This year’s NOM took place in Cardiff, from 4th to 6th Decemeber, and was organized by Keep Wales Tidy team in the premises of Maldron hotel. Workshops, presentations, group discussions and many interesting sessions made all participating National Operators fully involved. After the warm welcome from Lesley Jones, Chief executive of Keep Wales Tidy, Laura […] on the margins of ECF Annual Meeting in Brussels with European Commision
Some of partners participated on ECF Annual Meeting in Brussels with European Commision (24-25 November 2014), using that opportunity to promote results of project and to promote partnership. broshure publish by Albanian partner is distributed. Agenda of the Meeting includes: – NGO SESSION: Self-organizing and preparatory meeting for discussion with the EC – DIALOG […]
Regional training on the process of designation of potential Natura 2000 sites
Aleksandra Mladenovic of EASD, participated as ECF ECRAN regional representative at the Regional training on the process of designation of potential Natura 2000 sites, November 4-5, 2014; Podgorica, Montenegro. Training was very useful and interesting, experienced presenters provided quality and sufficient information and discussions were simply and informative. The training was moderated by Mr. Petr Roth, with […]
Conference “EU accession in the field of environmental protection and the role of local authorities”
Conference “EU accession in the field of environmental protection and the role of local authorities” was held on 30 October 2014 in Belgrade. The conference was organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection and the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities, as a part of the project ENVAP2 – the program “Support to local authorities in Serbia in the European integration process” funded by Sweden. At the conference, representatives of local authorities were introduced to the process of accession to the European Union in the field of […]
You have to know before you act: Call for participation to e-learning courses
FRA page TITLE: FPA 306642 : Call for participation to new e-learning course: Get funding from the EU After the success of the e-learning course Social Media, Activism and Participation launched in June 2014, team decided to develop a new course: Get funding from the European Union. The course provides an understanding […]
Environmental Leaders from 70 Countries gathering in Copenhagen: FEE General Assembly June 2014
Over 100 representatives from environmental organisations from all over the world gathered in Copenhagen from 19-21 June. The occasion is the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) General Assembly (GA) at UN City in Copenhagen. Many topics concerning environmental education and education for sustainability were discussed and decisions taken concerning the future direction of FEE. The meeting […]
The heaviest rains and floods recorded in 120 years have struck the people in Serbia, leaving thousands of children homeless, without food, water, warm and dry clothes. This project will provide immediate relief assistance to the children and their families. The assistance will help about 1000 children and youth get the essentials to continue education […]
Research: Waste Technology Transfer
In Istanbul, Turkey, from 26 to 28 April 2014, EurAsia Waste Management Symposium was held. Environmental Ambassadors researchers and experts (A.Mihajlov, H.Stevanović-Čarapina and N. Žugić-Drakulić) presented paper Waste Technology Transfer from Developed to Developing Countries: Challenge at the Opening Plenary Session. In addition, A.Mihajlov was the Member of Scientific Committee, and H.Stevanović-Čarapina was chairing Session.
ECRAN NGOs Environment and Climate Change Forum – Evaluation Outcome
On April 2, 2014, we are informed of the results of the evaluation process which was done by the European Commission (following the call for interest published in January 2014, a number of 63 applications have been submitted from Croatia and the EU candidate countries (FYRoM, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey) and potential candidates (Albania, BiH, Kosovo*[1])). […]
EASD written contribution to the 2014 Progress Report
In the context of preparations for the 2014 Progress Report, the Delegation of the European Union in Serbia is currently launching the round of consultations with the civil society. In this respect, they invited NSA to submit a written contribution to the to the 2014 Progress Report on the economic criteria and/or European standards. EASD – Serbia, prepared and sent to EC […]