On March 26th, 2014., the United Nation Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) organized the meeting with representatives of NGOs from Serbia at the Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection premises. NGOs working in environmental-related projects talked with the Environmental Performance Review (EPR) Team of UNECE, and it was a great opportunity to discuss […]
19 focus areas recommended for further consideration at upcoming intergovernmental negotiations on SDGs
19 focus areas recommended for further consideration at upcoming intergovernmental negotiations on Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs (which will start on March 3, 2014). 19 focus areas are: Poverty eradication Food security and nutrition Health and population dynamics Education Gender equality and women’s empowerment Water and sanitation Energy Economic Growth Industrialization Infrastructure Employment and decent work […]
ACUNS Summer Workshop 2014: Local Justice, Global Standards and Critical Contemporary Challenges
As an institutional member of ACUNS for the Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development, we are spreading the word to potentially interested students and junior faculty about the upcoming 2014 Summer Workshop organized by ACUNS and the American Society of International Law. The Workshop is an advanced-level research seminar that brings together 10 young scholars and […]
Eye on EU approximation environmental challenges
Different events organised to raise awareness to EU approximation environmental challenges. International Fair Eko-Svet was held from 2.6. october 2013. in Novi Sad where different innovations and new technologies were presented. Also, numerous interesting presentations on environmental issues were organized as an important part of this Fair. 10th International Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Fair […]
Education for Sustainable Development: UNESCO call for contributions
The monitoring and evaluation process for the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD) is designed to capture a variety of activities related to ESD and take stock of the growth of ESD throughout the DESD. The final assessment and report will summarize and highlight the accomplishments of the DESD, convey lessons learnt […]
SAICM Regional Meeting, Skopje, September 2013
EASD representative participate at the 5th CEE regional meeting on SAICM in Skopje, Macedonia FYR, from 23 to 26 September 2013. EASD is National NGO/CSO Focal Point for SAICM. Besade the EASD representative, the representative from Cleaner Production Center – Belgrade participated. Overall, the dynamic of the meeting was very positive with a total of 48 people participating, including 11 Governments, 6 […]
Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development accredited to attend the High-level event on the Millennium Development Goals and Post-2015 Development Agenda, 25 September 2013 at United Nations Headquarters, NY
Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development, accreditation to attend the High-level event on the Millennium Development Goals and Post-2015 Development Agenda, to be held on 25 September 2013 at United Nations Headquarters, NY, approved by the Office of the President of the General Assembly/ Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations. The programme of […]
EASD selected by GEF Secretariat for ECW Eastern Europe meeting in Sarajevo, September 2013, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
EASD representative participated on GEF Expanded Constituency Workshop (ECW) for the constituencies of Eastern Europe (Sarajevo September 5-6, 2013). GEF Expanded Constituency Workshop (ECW) for the constituencies of Eastern Europe comprising the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia Georgia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Ukraine. The GEF Eastern Europe Expanded Constituency Workshop (ECW) […]
EASD accepted as the member in Sustainable Development Solutions Network -SDSN
The UN Secretary-General announced the launch of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) on August 9, 2012. The Solutions Network mobilizes scientific and technical expertise from academia, civil society, and the private sector in support of sustainable-development problem solving at local, national, and global scales. This Solutions Network accelerates joint learning and helps to […]
EASD approved as the member of UN Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform
Since the first UN Conference on Environment and Development in 1992 – the Earth Summit – it was recognized that sustainable development could not be achieved by governments alone. This notion is reflected emphatically in the landmark outcome document of that Summit, “Agenda 21”. Section 3 underscores the criticality of harnessing expertise and capacity from […]