Presentation of the project “Environment in youth policy in Serbia” was done on 13. February, 2014. , at the Youth Center in Belgrade. The idea of the project is to strengthen the capacity of local youth offices and youth organizations, as well as raising the awareness of young people in Serbia about the environmental isues, […]
Thematic meeting of the SECO mechanism on IPA II programming
On January 30, 2014 in the premises of the Government of Serbia Office for European Integration held a thematic meeting of the SECO mechanism. EASD is the leading organization for SECO sector environment and energy, together with CEKOR – Center for Ecology and Sustainable Development and the Center for Civil Society Development Protecta. Topics discussed include: 1 Presentation documents IPA […]
EASD / Team reading of European Parliament Resolution, January 2014
EASD / Team reading of EP Resolution (European Parliament resolution on the 2013 progress report on Serbia 2013/2880 RSP) with focus on related issues : the role of civil society organisations, i environment and climate change. CSOs – Calls on Serbia to engage civil society through a constructive consultative mechanism during the entire accession process since it […]
For your attention: Europa Diary in Serbian, p.51-61
Centre of the European Union publishes its fifth edition of the Europa Diary. Seventy six thousand copies of this specific textbook will be distributed to the 2nd grade students of all high schools in Serbia at the beginning of the 2nd semester. Europa Diary users are 2nd grade students in almost 500 four- and three-year […]
Workshop for strategic planning of further work SECO mechanism
In the Palace of Serbia, on 16 December 2013th , Workshop for strategic planning of further work SECO mechanism is organised. Workshop organizers are: the Office for European Integration of Serbia – Department of Planning, Programming, Monitoring and Reporting on EU Funds and Development Assistance, Office of cooperation with Civil Society – Government of Serbia, […]
With the students from the Faculty of Security Studies
EASD President Prof dr Andjelka Mihajlov, on December 3, 2013, talked with the master students from the Faculty of Security Studies, University of Belgrade. Conversation is focused on Environmental and Energy Security, including some actual problems. Among others, the goals of project were presented.
Eye on EU integration process: Parliament of Serbia
Parliament of Serbia 26th Sitting of the European Integration Committee , At the sitting held on 28 November 2013, following a discussion and debate on the amendments to the text of the Resolution, the Committee members adopted the proposal of the Resolution on the role of the National Assembly and principles in the negotiations on the […]
Round-table on waste management in marinas, integrated water management and EU integration
Under the umbrella of activities, on November 22 in the premises of Tourist Organisation of Belgrade, successful Round-table on waste management in marinas, integrated water management and EU integration was organised. After presentations, it was fruitful discussion, focused on national laws implementation gaps, as well as international and EU environmental related standards. Participants includes […]
EASD acknowledged as IPEN network Participating Organisation
IPEN is a global network working to establish and implement safe chemicals policies and practices that protect human health and the environment around the world. IPEN’s mission is a toxics-free future for all. On November 15, 2013, IPEN Secretariat based in Barkeley, USA, welcome EASD as an IPEN Participating Organization (PO). Activities in SAICM and Against […]
CSOs at the First constituting meeting of European Union-Serbia Stabilization and Association Parliamentary Committee
The First constituting meeting of the European Union-Serbia Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee, was held on 15 November 2013, at the National Assembly House in Belgrade ( co-chairs statement can be viewed here ). Recommendations . CSOs representatives are invited to this important event for Serbia’s EU accession, and among them Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development representative […]