A Guideline of EU Accession Monitoring Tools for CSOs in candidate and potential candidate countries: Chapter 27, (Authors and contributors: Andjelka Mihajlov, Natasa Zugic-Drakulic, Filip Jovanovic, Federico Bastia, Simona Pogliani, Mara Silina, Teida Shehi and Dusko Hristov), Published by Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development with the financial assistance of the EU – ENV.net project document, Belgrade January 2015
How to influence environmental policy through effective advocacy (Authors: Margherita Tolotto and Mara Silina), ENV.net Advocacy Toolkit, European Environmental Bureau, Brussels, January 2015
Climate change and challenges of the enlargement (Authors: Anja Kolmuss, Dragana Mileusnic, Zanna Vanrenterghem and Richard Filcak), ENV.net Advocacy Toolkit, European Environmental Bureau, Brussels,September 2016