NGOs Environment and Climate Forum (ECF)
NGOs Environment and Climate Forum (ECF) as the ECRAN component provide wide ranging opportunities for civil society and their active involvement in the approximation process, assist in the capacity development of the NGOs sector and provide opportunities for improving the stakeholder dialogue.
The ECF set up a regional network of selected NGOs representing civil society from their country. The NGOs in ECF act as national contact points and cooperate with other organizations, governments and stakeholders at the country and regional level. Participation in the ECF provides the NGOs with many opportunities, but it also entails certain obligations.
Follow the ECF activities (…….. Regional training on the process of designation of potential Natura 2000 sites ,…..ECF TRAINING MODULE 1 TECHNICAL ASPECTS OF THE EU ACCESSION PROCESS, …..2nd Annual Meeting, 2016, Brussels)
April 2, 2014 – ECRAN NGOs Environment and Climate Change Forum – Evaluation Outcome : EASD is member of ECF – The ECRAN NGOs Environment and Climate Forum will accommodate a number of 21 NGOs from all the enlargement countries and Croatia. During the implementation of the project, organisations will have the possibility to join the different capacity building activities provided under the framework of the Forum.
ECF NGOs are in alphabetic order :
Association of Young Ecologists of Niksic, Montenegro
ATRC, Kosovo
CEKOR, Serbia
Center for Climate Change – Skopje, FYROM
Center for ecology and energy, BiH
Center for Environment, BiH
Center for environmental research and information Eco-sense, FYROM
Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development, Albania
Eco Movement Group Albania, Albania
EDEN Center, Albania
Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development, Serbia
Friends of the Earth Croatia, Croatia
Instituti i Kosoves per Politika Zhvillimore, Kosovo
KADOS Kadikoyu Friends of Science Culture and Art Association, Turkey
LIR Evolution, BiH
Macedonian Green Center , FYROM
Milieukontakt Macedonia, FYROM
NGO Center for Protection and Research of Birds of Montenegro, Montenegro
NGO Green Home, Montenegro
TEMA, Turkey
Young Researchers of Serbia, Serbia