European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform , a joint initiative by the European Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee, in “Knowledge Hub” – Knowledge, acknowledged EASD publication on circular economy, as study/report/presentation/position paper….. submitted by stakeholders. As noted, publication “Circular economy in Serbia – process started” sets out the state of play of the […]
European Environmental Bureau (EEB) – 2020 Annual Conference and General Assembly
The second week of November 2020 was reserved for the EEB 2020 ANNUAL CONFERENCE – From the Ashes of a Pandemic to an Ever Greener Deal: Securing Europe’s Environmental Leadership. This web-conference was dedicated to the European Green Deal, taking into account that the first year of implementation is running. The main finding was presented […]
Virtual tour on the experience from Italian practices in circular economy
Punto.sud, within the frame of project, successfully organized on November 9-11, 2020, virtual tour: Circular city, transition economy and civil society – the experience from Italian practices in circular economy. EASD representatives were in Milan, virtually…. More about tour.
EASD contributed to the preparation of the UNEP “Researchathon”
EASD respond (with “Let’s influence Agenda 2030 for Serbia to have environmental pillar, ongoing since 2019”) to a public call for inputs to solicit good practices related to the promotion and implementation of the environmental rule of law. Through this “researchathon”, UNEP seeks to consult with a wide range of stakeholders in preparation for the […]
EASD quadrennial report at the 2020 regular session of the ECOSOC of the United Nations Committee on NGOs
We are pleased to inform you that the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations at its substantive session, held on 18 June 2020, decided to take note of Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development’s recent quadrennial report. Organizations in special consultative status, like EASD is since 2015, submit to the Council Committee on […]
EASD research presented at EurAsia Waste Management Symposium
EASD research on circular economy (paper Circular Economy goes beyond Waste Management 2020), supported by project, on October 27 2020, was presented at EurAsia Waste Management Symposium. EurAsia Waste Management Symposium provide a comprehensive overview of effective waste management strategies across the Asian and the European regions. Also, the symposium provide the opportunity to […]
New Momentum for the Environmental Agenda in the Western Balkans and Turkey?
On 22 October 2020, the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) and, a regional network of environmental CSOs in the Western Balkans and Turkey, organized an online conference for citizens’ environmental organizations from the EU and the region as well as stakeholders from the European Commission and other institutions. New opportunities coming to the region on […]
EASD join research on SDGs
Center for Sustainable Development, Earth Institute, Columbia University, USA initiated Consortium on organization implementing research relevant to SDGs (primarily SDG 4). EASD join Consortium; the first Consortium meeting was held on Sept 29, 2020.
(Our) Berlin Declaration have the quotation in the European Commissions Report
In the Final report on Assessment of the feasibility of phasing-out dental amalgam, on page 32, used Berlin Declaration as the reference, more precisely: *2017: Berlin Declaration: After a gathering at a two-day Pan-European Summit to plan the end of amalgam, environmental and consumer NGOs, dental associations, Members of the national parliaments and the European […]
2020 Annual Meeting – UN @ 75: The Future of Partnership and Multilateralism, we participate
The 2020 ACUNS Annual Meeting (June 2020) not only provides an appropriate moment to critically reflect on 75 years of UN history, but also and perhaps more so provides an opportunity to constructively discuss the future of multilateralism and the role of partnerships in the future governance of our common global good. EASD is ACUNS […]