We are happy to announce the beginning of the third phase of ENV-net. After 5 years of activity, the ENV-net today, counts for a member in each Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance country, this includes two newly joined organisations from Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina which co-operate with the network since 2016. The network is supported […]
Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development
The Thirteenth Regional Conference – EnE17 Environment to Europe was successful UN Environment WED and ESDW event. Traditionally, this Conference was organized by professional association “Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development” and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia. Especially interested was Panel on Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development (panelists are: Prof. dr Vladimir Đurđević, Faculty of Physics, […]
Draft Agenda for Environment to Europe EnE17 Conference (Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development), June 5, 2017, Belgrade
The Thirteenth Regional Conference – EnE17 Environment to Europe Belgrade, Serbia, June 5, 2017 Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development Conference Agenda – Draft as on 24/5 ; Conference Agenda- Draft as on 22/05 UNEP World Environment Day – WED event […]
Call: The Thirteenth Regional Conference ”Environment to Europe – EnE17″, June 5th 2017, Belgrade
We are pleased to invite you to in Belgrade (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Terazije 23, 2nd floor, main hall). Conference is UN WED event. Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development in partnership with Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia organize The Thirteenth Regional Conference ”Environment to Europe – EnE17”. Thematic area this year is Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development. The Conference is an […]
“EnE17 – The 13th Regional Conference Environment to Europe” announcement: Climate Change Education
It is our pleasure to announce “EnE17 – The 13th Regional Conference Environment to Europe”. This year it is dedicated to Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development. Traditionally, this Conference (with a success record) is organized by “Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development” and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia. Conference is UNEP WED event. […]
Entering year 2017 with highlights from 2016: ENV.net project publications
A Guideline of EU Accession Monitoring Tools for CSOs in candidate and potential candidate countries: Chapter 27, (Authors and contributors: Andjelka Mihajlov, Natasa Zugic-Drakulic, Filip Jovanovic, Federico Bastia, Simona Pogliani, Mara Silina, Teida Shehi and Dusko Hristov), Published by Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development with the financial assistance of the EU – ENV.net project document, Belgrade […]
First European-wide Sustainable Development Week
The ESDW is a European-wide initiative aiming at stimulating and increasing the visibility of activities, projects and events that promote sustainable development. The European Sustainable Development Week ensures that European citizens can take an active part in shaping the concept of sustainability in a bottom up approach. I am delighted that so many projects can […]
ENV.net on the margins of ECF Annual Meeting in Brussels with European Commision
Some of ENV.net partners participated on ECF Annual Meeting in Brussels with European Commision (24-25 November 2014), using that opportunity to promote results of ENV.net project and to promote partnership. ENV.net broshure publish by Albanian partner is distributed. Agenda of the Meeting includes: – NGO SESSION: Self-organizing and preparatory meeting for discussion with the EC – DIALOG […]
Regional training on the process of designation of potential Natura 2000 sites
Aleksandra Mladenovic of EASD, participated as ECF ECRAN regional representative at the Regional training on the process of designation of potential Natura 2000 sites, November 4-5, 2014; Podgorica, Montenegro. Training was very useful and interesting, experienced presenters provided quality and sufficient information and discussions were simply and informative. The training was moderated by Mr. Petr Roth, with […]
Conference “EU accession in the field of environmental protection and the role of local authorities”
Conference “EU accession in the field of environmental protection and the role of local authorities” was held on 30 October 2014 in Belgrade. The conference was organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection and the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities, as a part of the project ENVAP2 – the program “Support to local authorities in Serbia in the European integration process” funded by Sweden. At the conference, representatives of local authorities were introduced to the process of accession to the European Union in the field of […]