Training for students in the frame of the project “Water and Sanitation Safety Planning in Romania, Albania, North Macedonia and Serbia (WatSanPlan)”, Funded by the Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, was held on October 22, 2021 in Aleksandrovac. There were 19 participants from different classes of the secondary school and four […]
“Citizen science” – definition in 2021 UNECE Document
Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development (Environmental Ambassadors, EASD) is a non-for-profit professional association focusing, among other, work on research and science (professional and participant science/citizen science) promotion. EASD is the member of European Citizen Science Association. With interest we are following the seventh session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Convention on Access […]
Satellite-like activity in Serbia (and region): Serious of “Seminars for Climate and Environment Ambassadors”
Prof dr Andjelka Mihajlov as European Climate Pact Ambassador launched satellite-like activity as serious of “Seminars for Climate and Environment Ambassadors”. Launched event was National Eco-Schools coordinators meeting, held in Vladimirovci, Serbia on October 8, 2021. With introductory speech, she informed about upcoming serious of climate education and awareness raising “Seminars for Climate and Environment […]
In advance of UNEA 5.2: EASD participated in the International Consultation for Major Groups & Stakeholders
International Consultation for Major Groups & Stakeholders, in advance of UNEA 5.2, Stockholm+50 and UNEP@50 was held from September 7th to 9th online. The objective of the consultation is to advance the development of strategies around specific initiatives such as resolutions, declarations, decisions tabled for UNEA 5.2, to further develop core messages and positions, and […]
Training for trainers on water safety and sanitation
Within the project “ Water and Sanitation Safety Planning in the Balkan Region: Albania, North Macedonia, Romania and Serbia (WatSanPlan), FKZ 16EXI4004A, Förderprogramm „Exportinitiative grüner und nachhaltiger (Umwelt-) Infrastruktur“ BMU, the first training for teachers of the Eco-school was held in Aleksandrovac. During the two-day training, teachers from primary schools, secondary school and educators from […]
Environmental Communication: Media Archive Reports as a Participant Science Tool
EASD presented on August 3, 2021, research paper Environmental Communication: Media Archive Reports as a Participant Science Tool (Authors are A.Mihajlov, A.Mladenovic, F.Jovanovic) at 6th International Conference on Communication and Management (ICCM2021), hosted and organized by Communication Institute of Greece. By sharing experience, this paper justifies environmental communication through the media archive reports as participant […]
EASD and European Climate Pact Ambassador participate at ACUNS Annual Meeting
EASD and European Climate Pact Ambassador Prof Andjelka Mihajlov (also Environmental Ambassador for Sustainable Development) participate at Academic Council on the UN System – ACUNS Annual Meeting. EASD is ACUNS Institutional Member. At the Panel Climate Change and International Institutions, she presented “UNEP at 50 should have a Guiding Role in What “Green” Really Means” , […]
Our Future through the Sustainable Development Goals
Event “Our Future through the SDGs” was held on March 19, 2021, virtually. Environmental Ambassador Prof dr Andjelka Mihajlov (EASD Honorable President) was among the Panelists, with presentation “Education, Environment, Gender and Inequality – 1/6 SDG Transformation as modular building-blocks of SDG”. There were more than 130 participants, with interesting discussion. More at […]
Virtually we are in Nairobi: participating at The Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum , the fifth meeting of the Open-Ended Meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives, Science-Policy Forum and the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA 5.1)
On February 9, 2021, EASD two representatives starts two weeks engagements and participation at: The Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum (February 9-11) , the fifth meeting of the Open-Ended Meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives (February 15-16), Science-Policy Forum (February 18-20) and the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA 5.1), February 22-23. We are starting […]
European Environmental Bureau (EEB) – 2020 Annual Conference and General Assembly
The second week of November 2020 was reserved for the EEB 2020 ANNUAL CONFERENCE – From the Ashes of a Pandemic to an Ever Greener Deal: Securing Europe’s Environmental Leadership. This web-conference was dedicated to the European Green Deal, taking into account that the first year of implementation is running. The main finding was presented […]