

By invitation, Prof dr Hristina Stevanovic Carapina, had plenary lecture: RELIABILITY OF DATA ON WASTE GENERATION IN THE APPLICATION OF LCA AS A  PREREQUISITE IN DECISION-MAKING PROCESS ABOUT THE INTRODUCTION OF RECYCLING IN MUNICIPALITY OF BOR (coauthors: Jasna Stepanov, Dunja Prokić, Ljiljana Ćurčić, Nataša  Žugić Drakulić, Anđelka Mihajlov – majority of research team are EASD […]

More than 120 participants at EnE13 conference/ Roundtable: 10 June, 2013 in Belgrade

The main messages from this participatory event are: environmental sector activities should be knowledge based, and education for environment and sustainable development should be priority. Capacities and continuity is very important for inclusion environment in other sectoral policies. Conference is institutionally supported by Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection and Ministry of Natural Resources, […]

WED: “Do not waste the food – avoid unresponsive consumption”

On June 5th, Association of Consumers (APOS) and Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development (EASD), in Media Center, Organize Conference  dedicated to UNEP WED message: “Think. Eat. Save”. Presentation by: Andjelka Mihajlov, Lela Tasic, Jovanka Nikolic, Nina Milos, Igor Damjanic. Main messages includes: 1. Quantity and the type of food consumed by each of us, is indicator […]

2013 EC and Partners: growing together – Framework for Partnership Agreement, Belgrade, May 23-24

The Regional Conference “CSF Framework for Partnership Agreement Inception Conference” titled “EC and Partners: growing together – Framework for Partnership Agreement”  held in Belgrade on May 23-24 at Palace of Serbia, Yugoslavia Hall. Over 200 representatives of CSOs that are awarded with EU funding within IPA SCF projects took part in this conference. Among 18 awarded […]

EASD Activity Circles

Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development make ACTIVITY CIRCLES as the snapshot to explain our scope of work.  

Workshop “ Chemical and Product Safety in the Western Balkans”, April 2013

Belgrade, April 11, 2013 – The conference address consumer products and chemicals on the market in the Western Balkans which could contain hazardous substances ( Agenda ). It is organized in the frame of the project “ Product and Chemical Safety in the Balkans – civil society cooperation on EU acquis and values for consumer protection and […]


”Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development” , as UN accredited organization participate at 2012 UN Conference on Sustainable Development, as well as on side events. Organisation participated in preparation of study Study on Achievements and Perspectives towards a Green Economy and Sustainable Growth in Serbia. The Study has been prepared to support the Government of Serbia in […]

International cooperation : European Resources Forum 2012

In support of the EU Commission’s “Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe” from September 2011 and the “German Resource Efficiency Programme” (ProgRess) adopted by the German Federal Cabinet in February 2012, the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) hosted the first European Resources Forum (ERF) ( in Berlin on 12-13 November 2012. The conference objective was to discuss implementation steps, approaches […]