Program Initiative: to measure progress in ensuring a safe and healthy work environment through reducing spending for paper, batteries, toners, cleaning products, etc.
Program Initiative: Chemicals – harmful substances, Hazardous Waste and Environmental Health
In developing SAICM activities, EASD is promoting activities related to the sound management of chemicals, including activities on related environmental health consequences.
6th UN regional meeting on SAICM, Poland, February 2018: we participate
Mercury Initial Assessment in the Republic of Serbia Workshop – we participate
Toxic pesticide globally banned after (un)precedented vote at UN meeting on chemicals
Program Initiative: Women Participation Assessment
EASD is organisation lead by women, and presence of women experts within the team should be noted. Organisation is piloting assessment of women participation within activities.
Programming initiatives are in particular focused to multisectoral and intersectoral cooperation to fullfill goals:
- Development of mutual cooperation and cooperation with relevant international organisations of the same and similar professions;
- Development of all forms of successful cooperation with other professional organisations and associations in the interest of its members;
- Initiating and support of those activities and initiatives aimed at preserving the environment and spatial planning, savings and rationalisation of consumption of all types of energy, eco-system services and inclusion of environmental protection in the other sector’s policies;
- Cooperation with relevant scientific, profesional, economic and other organisations and bodies on the implementation of tasks of common interest;
- Affirmation and protection of fundamental values, interes and positions of sustainable development and environment in the society through the promotion of human, professional, scientific and artistic aspects on environmental protection in all areas of profession.