Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development (Environmental Ambassadors, EASD) is a non-for-profit professional association focusing, among other, work on research and science (professional and participant science/citizen science) promotion. EASD is the member of European Citizen Science Association. With interest we are following the seventh session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Convention on Access […]
Citizen science concept in terms of adaptation and mitigation to the climate change
“Citizen Science refers to the general public engagement in scientific research activities when citizens actively contribute to science either with their intellectual effort or surrounding knowledge or with their tools and resources” . In last decade, direction in science development moved from traditional circle of research to the new ways, by involving the public and […]
EASD participate at UNEA3, Nairobi, Nov-Dec 2017
EASD participate at UNEA3 and related events. More about participation …. Civil society organizations have urged governments gathering for the United Nations Environment Assembly to tackle the root causes of pollution, amplifying the call for action at the world’s top decision-making body on the environment. The call resonated through UN Environment’s 17th Global Major Groups and Stakeholders […]
Global Review of Mercury Monitoring Networks
We provide our input on the first draft of the ’Global Review of Mercury Monitoring Networks’. We suggest to add visualized layer of locations “of burning of fossil fuel “ and “small scale mining” (or to make a reference if already exists at global scale). The review is being developed within the framework of the […]