
  • The “Green Chair” strengthens the voice of young people and women in environmental protection

    The “Green Chair” strengthens the voice of young people and women in environmental protection

    The Green Chair Network has received support from the ECO-SYSTEM program for 2024. This program aims to improve environmental protection in Serbia and helps with the implementation of the negotiating platform for Chapter 27. The Environmental Ambassadors of Sustainable Development is a member organization of the “Green Chair” coordination team and a partner in the […]

  • WSSP: Risk management in the water, sanitation, and microplastics sector in the Balkan region

    WSSP: Risk management in the water, sanitation, and microplastics sector in the Balkan region

    To improve water, sanitation and waste management in Romania, North Macedonia, Albania, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, the risk management tool “Water and Sanitation Safety Planning” (WSSP) is introduced and thematically extended through various interactive educational measures in schools – including the topics of menstruation and (micro-)plastics. The educational materials are published in Compendia as […]

  • augMentor


    augMENTOR (full title: Augmented Intelligence for Pedagogically Sustained Training and Education) project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON-RIA HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions (HORIZON-CL2-2021-TRANSFORMATIONS-01-05 , Integration of emerging new technologies into education and training) under grant agreement (No. 101061509). Overall, the augMentor propose a new Pedagogical Framework for designing and planning technology-augmented educational scenarios. The […]

  • LOCCAR (Local Communities’ Climate Adaptation and Resilience)

    LOCCAR (Local Communities’ Climate Adaptation and Resilience)

    According to the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans (2020), the Western Balkans ‎is recognized as one of the regions in Europe most heavily affected by climate change. In addition, climate risks are not sufficiently covered at the local level in the documents and activities implemented. Still, there is no understanding that climate change (heatwaves, […]

  • Solar energy for citizens in Western Balkans

    Solar energy for citizens in Western Balkans

    The project Solar energy for citizens in Western Balkans started in January 2023, supported by Western Balkan Fund and co-financed by EU, with the aim to promote the best practices regarding the possibility to use solar energy by citizens, informing, engaging and mobilizing citizens to be active participants in neutrality transition. During the project implementation, […]

  • Forest – our lifelong teacher (Erasmus+)

    Forest – our lifelong teacher (Erasmus+)

    ForLife is a joint project of three partners: Doves, Slovenia (project leader), Jump (Italy) and Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development (Serbia), under the Erasmus+ Program. EC Project Number: 2021-1-SI01-KA210-SCH-000031290 National Project ID: KA210-SCH-2/21 Project title: Forest – our lifelong teacher The projects is in line with the new EU Priority “European Green Deal” which is […]

  • IPEN global plastics monitoring project

    IPEN global plastics monitoring project

    The aim of the IPEN global plastics monitoring project is to raise awareness locally and globally about hazardous chemicals in recycled plastics used for consumer products. The project targeted recycled plastic pellets of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) sold from small-scale, local operations, since this is one of the most commonly used material for consumer products. These […]

  • Sustainability of wastewater treatment methods from (Eco) schools in Serbia

    Sustainability of wastewater treatment methods from (Eco) schools in Serbia

    From October 2021, EASD is implementing the project “Sustainability of wastewater treatment from (Eco) schools in Serbia”, with the aim of developing awareness of rural residents about the needs, benefits and opportunities to provide sanitation and treatment of waste water in small communities . Through the organization of promotional and educational activities planned by the […]

  • ECO-SYSTEM program: Stable and strong” Green Chair “for greater influence on decision maker
  • WatSanPlan


    WatSanPlan (Water and Sanitation Safety Planning in the Balkan Region: Albania, North Macedonia, Romania and Serbia ). In cooperation with WECF, EASD is promoting  WSSP in Serbia, through extension and revision of the WSSP compendium, WSSP educational materials & concepts,  improve qualification of teachers and students in a Serbian community, conduct media campaign to motivate […]

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