Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development

ENV.net snapshot analysis: While waiting for EC 2013 Progress Report

ENV.net snapshot analysis Legislation: In terms of the degree of compliance with the EU environmental acquis, intense legislative activity of the Ministry in charge of Environment and other institutions with responsibility in this area has led to a significant level of transposition of the relevant EU regulations. According to the Progress Monitoring Report for the […]


By invitation, Prof dr Hristina Stevanovic Carapina, had plenary lecture: RELIABILITY OF DATA ON WASTE GENERATION IN THE APPLICATION OF LCA AS A  PREREQUISITE IN DECISION-MAKING PROCESS ABOUT THE INTRODUCTION OF RECYCLING IN MUNICIPALITY OF BOR (coauthors: Jasna Stepanov, Dunja Prokić, Ljiljana Ćurčić, Nataša  Žugić Drakulić, Anđelka Mihajlov – majority of research team are EASD […]

EASD accepted as the member in Sustainable Development Solutions Network -SDSN

The UN Secretary-General announced the launch of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) on August 9, 2012. The Solutions Network mobilizes scientific and technical expertise from academia, civil society, and the private sector in support of sustainable-development problem solving at local, national, and global scales. This Solutions Network accelerates joint learning and helps to […]

Participation in two-day study tour for CSOs representatives

Office for Cooperation with Civil Society with the support of the OSCE Mission to Serbia organized a two-day study tour for CSOs representatives who are engaged in the field of protection and conservation of the environment,especially in terms of raising public awareness of the need to seal the flood as well as in activities related to […]

EASD approved as the member of UN Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform

Since the first UN Conference on Environment and Development in 1992 – the Earth Summit – it was recognized that sustainable development could not be achieved by governments alone. This notion is reflected emphatically in the landmark outcome document of that Summit, “Agenda 21”. Section 3 underscores the criticality of harnessing expertise and capacity from […]

FEE Serbia International Mentor in Monitoring visit to Serbia, June 2013

Mr Riza Epikmen, member of the FEE Board of Directors , as the International Mentor for  FEE Serbia (Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development), visited Serbia from June 14-16, 2013. The FEE Board responsibilities include ensuring compliance with the organisation’s objectives/values, recommending policies/plans, approving membership applications and monitoring performance in relation to plans, budgets, etc. In 2011 […]

More than 120 participants at EnE13 conference/ENV.net Roundtable: 10 June, 2013 in Belgrade

The main messages from this participatory ENV.net event are: environmental sector activities should be knowledge based, and education for environment and sustainable development should be priority. Capacities and continuity is very important for inclusion environment in other sectoral policies. Conference is institutionally supported by Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection and Ministry of Natural Resources, […]

WED: “Do not waste the food – avoid unresponsive consumption”

On June 5th, Association of Consumers (APOS) and Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development (EASD), in Media Center, Organize Conference  dedicated to UNEP WED message: “Think. Eat. Save”. Presentation by: Andjelka Mihajlov, Lela Tasic, Jovanka Nikolic, Nina Milos, Igor Damjanic. Main messages includes: 1. Quantity and the type of food consumed by each of us, is indicator […]

2013 EC and Partners: growing together – Framework for Partnership Agreement, Belgrade, May 23-24

The Regional Conference “CSF Framework for Partnership Agreement Inception Conference” titled “EC and Partners: growing together – Framework for Partnership Agreement”  held in Belgrade on May 23-24 at Palace of Serbia, Yugoslavia Hall. Over 200 representatives of CSOs that are awarded with EU funding within IPA SCF projects took part in this conference. Among 18 awarded […]

The second ENV.net partnership meeting

The second meeting of the ENV.net project is organized in Belgrade on May 21. and 22., 2013. (ENV.net is EU funded project, EuropeAid/132438/C/ACT/Multi, 2012/306-642).  Meeting is taking place in the Hotel Tulip Inn, Putnik, where representatives from the „Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development” are participating.   Minutes from the meeting are available.