We are pleased to invite you to The Fourteenth Regional Conference ”Environment to Europe – EnE18‘‘, which will be held on June 5th 2018 in Belgrade (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia). Conference is UN WED (World Environmental Day) and ESDW (European Sustainable Development Week) event. On the World Environment Day 2018 , the […]
ENV.net 3 : ENV-net factoring the environmental portfolio for Western Balkans and Turkey in the EU Policy Agenda
We are happy to announce the beginning of the third phase of ENV-net. After 5 years of activity, the ENV-net today, counts for a member in each Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance country, this includes two newly joined organisations from Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina which co-operate with the network since 2016. The network is supported […]
EASD activities related SDGs
EASD team , from January 1,2018 will follow activities through SDGs lenses: SD GOAL 1 – No Poverty SD GOAL 2 – Zero Hunger SD GOAL 3 – Good Health and Well-Being SD GOAL 4- Quality Education SD GOAL 5 – Gender Equality SD GOAL 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation SD GOAL 7 – […]
2018!…..With activity highlights from 2017!
Activity important milestones in 2017 EASD activities are focused to 3 thematic groups: Promoting sustainable development; Agenda 2030 and SDGs; Environment and Natural Resources; Climate action; Advancing policy integration ; Advancing science/technology/innovation integration; Environmental Security and Justice; Building partnerships; Raising awareness on emerging issues; Working with civil society and non-state actors Promoting sustainable development; Agenda […]
Initiative: End mercury use in dentistry by 2022, civil society challenge European Union
Our Initiative is having attention in Serbia ( good at this starting point, including Radio Television Serbia portal). For evidence, to have appearance until now…..( http://www.rts.rs/page/magazine/ci/story/2520/nauka/2971914/od-2022-bez-upotrebe-zive-u-stomatologiji-.html ; http://www.ecofeminizam.com/2017/12/06/inicijativa-eu-da-napusti-upotrebu-zive-u-stomatologiji-do-2022-godine/ ; http://ekolist.org/bez-upotrebe-zive-u-stomatologiji-do-2022-godine/ ; https://www.energetskiportal.rs/potpuno-napustiti-upotrebu-zive-u-stomatologiji-do-2022-godine/ ; http://www.ekokucamagazin.com/galerija/item/potpuno-napustiti-upotrebu-zive-u-stomatologiji-do-2022-godine.html ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d01fZXZmtR4&feature=share&list=PLG6HMr6sRAxnwRZfCMpFBH9pWKz5tQnwG) . Berlin, Brussels, Munich, Washington, supported from Belgrade, 4 December 2017 A call to phase out mercury use in dentistry by 2022 in the European Union has been made […]
EASD participate at UNEA3, Nairobi, Nov-Dec 2017
EASD participate at UNEA3 and related events. More about participation …. Civil society organizations have urged governments gathering for the United Nations Environment Assembly to tackle the root causes of pollution, amplifying the call for action at the world’s top decision-making body on the environment. The call resonated through UN Environment’s 17th Global Major Groups and Stakeholders […]
EASD participate: Summit to Plan the End of Amalgam in Europe 2017– November 20-21, Berlin
Environmental NGOs from EU Member States and Europe-wide, dentists, insurers, officials of the Bundesregierung, plus European experts in science, economics, communications, and political science are coming together to plan the end of amalgam in Europe. The new EU amalgam rules will soon enter into force and it’s time to plan the next steps about how […]
Eko-paket – Eco-Schools annual conference for the school year 2017/2018
The annual meeting of Eco-School coordinators was held in the Integrated Educational System for Natural and Social Sciences in Belgrade, on October 20th 2017. The Conference was attended by over 100 representatives of Eco-Schools. After introductory speeches, choir from the institution “Srce u jabuci” from Pancevo had wonderful music performances which completed the atmosphere for […]
EASD participate: IPEN Regional meeting, Prague 16-20 October 2014
The International POPs Elimination Network regional meeting for Central and Eastern Europe was organized in period from 16-20 th October by Arnika, in Prague. There were around 20 participants from, Montenegro, Belarus, Slovakia, Check Republic, Netherland, Hungarian, Bulgaria and Serbia. Meeting was covering topic on the most toxic chemicals, of the high concern as well […]
Environmental Ambassadors messages in advance to UNEA3 and Science for Green Solutions (27 November – 6 December 2017, Nairobi, Kenya)
Pollution is a universal challenge that does not respect national boundaries. Pollution kills millions of people every year. We have a responsibility to act. Governments, businesses, civil society, and individuals must all be part of the solution. Everyone can start by signing the Beat Pollution Pledge ( look also at a brief guide for civil society organisations […]