Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development

Western Balkan Civil Society Forum

The 4th Western Balkan Civil Society Forum was organized from 26-27 November 2012, in Zagreb, Croatia, as the event promoting regional cooperation. The Western Balkan Civil Society Forum is a part of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) activities in the Western Balkans. The main topics of the Forum were: The relations between the […]

Participation to EC meeting in Brussels, January 2013

Eighteen projects (selected out of 172 applications) will be funded for the next two years by the European Union as a part of Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) and Civil Society Facility (CSF) funds. More about these projects at  (https://sites.google.com/site/ipacsffpa132438/) Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development is participating as a partner in one of the selected projects: […]