The Program of the Expertise and Consulting in the fields of environment and sustainable development is focused to goals:
- Preparation and participation in project designs, studies, plans, strategies and legal solutions. This objective is carried out particularly in the fields of consulting and management, expert analysis, creation of business policy for sustainable development, organizing meetings and preparing materials, teaching, preparation and publishing of publications and materials in various forms including electronic forms, translation, publication and distribution of materials for the purpose of achieving objectives, data collection and processing, their analysis and creation of geographic, geology, informational and other application packagges, publishing of research and other results, publishing studies, monographs, handbooks and manuals, etc.;
- Review and provide expert opinions on the plans, programs, analyses and other documents of the importance in the field of sustainable development and environment;
- Gathering and organizing of scientists and professional experts in the field of sustainable development and environment (environmental engineers, graduate biologists – ecologists, environmental analysts and analists from other complementary and related professions) in order to achieve their interests, increase their professional knowledge, achieve an appropriate status both professional and in community, on the basis of their professional contribution in their respective fields;
- Development of mutual cooperation and cooperation with relevant international organisations of the same and similar professions; Development of all forms of successful cooperation with other professional organisations and associations in the interest of its members;
- Promotion of sustainable (harmonic economic, social and environmental) development as a commune bonus and interest, by implementing expertise and the promotion of the sustainable development and implementation of projects – sustainable management of natural resources – environmental protection and biodiversity – eco-standardisation – participation in the work and cooperation with all kinds of institutions nationally and internationally, industrial and other associations and organisations;
- Organisation and realisation of professional examinations in cooperation with competent authorities for issuing the relevant certificates and licenses for functioning in the fields of the environmental impact assessment and strategic impact assessment, in accordance with the law;
- Organisation and implementation of eco-certification in cooperation with the competent authorities and organisations for issuing appropriate certificates in the field of assessment of fulfillment of international standards and programs relation to the environment and sustainable development.
In order to achieve these objectives, the Association monitors among other scientific and technical literature in the field of environmental protection and sustainable development, organize, solely or together with other organizations, professional meetings, conferences, seminars and other forms of education, announces the publication of matters relating to development and application of technical and scientific publications in the field of sustainable development and the environment, in accordance with the law, in order to improve the social and economic aspects of sustainable development, working with universities, collegues, schools, professional associations and other similar organizations at home and abroad, gives professional expertise, arbitration, provides advice, opinions and reviews, has been doing research and development in multidisciplinary, natural, technical, technological, biotech, and technical and social sciences, develops international (global, EU) and regional cooperation, developing partnerships with other organizations and institutions in the country, and others.