 11 February of 2014. For this international eco-certification 1 beach in 2014. has submitted an application, and none of the marina in Serbia did not apply. Consequently, on Agenda of National Jury Meeting was the application for the beach Ada Ciganlia – Sava Lake (Beograd), completeness of documentation and presented […]