
  • Preparation of publication: “Kopaonik, Serbian mountain”

    Preparation of publication: “Kopaonik, Serbian mountain”

    Supported by Serbian Environmental Protection Agency, EASD experts’ team prepared publication, in Serbian language, consisted of Introductory part, Demography data, Geology and Geomorphology, Hydrology, Pedology, Land use change, Climate, Natural values, Cultural heritage, Anthropo-pressures. ISBN-978-86-89961-08-9 See Publications

  • Inspiring World campaigns

    Inspiring World campaigns

    Through the Eco-schools network in Serbia, in 2018 the focus of IW campaign was on re-using textile in order to show that textile is not waste and can be used as much as we wish, depending on ideas and creative inspiration. Under the project, Eco-schools Serbia members, especially schools for children with special needs, among […]

  • Revision of the local plan for the waste management for the City of Sombor

    Revision of the local plan for the waste management for the City of Sombor

    EASD experts team proposed new revised Local waste management plan for the City of Sombor, consisted of new regulation requirements and based on previous achievements in waste management at the local level. The revised plan also proposed new and possible activities to secure sustainable management of waste, based on circular economy principles. Plan is approved […]

  • Every can counts in Eco-schools

    Every can counts in Eco-schools

    Through the Eco-schools Serbia network, series of workshops regarding raising awareness on recycling process (collection, separation, recycling), with focus on cans, are organized. Participants are pre-school children and students from primary and secondary schools which are members of Eco-school network in Serbia. Educational material was prepared, printed (with original illustrations and design) and shared during […]

  • Education and raising awareness regarding need to protect the environment

    Education and raising awareness regarding need to protect the environment

    With the support of the City of Sombor, the Environmental Ambassadors of Sustainable Development Environment realized workshops in primary schools in suburban settlements. These activities were a continuation of the cooperation that began in 2013, when the first workshops were organized during the summer camp on Golija Mt., for high school students. Based on previous […]

  • Mapping recyclers and purchasers of secondary raw materials through an international Eco-schools program

    Mapping recyclers and purchasers of secondary raw materials through an international Eco-schools program

    Project contributed to the development of skills and raising the awareness of the need for separation and the importance of recycling among educational institutions and local communities involved in the international Eco-school program. Through Eco-schools Serbia network information were collected and the results are processed, regarding the types and quantities of waste collected. This served […]

  • Eco-Paket (Eco-Package) in Eco-Schools

    Eco-Paket (Eco-Package) in Eco-Schools

    Eco-package is a project implemented in Serbia since 2013/2014 school year, exclusively run in the framework of the International Eco-schools Programme. Until 2019 the number of Eco-Schools participating in the project increased continuously. This project supported Eco-schools network in their activities performed to be linked to the education for sustainable development through realization of UN […]

  • The Great Plant Hunt: Eco-Schools Toyota Biodiversity Educational Project

    The Great Plant Hunt: Eco-Schools Toyota Biodiversity Educational Project

    The project is a joint initiative of Toyota Motor Europe and the Foundation for Environmental Education, with focus on biodiversity, especially on plants and their associated species. The campaign was officially launched in November 2015. In Year 1, it was run in ten countries throughout Europe. In Year 2, which started in September 2016, the […]

  • Chapter 27: Environment and climate change in the media

    Chapter 27: Environment and climate change in the media

    Activities of the project include:  • The round table / seminar on 28 October at 12 am in the Media Center: Chapter 27, environment and climate change in the media , for journalists,  includes Chapter 27, case reporting practices on this issue in our country (compared with reporting in other countries) …. (presentation of the project […]

  • Eco-motivation


    Eco-motivation project support the implementation of the YRE in Serbia: –  to reward the three best works in YRE competition in the each category – to implement two competitions: a. “Ecomotivation days” and b) Therapeutic eco-garden – to implemented an Eco quiz for students 6, 7, and 8th grades Activities are open for all schools in […]

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