FRA page TITLE: FPA 306642 : Call for participation to new e-learning course: Get funding from the EU After the success of the e-learning course Social Media, Activism and Participation launched in June 2014, team decided to develop a new course: Get funding from the European Union. The course provides an understanding […]
In Serbia “little progress has been made in the areas of environment and climate change” in 2014
Little progress has been made in the areas of environment and climate change. Strategic planning, greater administrative capacity and substantial investments linked to strategic priorities are needed to further align with EU policies in areas of environment, climate action and civil protection. A pipeline of investment priorities was developed in May 2014. Efforts under way […]
Brussels: we participate at Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA) Closing Event for Phase I
Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA) Closing Event for Phase I was organised by EC and TACSO at the Diamant Bussiness and Conference Centre in Brussels on September 24-25, 2014. Over 100 participants from 18 projects exchanged information and discussed mid-term evaluation reports and further improvements of the project outcomes during the Phase II of the projects. Six partners […]
EU Delegation to Serbia: Consultative Meeting with CSOs on progress towards EU in 2014
EU Delegation to Serbia organised the Economic Criteria Consultation with the CSOs representatives from Serbia on April 4, 2014. At this meeting, which is a part of the preparation for the 2014 Progress Report, Mr. Freek Janmaat discussed the progress since the last Progress Report with CSO representatives from Serbia. You may find link to […]
ECRAN NGOs Environment and Climate Change Forum – Evaluation Outcome
On April 2, 2014, we are informed of the results of the evaluation process which was done by the European Commission (following the call for interest published in January 2014, a number of 63 applications have been submitted from Croatia and the EU candidate countries (FYRoM, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey) and potential candidates (Albania, BiH, Kosovo*[1])). […]
EASD written contribution to the 2014 Progress Report
In the context of preparations for the 2014 Progress Report, the Delegation of the European Union in Serbia is currently launching the round of consultations with the civil society. In this respect, they invited NSA to submit a written contribution to the to the 2014 Progress Report on the economic criteria and/or European standards. EASD – Serbia, prepared and sent to EC […]
Participation on UNECE consultation related to the 3rd EPR for Serbia
On March 26th, 2014., the United Nation Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) organized the meeting with representatives of NGOs from Serbia at the Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection premises. NGOs working in environmental-related projects talked with the Environmental Performance Review (EPR) Team of UNECE, and it was a great opportunity to discuss […]
We participate in Zagreb on Workshop on Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus Assessment in the Sava River Basin
Workshop on Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus Assessment in the Sava River Basin was organised by the International Sava River Basin Commission (ISRBC) from March 4-6, 2014. in Zagreb. Among more than 60 representatives from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro, as well as representatives from UNECE, ISRBC, ICPDR, FAO, RCC, and other international organisations, representative from […] Serbia participated in defining the first strategic framework for CSOs development
National conference „Get Involved – Define the Civil Society you want!” The Vision for the Civil Society in Serbia in 2018. – creation of the first National Strategy for the enabling environment for the development of civil society” was held on February 20-21. 2014. in Belgrade. More than 280 representatives from civil society organisations, including the […]
Knowledge based advocacy: Environment should be within priorities in the negotiations with EU
Public Policy Institute organized on 18 February, 2014 in Belgrade the Panel discussion „Negotiations as a priority – priorities in the negotiations“. Panelists were: – representatives of the PPI : Prof. Nikola Samardzic, Prof. Stevan Lilić, Prof. Mijat Damjanovic, Prof. Anđelka Mihajlov, andGordana Lazarevic. – representatives of the Government of Serbia: Dr. Tanja Miščević, Head of the Serbian negotiating team with the European […]