
2013 EC and Partners: growing together – Framework for Partnership Agreement, Belgrade, May 23-24

The Regional Conference “CSF Framework for Partnership Agreement Inception Conference” titled “EC and Partners: growing together – Framework for Partnership Agreement”  held in Belgrade on May 23-24 at Palace of Serbia, Yugoslavia Hall. Over 200 representatives of CSOs that are awarded with EU funding within IPA SCF projects took part in this conference. Among 18 awarded […] snapshots from CSOs responds to questionnaire

42 CSOs responded to questionnaire (March-April 2013). 80% were NGOs (majority having interest in environmental issues “among the others”, and minority established as “environmental” NGOs ) while 20% belonged to other categories of the CSOs. As one of the main interests, need for education is identified.  Most of the CSOs agreed that teaching/learning about environmental […]

Workshop “ Chemical and Product Safety in the Western Balkans”, April 2013

Belgrade, April 11, 2013 – The conference address consumer products and chemicals on the market in the Western Balkans which could contain hazardous substances ( Agenda ). It is organized in the frame of the project “ Product and Chemical Safety in the Balkans – civil society cooperation on EU acquis and values for consumer protection and […]

Participation at UNEP Global Major Groups and Stakeholder Forum, Global Ministerial Environment Forum and High-Level Gender Forum

Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development  participated at the “Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum (GMGSF-14)”, and “The First Universal Session of the Governing Council/ Global Ministerial Environment Forum (GC-27/GMEF),” Nairobi, 16-22 February 2013.  Ministers meeting for the first time under universal membership of 193 member states- again as a result of the decisions taken and adopted last […]

The first partnership meeting

The fist partnership kick-off meeting is organised in EEB premises on January 22 and 23 in Brussels ( is EU funded project, EuropeAid/132438/C/ACT/Multi, 2012/306-642). Nataša Žugić-Drakulić, Hristina Stevanović-Čarapina and Andjelka Mihajlov, represented EASD on this meeting. – Serbia team include: Dr Nataša Žugić Drakulić –National Coordinator and   Filip Jovanović – assistant , chosen […]

Summer Eco-School

 “Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development”, in cooperation with City of Sombor administration – Department of Public Services and Utilities organised Summer Eco-School in UNESCO Biosphere Reservate Golija (MAB – UNESCO) – Studenica (27-31 August 2012). Participated students from Sombor attending different faculties. Lectures and educative workshops include concept of protection of natural and cultural heritage within biosphere reservate, biodiversity and sustainable use […]

Western Balkan Civil Society Forum

The 4th Western Balkan Civil Society Forum was organized from 26-27 November 2012, in Zagreb, Croatia, as the event promoting regional cooperation. The Western Balkan Civil Society Forum is a part of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) activities in the Western Balkans. The main topics of the Forum were: The relations between the […]

Participation to EC meeting in Brussels, January 2013

Eighteen projects (selected out of 172 applications) will be funded for the next two years by the European Union as a part of Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) and Civil Society Facility (CSF) funds. More about these projects at  ( Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development is participating as a partner in one of the selected projects: […]