Environmental security

Environmental security may be defined as the maintenance of the local and planetary biosphere as the essential support system on which all other human enterprises depend. Environmental problems occasionally cause regional political tensions and violence. That is the point of intersection of environment and security. There is a mounting concern over the extent to which environmental degradation is threatening livelihoods, health and the fulfilment of basic needs, and harming the sustainability and stability of political, social and economic systems. Environmental degradation is intensifying conflict and competition over natural resources, aggravating social tensions, and in certain volatile situations, provoking or escalating violence and conflict.

In 2008-2009, the EASD successfully implemented a project entitled “Local Environmental Security”, supported by the OSCE Mission to Serbia. The project aimed to promote a comprehensive understanding of the linkage between democracy, human security and environment. It also aimed to strengthen the capacities of local self-government bodies, CSOs and citizens to develop participatory institutional mechanisms and practical tools to identify and effectively address environmental threats at the local level.

The EASD has expertise for further activities in the field of environmental security (12) . 6th UN regional meeting on SAICM, Poland, February 2018: we participate ; We participate at UN Environment SEE Ministerial Conference “Innovative Solutions to Pollution in South East and Southern Europe”