On December 20th, 2013, at the premises of Journalists’ Association of Serbia (UNS), Environmental Ambassadors are organizing the seminar „Environmental Education for Further EU Citizens“. Almost 20 schools participated. This participatory seminar was extremely successful! Motivated teachers were interesting in all topics; however recycling and upcycling, as well as involving children as the environmental reporters, […]
Meeting FPA project grantees with DG Enlargement representative
As FPA project grantee, EASD-ENV.net Serbia Team presented project update and further project strategy to Mr. Nicola Bertolini (Head of Section, European Commission, DG Enlargement, Unit D3, Regional Cooperation and Programmes) and task managers and political officers of the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia on November 28, 2013.
Round-table on waste management in marinas, integrated water management and EU integration
Under the umbrella of ENV.net activities, on November 22 in the premises of Tourist Organisation of Belgrade, successful Round-table on waste management in marinas, integrated water management and EU integration was organised. After presentations, it was fruitful discussion, focused on national laws implementation gaps, as well as international and EU environmental related standards. Participants includes […]
EASD acknowledged as IPEN network Participating Organisation
IPEN is a global network working to establish and implement safe chemicals policies and practices that protect human health and the environment around the world. IPEN’s mission is a toxics-free future for all. On November 15, 2013, IPEN Secretariat based in Barkeley, USA, welcome EASD as an IPEN Participating Organization (PO). Activities in SAICM and Against […]
CSOs at the First constituting meeting of European Union-Serbia Stabilization and Association Parliamentary Committee
The First constituting meeting of the European Union-Serbia Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee, was held on 15 November 2013, at the National Assembly House in Belgrade ( co-chairs statement can be viewed here ). Recommendations . CSOs representatives are invited to this important event for Serbia’s EU accession, and among them Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development representative […]
Eye on environmental laws changes: monitoring compliance with EU directives
On November 5th, 2013, ENV.net Serbia representative participated in the Meeting where draft changes on Law of Waste was presented by Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection. Meeting was organised by Serbian Chamber of Commerce. Presentation was followed by discussion and about 140 persons participated. The day before, draft changes on Law of Environment […]
We have expertise and deliver results related issues:
Sustainable Impact Assessment (SIA) EIA and SEA Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Eco-standards Waste Environmental security Natural resources, resource efficiency