The Thirteenth Regional Conference – EnE17 Environment to Europe Belgrade, Serbia, June 5, 2017 Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development Conference Agenda – Draft as on 24/5 ; Conference Agenda- Draft as on 22/05 UNEP World Environment Day – WED event […]
As ECOSOC Accredited NGOs we submit statement for the event “16th Session of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration (CEPA)”
EASD is organisation accredited in ECOSOC. Having that mandate, we submit statement for the event “16th Session of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration (CEPA) – ECOSOC Accredited NGOs” . The Committee of Experts on Public Administration held its sixteenth session at the United Nations in New York from 24 to 28 April 2017. Its […]
Athens 2017: Green Key National Operator Meeting
Green Key National Operators from 39 countries as well as Green Key’s corporate partners participated in the Green Key National Operator Meeting on 27-30 March 2017 in Athens. This year Green Key National Operator Meeting is dedicated to the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development. The Green Key National Operator Meeting is an annual […]
Mercury Initial Assessment in the Republic of Serbia Workshop – we participate
EASD representative Aleksandra Mladenovic, executive director, participate on February 13-14, 2017 on Mercury Initial Assessment in the Republic of Serbia Workshop. EASD is NGO Focal point for SAICM.
EASD participate at 2017 Vienna UN Conference – Implementing the 2030 Agenda
The 2017 ACUNS-UN Vienna Conference—hosted by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)—is a major multi-stakeholder forum for Vienna-based organizations, civil society, the diplomatic community, and academics to discuss actions, potentials and challenges linked to the realization of the Agenda. The conference is an occasion to share best practices, explore potential future collaborations, and engage […]
Serbian Visions 2016 : Blue Flag and Green Key programs presented by FEE SERBIA (EASD)
November 27, Workshop moderated by FEE Serbia (EASD), Radisson Blu Old Mill Hotel: Is the tourism in Serbia on the sustainable development path? Blu Flag and Green Key programs presented. Some moments from Workshop:
Blue Flag NOM 2016: EASD participate
Blue Flag National Operator Meeting is organised in San Juan, Puerto Rico, 13th-14th October 2016. EASD as the National Operator for Serbia participate.
We participate at WHO meeting Waste, health, sustainability: what way forward?
WHO meeting Waste, health, sustainability: what way forward? take place in Bonn, 5-6 October 2016. The meeting convene experts and representatives from Member States of WHO Regional Office for Europe, to discuss the policy orientations on waste and health that can be identified and proposed in view of the 6th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, taking […]
Education for Sustainability
EASD organized an event “Education for Sustainability” in partnership with EU Info Centre in Belgrade within the campaign “Europe for Green Serbia”, promoting the idea that by participating in YRE and Eco-Schools programmes, we can improve the quality of the environment, not only in schools but also in the wider communities. Young Reporters from Serbia […]
Scientific signals: Waste as the crosscutting issue of SDGs
WASTE AS THE CROSSCUTTING ISSUE OF SDGs, with co-author from Environmental Ambassador for Sustainable Development, presented at ISWA 2016 WORLD CONGRESS, September 2016, Novi Sad, Serbia The most important expert conference that ISWA (International Solid Waste Association) organizes is the annual ISWA World Congress. This is an event that brings together in one place and connects all the […]