It is our pleasure to announce “EnE17 – The 13th Regional Conference Environment to Europe”. This year it is dedicated to Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development. Traditionally, this Conference (with a success record) is organized by “Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development” and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia. Conference is UNEP WED event. […]
Blue Flag NOM 2016: EASD participate
Blue Flag National Operator Meeting is organised in San Juan, Puerto Rico, 13th-14th October 2016. EASD as the National Operator for Serbia participate.
Regional conference “The environmental challenges, EU enlargement and public participation – the role of media on advocating environmental issues!
Within the project “Development of in the Western Balkans and Turkey: giving citizens a voice to influence the environmental process reforms for closer EU integration“, team is organizing a regional conference titled “The environmental challenges, EU enlargement and public participation – the role of media on advocating environmental issues! ” to be held […]
Education for Sustainability
EASD organized an event “Education for Sustainability” in partnership with EU Info Centre in Belgrade within the campaign “Europe for Green Serbia”, promoting the idea that by participating in YRE and Eco-Schools programmes, we can improve the quality of the environment, not only in schools but also in the wider communities. Young Reporters from Serbia […]
Scientific signals: Waste as the crosscutting issue of SDGs
WASTE AS THE CROSSCUTTING ISSUE OF SDGs, with co-author from Environmental Ambassador for Sustainable Development, presented at ISWA 2016 WORLD CONGRESS, September 2016, Novi Sad, Serbia The most important expert conference that ISWA (International Solid Waste Association) organizes is the annual ISWA World Congress. This is an event that brings together in one place and connects all the […]
FEE General Assembly 2016 and International Conference on Education for Sustainable Development, Ahmedabad, India
The Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) is holding its biennial General Assembly on 15-16 September in Ahmedabad, India. At the assembly sessions, member organisations from 75 countries are discussing the most recent developments in FEE and elect new President and Board of Directors. The General Assembly is arranged and hosted by the Centre for Environment […]
UNESCO GREEN CITIZENS is highlighting 25 amazing game changers in the area of sustainable development as they share their stories. These stories come from around the world . Among the various initiatives on education for sustainable development throughout the world, our (EASD) activity on Collect, investigate and find solutions for waste management in schools is given as the […]
WED Messages from Serbia: 12th Regional Conference “Environment to Europe”
The Twelfth Regional Conference EnE16– was held in Belgrade on June 6, 2016 – traditionally as the main UNEP WED event in country. This year Conference focus are Climate Change and Sustainability of Resources. More about Conference ; Zbornik radova/Proceedings of papers Moments from the Conference – Gallery of pictures. Key messages from Conference: 1. Conference […]
EASD Knowledge Partner with CEE for ESD for transforming education for children and youth
The Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD) has generated rich experiences of transforming education for children and youth. The Global Action Programme (GAP), an outcome from the DESD has a large emphasis on children and youth as key drivers for change. he International Conference ‘ESD for transforming Education for Children and Youth’ provide an opportunity […]
Towards UNEA-2: background paper for multistakeholder dialogue
The background paper for the multi stakeholder dialogue that will take place during UNEA-2 on Friday 27 May, is prepared and available. Other information and all relevant UNEA-2 documents are also available . EASD representatives are registered for participation at UNEA-2 (still subject of financial support). The Second Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly will take […]