Projects Activities

The “Green Chair” strengthens the voice of young people and women in environmental protection

The Green Chair Network has received support from the ECO-SYSTEM program for 2024. This program aims to improve environmental protection in Serbia and helps with the implementation of the negotiating platform for Chapter 27. The Environmental Ambassadors of Sustainable Development is a member organization of the “Green Chair” coordination team and a partner in the project.

In 2024, it is planned to carry out activities to achieve…

  1. Strengthening the voice of young people: Through research and public debate, the “Green Chair” Network will advocate for greater participation of young people in decision-making on environmental protection. The research will focus on the opinions and needs of young people, and the results will be used to advocate for their interests.
  2. Improving gender equality: The network will focus on empowering women and their more active involvement in all aspects of environmental protection, as well as fertilizing the work of network members. We want women to be leaders in environmental initiatives and the fight against climate change so that their voices are equally important in decision-making processes.
  3. Sustainability of the Green Bulletin: By digitizing and expanding distribution, the Green Chair will ensure that the voice of the network reaches even more people. The goal is to make information accessible to everyone and to increase awareness and community engagement.

The ECO-SYSTEM Empowerment Programme is the main component of the project ECO-SYSTEM: Support to Environmental Reforms implemented by the Young Researchers of Serbia with the support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA). The project started in January 2020 and will run for four years.