May 2018: Following project plan and Activity 1.8 Strengthening and expanding communication strategy, lectures have been delivered at the University of Belgrade and University of Novi Sad. Prof. dr Andjelka Mihajlov, expert and honorably president of EASD, with support of Prof. dr Mirjana Drenovak Ivanovic, Faculty of Law University of Belgrade and Prof. dr Goran Vujic, Faculty of Technical Sciences University of Belgrade, had a lecture related to Circular Economy at the both Universities. Professor Mihajlov explained to the students of Law and students of Technical Sciences the concept of circular economy, and discussed reasons why is important to have all three pillars of sustainable development in balance. Students also had opportunity to learn how individuals, companies, decision makers and society as whole can contribute to overcoming problems in implementation of this concept faced in the previous period, pointing out that circular economy is concept and process, and still not “full circle”. During discussion, students tried to define circular economy as known term, and evident understanding after the lecture was recorded, compared to their opinions at the beginning. Some of the important highlights from the lecture will be involved in the ordinary test that will serve to check knowledge gained. Professor Mihajlov took the opportunity to present env.net3 project, experience from the previous project periods and to explain how is possible to reach decision makers having in mind strong partnership of civil societies and knowledge that could serve as the main force.
Prof Andjelka Mihajlov: “Circular economy is concept and process, and still not full circle”