The ESDN Conference 2018 took place on 1-2 October 2018 in Vienna, Austria, at the Austria Center Vienna. It was organized by the ESDN in cooperation with the Austrian Federal Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism as an official event of the incoming Austrian EU Presidency. The Conference brought ring together policymakers and experts from […]
In EU a ban on the use of mercury in the dental fillings of children and pregnant women comes into effect on July 1, 2018
In 2017 EASD become the part of Initiative: End mercury use in dentistry by 2022, civil society challenge European Union. A ban on the use of mercury in the dental fillings of children and pregnant women comes into effect on July 1 and NGOs are calling on European states to implement it fully. Consumer and environmental […]
The first regional conference on circular economy, Belgrade, November 2018: Agenda
1st regional conference on circular economy Belgrade, 25-27 November, 2018 Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Terazije 23, II floor Agenda November 25, 2018 Participants and guests arrival to Belgrade, project Steering Committee meeting November 26, 2018, Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Terazije 23/II 9.00-9.30 Registration 9.30-10.00 Introductory words: representatives/partners (EASD, Co-Plan); Serbian Chamber […]
Join us for June 5th: Conference Agenda is available
Report for this successful Conference Draft Agenda EnE18 June 5 Conference EnE18 – Zbornik radova / Book of Proceedings Pictures from the event: Otvaranje / Opening Panel o zastiti prirode / Panel on Nature Protection UNEP nagrade / UNEP@WED YRE awwards/ Nagrade Mladih ekoreportera & Prezentacija radova / Presentations The Fourteenth Regional Conference – EnE18 […]
Guest lectures made at two Universities in Serbia: “Circular economy is concept and process, and still not full circle”
May 2018: Following project plan and Activity 1.8 Strengthening and expanding communication strategy, lectures have been delivered at the University of Belgrade and University of Novi Sad. Prof. dr Andjelka Mihajlov, expert and honorably president of EASD, with support of Prof. dr Mirjana Drenovak Ivanovic, Faculty of Law University of Belgrade and Prof. dr Goran […]
6th UN regional meeting on SAICM, Poland, February 2018: we participate
EASD participate at the 6th UN CEE regional meeting on Strategic Approach to International Chemical Management, Lodz, Poland, 19-21 February 2018. SAICM implementation is on the agenda, as well as perspectives on the future and identification of regional priorities towards and beyond 2020. Also, focus is on SAICM and sound management of chemicals and waste […]
Call for participation for EnE18: Nature protection – Nature-Responsive Development
We are pleased to invite you to The Fourteenth Regional Conference ”Environment to Europe – EnE18‘‘, which will be held on June 5th 2018 in Belgrade (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia). Conference is UN WED (World Environmental Day) and ESDW (European Sustainable Development Week) event. On the World Environment Day 2018 , the […]
Initiative: End mercury use in dentistry by 2022, civil society challenge European Union
Our Initiative is having attention in Serbia ( good at this starting point, including Radio Television Serbia portal). For evidence, to have appearance until now…..( ; ; ; ; ; . Berlin, Brussels, Munich, Washington, supported from Belgrade, 4 December 2017 A call to phase out mercury use in dentistry by 2022 in the European Union has been made […]
EASD participate at UNEA3, Nairobi, Nov-Dec 2017
EASD participate at UNEA3 and related events. More about participation …. Civil society organizations have urged governments gathering for the United Nations Environment Assembly to tackle the root causes of pollution, amplifying the call for action at the world’s top decision-making body on the environment. The call resonated through UN Environment’s 17th Global Major Groups and Stakeholders […]
EASD participate: Summit to Plan the End of Amalgam in Europe 2017– November 20-21, Berlin
Environmental NGOs from EU Member States and Europe-wide, dentists, insurers, officials of the Bundesregierung, plus European experts in science, economics, communications, and political science are coming together to plan the end of amalgam in Europe. The new EU amalgam rules will soon enter into force and it’s time to plan the next steps about how […]