Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development

Eye on EU approximation environmental challenges

Different events organised to raise awareness to EU approximation environmental challenges. International Fair Eko-Svet  was held from 2.6. october 2013. in Novi Sad where different innovations and new technologies were presented.  Also, numerous interesting presentations on environmental issues were organized as an important part of this Fair. 10th International  Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Fair […]

Minister for Education and Science underlined the importance of drinking water for development

The First SEE Regional Science Promotion Conference (SCIPROM), is opened on October 2, 2013 in Belgrade, with the aim to bring together science promotion professionals, practitioners and enthusiasts to share experience and network in order to strengthen the link between science and society in our Region.  In the current competitive global environment it is an […]

Education for Sustainable Development: UNESCO call for contributions

The monitoring and evaluation process for the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD) is designed to capture a variety of activities related to ESD and take stock of the growth of ESD throughout the DESD. The final assessment and report will summarize and highlight the accomplishments of the DESD, convey lessons learnt […]

SAICM Regional Meeting, Skopje, September 2013

EASD representative participate at the 5th CEE regional meeting on SAICM in Skopje, Macedonia FYR, from 23 to 26 September 2013. EASD is National NGO/CSO Focal Point for SAICM.  Besade the EASD representative, the representative from Cleaner Production Center – Belgrade participated. Overall, the dynamic of the meeting was very positive with a total of 48 people participating, including 11 Governments, 6 […]

The first GREEN FLAGS in Serbia

The Constitutional National FEE Committee Meeting was held in Ministry for Education, Science and Development of Serbia, on September 6, 2013.   Prof. Dr. Ivica Radovic, Assistant Minister, opened the meeting, followed by presentations from FEE Serbia Team: Prof. Dr. Andjelka Mihajlov (national mentor for FEE programmes), Dragana Grujicic (assistant Eco-Schools national operator and acting […]

Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development accredited to attend the High-level event on the Millennium Development Goals and Post-2015 Development Agenda, 25 September 2013 at United Nations Headquarters, NY

Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development, accreditation to attend the High-level event on the Millennium Development Goals and Post-2015 Development Agenda, to be held on  25 September 2013 at United Nations Headquarters, NY, approved by the Office of the President of the General Assembly/ Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations. The programme of […]

EASD selected by GEF Secretariat for ECW Eastern Europe meeting in Sarajevo, September 2013, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

EASD representative  participated on GEF Expanded Constituency Workshop (ECW) for the constituencies of Eastern Europe (Sarajevo September 5-6, 2013). GEF Expanded Constituency Workshop (ECW) for the constituencies of Eastern Europe comprising the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia Georgia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Ukraine. The GEF Eastern Europe Expanded Constituency Workshop (ECW) […]

National FEE Committee Meeting, September 6, 2013

The Constitutional National FEE Committee Meeting was held in Ministry for Education, Science and Development of Serbia, on September 6, 2013. Strategic decisions are approved, like starting Green Key and Young Reporters for Environment, approval of the first 3 Green Flags for Eco-Schools, as well as the rules for Committee functioning. Information posted at FEE […]

Education power: Ranking of universities in 2013

Center in Shanghai (Center for World-Class Universities at Shanghai Jiao Tong University), published a ranking of all universities in the world for the 2013  (The 2013 Academic Ranking of World Universities – ARWU), presenting the top 500 universities in the world each year, according to a transparent methodology and the data available.  EASD review team made […]

Tara 2013: Summer Camp for children from diaspora

On August 16, 2013  started Camp on Mountain Tara  for Serbian children from the Diaspora. Camp  involved 15 children from Romania. Children  already learned about nature of Tara Mountain.  Planned activities include:   to meet with Serbian tradition and culture, to spend the day at the farm., as well as to join “the spinning class”  of Serbian women. […]