Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade, on December 2, 2021, organized Round table Legal and Social Responses to Climate Change – a new strategic framework in Serbia. EASD Honorable president and European Climate Pact Ambassador had opening presentation EU Climate Pact for Serbia: Snapshot targeted rehearsal of country’s obligations in climate action, based on signed and […]
Invitation to civil society organizations to take part in the Regional consultation meeting for the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA 5)
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, UNEA 5 and the open-ended Committee of Permanent Representatives meetings, which were originally planned for February 2021, were divided into two parts and two terms. The first part, a virtual session, was held in February 2021 (, while the second part will be organized according to a hybrid model, physically […]
Make 2022 a Game-Changer – Further on the road to UNEA 5.2, UNEP@50, and Stockholm+50
Regional consultation for civil society to prepare for next year’s environmental events, the UNEA and the UNEP@50 events, will be on December 14th 2021. Themes are ecosystems, plastic pollution, food systems, environmental governance etc. Western Balkan breakout group will develop a few key recommendations from sub-regional perspectives. To mention that International Consultation for Major Groups […]
“Citizen science” – definition in 2021 UNECE Document
Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development (Environmental Ambassadors, EASD) is a non-for-profit professional association focusing, among other, work on research and science (professional and participant science/citizen science) promotion. EASD is the member of European Citizen Science Association. With interest we are following the seventh session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Convention on Access […]
In advance of UNEA 5.2: EASD participated in the International Consultation for Major Groups & Stakeholders
International Consultation for Major Groups & Stakeholders, in advance of UNEA 5.2, Stockholm+50 and UNEP@50 was held from September 7th to 9th online. The objective of the consultation is to advance the development of strategies around specific initiatives such as resolutions, declarations, decisions tabled for UNEA 5.2, to further develop core messages and positions, and […]
EASD and European Climate Pact Ambassador participate at ACUNS Annual Meeting
EASD and European Climate Pact Ambassador Prof Andjelka Mihajlov (also Environmental Ambassador for Sustainable Development) participate at Academic Council on the UN System – ACUNS Annual Meeting. EASD is ACUNS Institutional Member. At the Panel Climate Change and International Institutions, she presented “UNEP at 50 should have a Guiding Role in What “Green” Really Means” , […]
Our Future through the Sustainable Development Goals
Event “Our Future through the SDGs” was held on March 19, 2021, virtually. Environmental Ambassador Prof dr Andjelka Mihajlov (EASD Honorable President) was among the Panelists, with presentation “Education, Environment, Gender and Inequality – 1/6 SDG Transformation as modular building-blocks of SDG”. There were more than 130 participants, with interesting discussion. More at […]
Virtually we are in Nairobi: participating at The Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum , the fifth meeting of the Open-Ended Meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives, Science-Policy Forum and the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA 5.1)
On February 9, 2021, EASD two representatives starts two weeks engagements and participation at: The Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum (February 9-11) , the fifth meeting of the Open-Ended Meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives (February 15-16), Science-Policy Forum (February 18-20) and the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA 5.1), February 22-23. We are starting […]
EASD quadrennial report at the 2020 regular session of the ECOSOC of the United Nations Committee on NGOs
We are pleased to inform you that the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations at its substantive session, held on 18 June 2020, decided to take note of Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development’s recent quadrennial report. Organizations in special consultative status, like EASD is since 2015, submit to the Council Committee on […]
2020 Annual Meeting – UN @ 75: The Future of Partnership and Multilateralism, we participate
The 2020 ACUNS Annual Meeting (June 2020) not only provides an appropriate moment to critically reflect on 75 years of UN history, but also and perhaps more so provides an opportunity to constructively discuss the future of multilateralism and the role of partnerships in the future governance of our common global good. EASD is ACUNS […]